One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Where to Live #19

Gosh just one place to live and why?

There are lots of places I would like to go, but I'm not sure that I'd want to live in those places. I haven't travelled enough to have found a place that I would love to live. But one place has always been a place of interest and that is New Zealand. I like the thought of living in Australia too. I figure New Zealand isn't as popular as Australia. I could easily understand what people are saying. I'm sure it would take some time to learn the culture. It's living on an island with beautiful scenery. What could possibly be better?


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Most Difficult to Forgive

I am stubborn and I will be the first to admit that to you. I don't like being wrong. I don't like changing my opinion on something. I have a hard time forgiving. It's not that I want to hold a grudge and carry on something bad for a long time, it's just in my nature. I feel I just need time to process the situation and heal from it and then forgive you for the wrong. There hasn't really been a time in my life where it was extremely hard for me to forgive someone. I try to stay away from drama and those that cause it, I feel it keeps me away from situations where I have to forgive. What I think in general is most difficult to forgive is someone who spreads rumors and then lies about it and still expects you to be their friend. I'm sorry but if you are going to tell crap about me to all of my friends and that stuff to begin with isn't true and then you lie to my face that you never said any of it, when everyone else says you did, it's way worse. Then a couple weeks later you admit to it, but have no reason why you started the rumors in the first place. That makes you a very shady person. Never again can you be trusted. I suppose that's your own fault, but you will try anyways. You will think that just because I forgive that I will forget you ever crossed that line with me. This just makes you begin to realize who your true friends are. It also taught me not to give my trust away so easily. Word of advice: don't cross me!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Starbucks Hello

Gosh has it really been that long since my last post? Sorry. I also don't have the next number activity to do on me. I'm at Starbucks enjoying the 80 degree weather here in WI, drinking a Java Chip Frap. Yummy! I've been so busy over the past few weeks, I feel like I haven't even caught a breath. I joined a volleyball league for the summertime with girls from work and that happens every Thursday. Every weekend I seem to have some family get together or activity. I'm busy with work and meetings. I will also start babysitting every Monday pretty soon and I might have another babysitting gig which would also be one day a week. I also still amazingly find time to work out even if it's for a 20 minute run/walk. I also have to schedule a routine check-up for work and am trying to figure out when to squeeze that in. I also want to enjoy the summer weather that I think is officially here to stay. I've got a lot of plans for the summer. Alex and I are doing this Milwaukee challenge that was on facebook and we decided to cross as much as we can off the list this summer and document it along the way. I figure it's always great for date ideas. Not that we will run out or anything. We have a lot of festivals and fairs to go to, to cross some things off of our list. We need to eat fried things on a stick at the state fair. There are a few things we can't do on the list like the polar bear plunge attend a Milwaukee Bucks game. Although each of us have done some stuff on the list we wanted to do them together. Good idea I think. I'm also trying to come up with something for our 3 month anniversary this Saturday. It's supposed to be really nice out and I want to do a picnic with him. I just have to think of what food would be good, get a basket, blanket, perhaps a bottle of wine and a great place to have a picnic, thats sort of romantic. Suggestions are always welcome. Anyways, thats just a little update of my life. I'm so excited tor the summer and all my activities I have planned. It will be awesome!!!


Monday, May 7, 2012

Most Great At

#17- What is the one thing you wish you were most great at?

There are a lot of things I wish I were great at or better at. I wish I had more confidence when meeting people for the first time. I wish I were more outgoing. I wish I were smarter. But the biggest thing is to be more creative or better at art. I have a lot of cool ideas floating in my head, but when I try to put it out onto paper it doesn't quite look how I want it. I wish I weren't so judgmental of my own work, but I know it's not all that good.

I know this is short and sweet. Thats all it needs to be!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5 Greatest Accomplishments

It's really hard as a 23 year old to list my 5 greatest accomplishments in life. I feel like there is a lot that I have accomplished, but they aren't that great. I also feel like I have so much more to do yet. I feel on that list I would have getting married and having a child. Well here goes nothing...

1. The most obvious answer is graduate from college. For those of you who have read and kept up with me know that it was definately a long time coming. I officially received a diploma in December of 2011 and haven't looked back. I never walked across the stage to accept my diploma since I was no longer in South Carolina. I don't really regret it. I wouldn't have wanted to go back anyways. But this by far was my greatest accomplishment. I was the one who had to learn and grow and figure things out.

2. Hiking the Grand Canyon...twice. All the way down to the bottom and all the way back to the top in 3 days...twice. The first time I went was my senior year of highschool. 10 of us went on a class trip there and had a ball of a time. I really enjoyed going down with friends from school. The second time I went with just my dad. I had a good time with him too, but there is only so much time you can stand being alone with nothing to do, with your father. But I can say it was a good bonding time. Seriously though if you ever get a chance to go, go. It will change your life forever. Pictures don't do it justice. The stars...well you just have to go and see for yourself.

3. Bettering myself. This sort of ties in with number 1. Going away to college made me change my view on life. I had a lot to discover and understand and learn. I also learned a lot after the passing of my cousin. She lived life in such a way that if she were to die, she knew she lived life to the fullest and with the best attitude regardless of the situation. I was sick of being so negative about everything, I knew living life like that wasn't going to get me anywhere. So I had to make a change and I found the positives even in the difficult times.

4. Losing 30 pounds. It's hard to believe I let my weight creep up like that and skyrocket to 165 pounds. On my 5'2" frame it was easy to see where all the fat sat. I still have some work to do. I want to get to 125, but I know they all say the last 5-10 pounds is always the hardest. I'm just proud of myself for sticking with it and seeing the numbers go down and down. I did it the right way, eating right and exercising. Now exercising has become a major part of my life, where I don't like skipping a day of working out.

5. This is more of a cop out answer, but I'm really stumped for accomplishments, I completed the Insanity workout from start to finish. I have actually done it twice all the way through and have never felt so good. The energy, the strength, the muscles I never knew I had. I'm happy I did it. Give it a try if you are ready to get insane!!
