One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Friday, August 30, 2013

Summer's End

Seriously? Where has summer gone? I feel like it just started and we are now at its end. It has been a whirlwind around here the past couple of weeks and I know I won't be able to fill you in on ALL of the details.

Do you remember back when I said I was taking a hiatus? How it was supposed to be relaxing and a time to catch up on some much needed sleep before I started my second job? Yeah well we were without power for over 2 days. And let me tell you when it's rather warm outside having air is quite nice. Now I had a choice to be upset about it all, which in the moments right after it happened, I was. But I decided to find other things to occupy my time with. It's amazing how much you take for granted all of the technology we have in our lives. After dealing with all of that craziness we finally got it back on and it was like Christmas around here.

As you know my birthday was last weekend, and unfortunately, it wasn't what I had in mind at all for my big 25th. I can never seem to get a good celebration out of any major milestone. My 21st fell on the day before classes started. My golden birthday was a dud as well. I had planned on going on a trip but that fell through when I realized I needed to save money. Boy had planned on whisking me away to a bed and breakfast, but never followed through with that plan, mainly because we were both creeped out by the floral décor. He then wound up working all weekend, which sucked. He did take me out for my birthday to a Brazilian restaurant which was delicious beyond words. I saw him a few more times that weekend just for a few hours here and there. I was supposed to go out with a group of friends on Saturday night to drink and dance, but no one seemed up for it. Perhaps that's what happens when you turn 25.

And as you all know I started my second job well over 2 weeks ago now and I feel all sorts of disheveled. I still can't seem to get a routine going as far as when to eat and when to workout and that is getting me more flustered than ever. I feel like I'm gaining more and more weight and that is making me upset. I'm not sure how much longer I can put up with having two jobs.

Here's to a 3 day weekend trip, which finds me traveling to Michigan to visit my sister and her husband.


Friday, August 23, 2013

Toast to 25 years!

There has been a lot going on recently in my life and that relaxing hiatus I told you I was taking, was basically the opposite of that. But those details I will fill you in on in a later post. Today is a time for reflection. Today is my 25th birthday. And though months ago I had grand ideas and plans for this birthday since I never got to really celebrate my 21st in style and I figure being a quarter of a century old is pretty impressive, I have absolutely no plans whatsoever.

I sit here and think about how long 25 years is. In the grand scheme of things, its nothing. I look back on 25 years of living and question how much of it was really spent 'living'. I feel most of my life I have worked and worked and worked. Or gone to school. I think about how much I wasted away when I could have taken all of this time to do something amazing. But I'm not going to get hung up on that. I have time yet to do things. I'm blessed to have lived as long as I have...growing old is a privilege denied to many. I don't think about myself as getting older, in fact I never really have. I don't feel any different than I did yesterday. I haven't noticed any grey hairs popping in or more achy joints. I have noticed a bigger lust to enjoy life. I've been so busy working 2 jobs I haven't really had time to just enjoy some me time. Time to think about what makes me happy. Even though this weekend will go by in a blink of an eye I'm hoping that I get to spend it with the people I love doing things I love. Here's to the past 25 years of life and here's to the next 25 years of life!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

It's That Time

It's that time again when I start losing my inspiration and have nothing of excitement to bring to you all. It's the same old boringness of my life. What I've done over the weekend, how work has been, etc. You get the idea. I'm not saying that my life is dull and boring, it's just that before I begin my new life with 2 jobs, I want to take every ounce of free time I have just to be dull and boring. I've been on this great high recently...maybe its the fact I will be bringing in a little more money, or the weather is great or I'm all around just happy and I want to savor that as much as possible. I know things haven't been perfect over here as of late and that's why I'm trying my best to just enjoy this time and moment.

So I'm going to be taking a little hiatus again. Just for some me/personal time, but don't you worry I've already got an idea of what I have planned coming down the pipeline. And I'm hoping by the time I return I will be on my own domain like with a .com and not a


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Welcome to August

I already feel like this month has flown by and we are less than a week into it. Unfortunately, August will fly by and summer will be gone here in Wisconsin.

Let me catch you up on what has been happening around here lately:

Saturday, boy and I went to the State Fair. As I've gotten older, I've realized how much less I like and enjoy going to the fair, but it is still a must do every summer. However, whenever the fair ends every Wisconsinite knows that summer is ending too. We went home and pretty much crashed right away.

Sunday, boy and I went to the lakefront and rented bikes and rode around our beautiful city. After hitting up the Third Ward as is traditional for us every Sunday we went home and crashed. Later in the afternoon we went to his mom's for our monthly Sunday dinner. We had tacos which was absolutely delicious. Unfortunately, I had a really bad headache most of the afternoon.

That headache spilled over into yesterday. No amount of medicine was going to knock that sucker out. I also felt like I was going to pass out. Today my head has sort of hurt on and off, but overall, it hasn't been too bad. I feel more lightheaded than anything. Either I'm dehydrated (which is sort of what I'm hoping for) or I might be seeing myself back in the hospital for some tests on my blood. You see, I'm anemic and if I'm not getting enough iron I feel light-headed and tired and tend to bruise easily which has been the case lately.

And to close out this post, I was offered a part time position at my old daycare and took it. But right now I'm concerned that I might burn myself out. 12 hour days aren't for the faint of heart for sure. I honestly don't know when I will fit in a work out or me time, but me time will come in a few months when I'm seeing the results of my hard work. Hopefully. It won't hurt to have an extra $600/month coming in. 
