One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I was mentally filling out this thing I saw about memory. There were words such as smell, touch, sound etc and you were to connect them to a specific memory. So I decided to share.

Smell- my absolute favorite season is fall so that started a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head. I remember times when I was in grade school going to the pumpkin farm and taking hay rides and I can still smell the hay. Going to corn mazes on a cool crisp fall night with the smell of the corn stalks and the smoke from a distant fire bring me back. I think the best memory is sitting a freshly cut lawn with friends from MLC watching an MLC football game. Nothing beats college football, especially in the fall.

Taste- Just a few months ago, my friend Erin came down to visit me. We decided to go to this beach bar and she ordered crab legs and I got bacon wrapped scallops. I'm not a huge seafood fan by any means and I hadn't tried scallops before, so I thought what the heck. I love bacon, so even if I hated the scallops, I still had bacon. However, I had never eaten something so delicious in my life. The bacon was just right and the scallops were so mouthwatering...I couldn't stop eating. I have never finished a whole plate of food EVER until this time. I would go back and get it again in a heartbeat.

Sight- I've seen a lot in my short 21 years of living. I have a seen a lot of natural wonders like the Grand Canyon, and no matter how many times you go, it still leaves you awestruck. I've seen historical places and being inside them or around them makes you feel rather insignificant. But I think the thing that most stands out to be is September 11th. I still to this day remember exactly where I was, who I was with, and how old I was. I remember the panic across the faces of my classmates and my teacher. I remember seeing the planes crash and the towers falling. I remember how that morning started...not a cloud in the sky. It was so perfect, but then it wasn't. I remember how I felt as it all unfolded. That sight will forever be etched into my brain.

Touch- this was hard to pick a precise memory at first, but then I remembered my family trip to Mexico and we went swimming with dolphins. I was so terrified. We got to touch them and I tried to avoid them as much as possible. I do remember that there skin was smooth and not really slimy as I had thought they would be. I wish that I would have enjoyed the experience more.

Sound- basically any concert I have ever been to with any of my friends. If not that then fireworks. To most people its just colors exploding in the sky and they have a loud sound. This is true, but with that, for me takes me back to my childhood and they dog days of summer. Fourth of July's were tradition...going to grandma and grandpa's house with aunts, uncles and cousins. We had our special spot that we sat at every year. It seemed to me as you got older you were supposed to lose interest in that sort of thing. My parents and grandparents could care less now if they see fireworks. Maybe its just the kid in me or the fact that it reminds me of the really fun and easy days of being a kid...but I will always love fireworks and will always love the 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Move-In Troubles

The time has come for me to move out of my current living arrangement at school into another place, but it hasn't come without its issues. I was very excited last weekend to find out where I will be living and knowing this is my last year of this. I had planned on moving my stuff over yesterday but that didn't go very well. Today I went back to the RA's and they tell me someone is living in the room I'm supposed to be in and they won't be out until the 31st. I have pretty much everything packed up and ready to go. But alas, I still have almost a week left before I'm allowed to move in. I just wanted to get moved in and settled before the next wave of people come in which will be the first week of August...this includes but is not limited to: band, football players, volleyball players, etc. So its going to get a little chaotic around here. At least I will be moved in before the big move in weekend. (not to jinx myself).

Although I'm a little peeved at the whole matter...I can't really change whats going on. I can however change my attitude about it and realize that life has its little hiccups and there isn't a reason I should be upset about it. I've got other things to worry about that are much more important than this!

Monday, July 26, 2010


"Change. The desire to see change in my life and in the world around me. I think that the element of change is what inspires hope. And love might be what inspires change: Gods love for us and our love for those around us. Things have to change our world is in desperate need." -Jon Foreman, from Switchfoot

I could not have said it any better myself. What I want to see in the world is change, a change for the better. I am constantly saying to myself 'I really want to make a difference.' I want to be able to change a child's life or another adults life. This past semester at school I mentored for a 5th grade boy and also volunteered at a local children's museum. I enjoyed doing each of them, but loved mentoring. The connection I made with that child will forever be a part of me. Granted, it wasn't easy at first, but I remember the day he completely trusted in me, the look on his face, the tone of his voice. But I think the greatest thing I learned was how much he changed me and perspective on life. It is amazing how one child can do that, or one person. I hope to continue mentoring when the school year starts again.

Another thing I am interested in being a part of is the American Cancer Society. I keep saying to myself I want to find a way to find a cure for cancer, but lets me honest, I'm not planning on going into any scientific lab and figuring that out, but I will help raise money so that someone else can. I can't think of any person in this world who hasn't known someone who has cancer and I for sure wouldn't want to just stand by as my loved ones fall ill to the disease.

I also have been looking into doing some volunteering at the local hospital here in the children's section. I'm not exactly sure what I will be allowed to do and it may seem daunting at first. Why would anyone want to surround themselves with a sick person? I guess the real question is it that child's fault they are sick and in the hospital to begin with? I think at times it will be hard and I'm sure I'll come home and be sad because I know that child isn't going to get better, but I want to believe that I would have made some impact on them, better yet, that they left an impact on me!

And finally, if time and school allows for me to do this, I would love to volunteer at a nursing home. Nursing homes have always creeped me out and the smell of old people gets to me. But thinking of how my grandparents are getting older and ailing and are pretty much alone now, how sad it must be for them. I would imagine in most nursing homes the old people feel sad and down and that doesn't really make living there much fun. I have to do some research on this yet and I'd for sure love to play them some tunes on the piano and play a few games of bingo!

These are all things that I want to be able to do to change me as a person, or better me and to change the world around me. I may never be recognized for what I'm doing, but I know how I will feel when I've done it!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just a Quote

So don't be afriad to make mistakes, stumble and fall, because most of the time, the greatest rewards comes from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe, you will get everything you wish for, maybe you'll get more than you could have ever imagined, who knows where life will take you. The road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination. -from OTH

Being completely alone for a whole summer gets a person to go crazy and do a lot of thinking. I think a lot about where I'm at in my life right now. I think about the past and the future. There are things in my past that I wish I would have or could have done differently, but do I regret that? No! All of those things have formed me into the person I am today. All the choices I have made ultimately lead me to where I am. Sometimes, I am completely confused as to what I am doing in South Carolina and why I took myself out of my comfort zone and away from my friends. I don't really know why God brought me to this place or for what purpose (He sure is giving me a lot of time to think about it). There are days I miss my friends like crazy and would in an instant leave here, the only thing holding me back is the fact I need to and want to finish school.

I remember first coming here and after my family dropped me off and left I cried. I didn't do that when they dropped me off at my first college for the first time, I was so ready to be independent, not that I wasn't this time either. I was afriad I was making a mistake. I was afraid that people in my life would just move on without me and forget me. I was afraid of not being able to make friends here. I wanted to leave just as soon as I got here. Thanks to One Tree Hill this quote made me realize how many risks you have to take in life. Sometimes you will fail and you can't just lay there in the dirt if you want to succeed. You have to get up dust yourself off and try again. I'm still afraid of life and whats in store for me. But if I go with God I will go confidently on down the road.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


It occured to me today that this could very well be my last year of school ever! Its so scary and exciting and very surreal! I took the liberty of counting down how many days from now until my potential graduation day and that would be 289! It is not even a full year. Then if you start taking out all of the time away from school it becomes even less! I'm really hoping this is it. I have to do some overloading and I might have to do a class next summer, but they should let me walk! After that begins my real life and I am so excited I can't wait for it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reunited and it Feels So Good

Yeah its something like that!

I have this problem and its me wanting to get in shape, eat healthier, etc. I have this love/hate relationship with exercise. Recently I have hated it and for no apparent reason...just because. I hate the vicious cycle of 'I've been working out almost every day for 3 weeks straight' and then 'oh I'm on vacation or I'm sick so I've stopped working out for a week' then it becomes hard to restart your workouts again! The past few days have been succesful. At least I like to think so. I have never really had a problem eating healthy...its my portion sizes and when I eat that has hurt me. It is not the diet I'm worried about its the go out and exercise thing. I started to do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I can't say I'm seeing results yet...but my body feels it, trust me.

Today was a turning point...a good one.

Last night, I had every intention of getting up early this morning, 6 to be exact and go for a walk/run whatever I felt in the mood for. Well the going to bed at 11:30 and not actually falling asleep until sometime after 1:30 made getting up impossible. I wound up getting up at 10 and decided I got to push myself if I want this! There is this nice walking area outside about 20 mins from where I live so I decided to head there. I started foot in front of the other. It felt good. I walked 2 miles today in the extreme heat! :/ I could have went farther but was compeltely out of water and was soaked in sweat! But through all of that I pushed just a little further. I got back to my car and felt like I havent felt in quite some time. I think I was just so bored with what I was doing before the same old things. I know I need to mix up what I do. Walking on some days, Jillian on others, strength train on some others! I think tomorrow I will get up at the time I wanted and head back to the same place. I won't be in the heat or the sun and hopefully I can get farther than today!

But these past few days have just begun a long journey to get where I want to be, the endorphines are what makes me want to come back for more. Its that feel good feeling and I love it!

Monday, July 19, 2010


I have been thinking recently about people who have inspired me. But what is inspiration? How do you determine what makes a person inspirational? Is it their overall personality and character? Is it the accomplishments they have done? Is it by simply being there? Is it someone you have known your entire life or just a short time? I think inspiration can be any of these things. I feel blessed to have known people who have inspired me to be a better person and make a difference. I think these inspirations have helped mold me into the person I am right now.

I have been inspired by many friends and family, and even some famous people. My sister and her husband have been a great inspiration in the exercising department. They both are consistently training and competing in triathalons. I have always dreamed of just doing a half marathon. The fact they can accomplish races beyond that is truly inspirational!

I think the biggest inspiration in my life to this point has been my cousin Rebecca. A year ago she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. She was just 18. She just graduated from highschool. She was looking forward to college. She should have had her whole life ahead of her and then poof it seemed as if everything was gone. However, she had this faith that could move mountains. She never questioned God and his motives. She went all in to fight this disease. There were moments it seemed she was going to make it and other times where it wasn't looking good. Then just before Easter this year she was called back to her heavenly Father. While she was in the hospital she started a fund called Cure With Hope to raise money for the children's cancer ward. The fund is still going to this day. It is amazing to see the people that she touched through her short life. She was always full of life and energy and lived each day as if it were her last. As typical for me, when stresses of every day life get me down I get sad and angry. After her death, I knew that I needed to change that attitude. It wasn't easy, but let me tell you, know more than ever I'm at peace with myself. I should be freaking out about not having a job and little money to my name. Maybe, I'm just crazy for not freaking out...but I'm very calm and know that everything is going to be ok. I have Jesus to thank for that and an inspirational girl named Rebecca.

Love you always Rebecca! You are an inspiration to more than you could ever realize and its truly amazing to see the people you have touched! There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and the things I can do to make a difference in someone's life. You are greatly missed! Keep smiling down on all of us!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New Beginning

It's been a long time coming, but I finally have started my own blog. This is more or less for me as a day to day journal. I can never keep a written journal, so I'm hoping that I can keep a blog going. I also had inspiration from my sister and her husband, both of whom have blogs and they keep it up. Personally, if people read this blog, great, if not then thats fine too! This is for me to let my feelings out and if someone happens to stumble upon it, I hope that something I say might change their lives.

I was trying to come up with a clever name for my blog and it took me awhile to think of something that applied to me. Yes, I'm the wanderer. I am currently a college student. I should have graduated at this point, but I keep changing my major and keep switching schools, so at this point, I might be a professional student. :) Actually, I'm shooting to get out by May of 2011. After that, my life is wide open. My plans are to help out at a summer camp hopefully get a little money from that. After that I'm hoping on exploring the USA road trip style. I have my journey pretty much down and will be out and about for approximately half a year. Once that is over, I will hopefully have a little more perspective on what I want to do with my life and where I want to be. Hence, the wanderer. Now most people, like my parents for example, might think that wandering is a bad idea, no job, no money, etc. However, I don't think wandering is bad if its to help you find yourself. College was supposed to help me find me, but it isn't.

J.R.R Tolkien said, "...not all who wander are lost..."