One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Friday, January 4, 2013

Being Sick Equals Ruined Weekend

After being out of commission for over 3 days I'm finally feeling a little bit better. I went to the doctor last night and they informed me that I had a sinus infection. Such a lovely little thing. They gave me a high dosage of antibiotics to knock it right out. Last night I woke up a few times in a pile of sweat, so I'm pretty sure I burned it out. In a way being sick was nice, I got to enjoy a few more days off of work, without pay, but I needed to rest and get better. However, being sick does not come without its vices. The boy and I had planned for about a month now to go to Chicago this weekend. We already had a hotel booked, a list of things we wanted to see and do and I was really excited to get out of dodge for a few days. The boy called the hotel yesterday to cancel, because I was still very sick. I asked him if he could look into next weekend and he said he did but there was nothing available. So according to him the next best time to go is a whole month from now. Or possibly longer. He's supposed to come over tonight so hopefully I can convince him to check out another hotel so we can still go in the next month. I'm really getting antsy to do something outside of the city of Milwaukee. (Not to mention I was really looking forward to using my new camera my sis and bro-in-law got me for Christmas.)


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