One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Friday, September 30, 2011

Whats Up?

I hate the fact that I seem to post less and less these days. My excuse, is a sad excuse, I'm too lazy. I work all day and get home between 730/8 and just want to eat food and curl up and just relax. I suppose blogging can be relaxing. I currently don't have much going on in my life except work and more of it. It's a blessing to have a job so I'm really not complaining. So since my week hasn't been overly exciting I will spare you most boring details and bring to you the highlights.

*Since Saturday it's been raining and today was the first day the sun was out for a majority of the day. However it never made it out of the 50's. Rather chilly for this time of year.

*Fall is in full blast right now. Every leaf is turning shades of yellow, orange and red and I couldn't be a happier person. (What's to come however...not so much.)

*My favorite band, Switchfoot, released another album and am pleased with the results. This is my current rank of the songs on the cd
1) Where I Belong
2) Thrive
3) Vice Verses
4) Afterlife
5) Restless
6) Souvenirs
7) The Original
8) Rise Above It
9) Dark Horses
10) Blinding Light
11) The War Inside
12) Selling the News
Just check out the songs and lyrics. Trust me you'll like!

*I try my best to remember children's quotes at work and am only recently writing them down. The best this week: I was reading a story to a group of toddlers about farm animals. We get to talking about the cow I ask them what do cows say? Answer: Mooooo. I tell them that cows make us milk to drink. One little boy's response, "No they don't, mommies make milk." Ha!

One little boy who happens to love me the most, not that I'm bragging or anything, but its true. His current favorite song to sing is Old McDonald. I sing it to him nearly everyday. I hate the song and wish it would magically disappear or never have been written into existence, but alas, it's here. Anyways, I happened to be away on my lunch break and another teacher was singing it with him and she asked him what did he have on the farm, he said a Miss Laurel. The teacher then says well what does she do on the farm? He says she says hi Nate. Ha I'm famous now, just saying. I'm going to change the lyrics just so ya'll know.

Have a marvelous night!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lets Cross Off #91

Well I can officially say that I no longer have an urge to eat Limburger cheese, aka Stinky cheese. The only way to describe what it smells like is bady body odor and thats probably putting it nicely. Now I knew going into this that the cheese smelled, but I was not ready for how bad it would smell once I opened the foil. Oooooeeeee was that bad! I owe this experience to my friend, Erin, who long story short had a chance to go to a winery (which by the way was also on my bucket list, but I didn't consider the place we went to a winery.) We also hit up the local cheese store and my heart was overjoyed when I found out they had the stinky cheese. I was jumping for joy only to be disappointed. But at least I can say I have tried it and I can die a happy woman.


Eating the stinky cheese

Yup that was "this cheese should never be eaten" face


Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Musings

Oh Monday how I loathe ye so! Why is it that people hate Monday's so much? Oh wait, I know because we just had a few days off and we have to start the work week all over again. Now don't get me wrong I love my job. Seeing the children's smiling faces always puts a smile on my face. It's just that Monday's are always so long and rarely seem to go right and you have to use all your energy to get through them. Oh I can't wait for Friday already!

Interesting tidbits of my Monday
*Woke up at 745 got dressed in a flash since I had to leave for work at 815 only to have a sweet surprise waiting on my windshield...yeah for parking ticket! :( Although I do have to say its my fault because Milwaukee has crazy rules about even and odd days you must park on different sides of the street. I didn't know what side to park on...apparently I guessed wrong. So I parked on the same side tonight, I better not get a ticket.

*I can't tell you how many noses I had to wipe today, mostly from the same child. No wonder why I was sick last week and still not 100% yet!

*Got the notification from a parent of one of the children at the daycare that her other child who does not attend the daycare has lice. Yay! Which means we could have a lice epidemic running through school.

*My break consisted of me driving down to the local Starbucks to pick up a Caramel Apple Cider, which is delish. I also ordered a bagel for my lunch. (I know so healthy.) I received my bagel first and was waiting on the cider. I sort of forgot about it since I was using the wifi, when the girl called out my order and apologized for it coming out late so she gave me a free drink card for the next time I come in. How awesome! If I would have been standing there, paying attention, I would not have gotten one.

*This sickness that I have, which has been occupying my sinus cavities as well as lungs, is getting a little old. It's mostly just sitting in my lungs, which concerns me, because I like to be able to breathe. I hope its not something like bronchitis or pneumonia. I think I would feel a lot worse if I had one of those. The Mucinex is not helping either. It's just creating this annoying dry hack and no lung cheese.

*Subway I appreciate that you let me choose what I want on my sub and how much I want, even if the amount of mayo I ask you to squeeze on is unnecessary and unhealthy.

*Nothing is better at the end of a long Monday then sitting down with a bag of candy corn and mindlessly eating it and realizing that half the bag is gone already. Good thing I got that workout in after work!

That's all my fellow blog readers!


Friday, September 16, 2011

The Downside to Independence

It has been such a crazy week and its not even finished yet. Last Friday, the girl I had been living with and her mom basically told me I had to start paying $625/month in rent otherwise I need to leave. Well that much money is ridiculous in my own opinion. I might as well be living in my own place. The idea behind me staying with them was to only be paying about $250/month so I could save enough money to move out on my own. My friend's mom could not grasp that concept. So my friend started crying because she thinks my only option is to move down to FL and I'm trying to make that my last resort. I have only been working for 2 weeks and I don't want to give up this job yet. I also want to have at least like $1200 saved before I move out and I want to be able to move in with a roommate, so I won't have to pay as much. But if I have to be alone I will find a way to make ends meet. I'm not giving up that easy. This girl is not going down without a fight. I love my job and I'm not ready to throw in the towel just because someone's mom can't understand how expensive her idea of rent is. But you live and learn and I will succeed. I will find something. I know God is not going to let me be homeless. He has a plan and I just need to trust him.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Oh the Joys...

I've been working officially for a week now and really enjoy it. I forgot how much I loved working with children in a daycare/preschool setting. It takes someone with a lot of patience to work all day with children. I mainly work with the toddlers who love to rub their boogers all over you and throw there food on the floor and kick and scream when someone looks at them, but they are amazing. But thanks to them, I am now ill. I felt a cold coming on last night and is only getting worse. I've been doing my best to keep hydrated as well as getting some vitamin C in my diet. It still sucks though. I'm more concerned about it becoming worse or giving me a hard time breathing. I figure going to bed early tonight is the safest bet and of course finding some medicine to help get rid of this little bug!


Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Thoughts

My plans for Labor Day are this simple: relax. Although I've been relaxing all weekend, so it shouldn't be too hard to do. I hopefully will get out and enjoy this wonderful fall weather we are having. Everyone is complaining about it being in the 60's. Well let me remind you that it was only a few days ago you were complaining about it being in the 90's. What do you want?

My roommate Aimee and I plan on doing some shopping today. Seen as every place has sales up the wazoo. Kohl's is 30-50% off everything in the entire store. JCPenny is 80% off everything!! So basically I'm going to hit the clearance racks and see how much damage I can do. I just hope not too many people have the same idea as us. I hope they are freezing their butts off up north in a tent somewhere. ;)

Tomorrow I start my new job, which I failed to tell the world about. I got a job at a daycare and will be working with infant/toddler and preschoolers. It's something for now to get me started. I hate sitting around on my bum all day, so this will get me doing stuff. (Besides getting some sort of income doesn't hurt either, especially with the impending student loan payoff ahead!)

My sister and her husband just recently moved into their new place in North Carolina. From what I hear they are enjoying themselves and their cute little house. I'm actually sort of jealous, because I can't wait to be in my own place and start decorating. I have recently had this desire to find old junk furniture and modernize it. I would have no idea what I would ever do with said furniture when it is complete. It's not like I have a place to store anything. I could sell it, but that might be a little hard to do.

I hope that everyone has themselves a wonderful day free from labor!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy September 1!

I can't believe its the first day of September already. It's hard to imagine we only have 4 months of 2011 left. But alas here we are.

News on the job front. I applied for approximately 10 jobs today, mostly daycares and the YMCA. I heard from one daycare already. The director said I meet the criteria they are looking for and is interested in meeting me. So I'm just waiting on her response to find out about an interview. Keeping fingers crossed. Unfortunately, it is only part time, but she says it could eventually become full time.

I had been meaning to do this for awhile. My sister had tagged me in her blog awhile bag and I wanted to share my favorite posts with you.

Most Beautiful: Times
I can't say that I personally wrote anything beautiful, but the song I have posted on there is simply amazing.

Most Popular: Cute Old Couples
With 2,963 views, none of my other posts compare to it. I guess the main reasoning behind the hits is because I stole those pics off of google, so anytime someone else wants to find a picture of cute old couples they get taken to my blog. How nice is that? haha

Most Controversial: Hands Held High
I have to say I've had a few posts that showed my anger or bitterness toward something, but this song by Linkin Park is definately quite controversial. I wrote it right around the time of the building of the mosque controversy in NYC and how America is so hypocritical. We stand for freedom of religion and if thats the case we should be okay with Muslims building a mosque near Ground Zero, but we're not because we think its bad.

Most Helpful: It's the Little Things
I don't write things that are helpful, so this one was a little hard. I decided to pick this one because it was the little thing of receiving a hug from a little boy that helped me get through one of my bad days.

Surprise Success: Fall, It's Almost Here
I was surprised that people were interested in viewing this post. Honestly, it was not one of my finer posts, but I'm glad people stopped by.

Not Enough Attention: Going Back to Childhood
I am sorry, but the excerpt from this book is down right amazing and true. We all grow up way to quickly and lose our childhood's way to easily. We are forced to grow up and change because its the norm. It's a sad world we live in, trying to push our kids to grow up to young!

Most Proud:Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser
I wrote this when I turned 22 years old. It was completely heartfelt and from my own personal experience and the things I felt over the past year. I am mighty proud of what I wrote regardless of how many people read it or not.
