One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Good-bye July

It's crazy to think its the last day of July! One month of summer. One month to exhaust all of the fun activities of summer. One month to enjoy the true warmth and heat that Wisconsin has to offer. And August is going to be a great one. More festivals. More family time. And of course the big 2-5 for me!

It's time to say goodbye to July. Time to recap on some of the highlights of the month.

*I moved into my new place. Which has been nothing short of enjoyable. What a blessing it has been to have these two great people in my life.

*4th of July celebrations were spent with boy's family. Plenty of time out in the sun and beach. First time at the Rosebud Theater and Il Mito.

*Polish Fest, Festa Italiana and Germanfest with the boy. All very funny and all had delicious food. Nothing beat having authentic cuisine.

*Brady Street Festival- for those of you who don't know, Brady Street is the main street on the east side of MKE. It is very bohemian/hippie chic. There are lots of eclectic bars and restaurants. The festival was a one day event with local bands and local food. With lots of uniquely dressed people and plenty of college students.

*One week of sizzling hot and humid weather turned very quickly into one of the coldest weekends I can recall for a July.

*Dinner with my family, got to see my dad for the first time in over a year and my Uncle Martin who lives in New Hampshire. My dad is moving back to WI but about 4 hours north of me.

*Car to drop about $500 to get it fixed.

*Hours being cut at work, sucked. But God somehow has his way of showing whats best. And now I'm going to be working 2 jobs. Bringing an extra $600/month.

Overall, a month full of ups and downs. A month definitely of learning and growing. I gained a lot of patience and trust. I'm looking forward to what August has to bring. I hope its nothing short of awesome!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Iphone Dump

I've never done one of these before...never really thought about it. But now that I've gradually accumulated quite a bit of photos I'd thought I'd share some with you.

1. Roommate lovin'.
2. Petting sting rays at the zoo
3. Peacock showing off
4. Ferrari my future car, at Festa Italiana
5. Ancient stamp dispenser at an antique store in the Third Ward
6. Giraffes are the best
7. Caribou
8. Pewaukee Lake with the boy

Friday, July 19, 2013

Blah Days

Do you ever have those days where nothing was terribly wrong, but you felt like the lowest piece of crap on planet earth for no apparent reason? And you schlup around feeling sorry for yourself just trying to figure out anything that will shake the blahs? Yeah today was one of those days for me. I was relatively fine this morning and then right around noon I was like meh I don't feel like being happy anymore. Nothing triggered this sudden change of emotion. I did leave work early again and maybe that was some underlying thought in my head. I came home worked out and took a nice hot shower. That didn't seem to help. I kind of fell asleep. That didn't help. Then boy came over to take me to drop my car off to get fixed and just like that my mood changed. Simply seeing him after I haven't seen him for a week was just the thing I needed to help me get through this blah feeling. However, he is gone again and the high I was sort of feeling is nearly gone. Hopefully, a nice rest will help.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Perhaps A Turning Point

Life isn't easy. Period. I've known this for a very long time. I've been knocked down and it sucks, but I stand up stronger than before. It's called being resilient. You know how I told you I was in the hunt for a new/better job? And I feel that every job I've applied to has rejected me. Well today I received 2 phone calls from 2 companies who are interested in ME! I don't want to get over excited as if I already have the job, but it feels good to finally have some recognition. I'm hoping to do these interviews next week some time. Here's to a new chapter in my life?


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Just Thoughts

Honestly, my head only thinks of one thing these days and that is finding another job. The stress of it all is driving me crazy. I feel like even though I went to college I don't have enough experience in any profession, other than education, that I'm never going to be selected for an interview. I know if I keep thinking like that it won't get me anywhere. I just feel for some people, everything comes so easy for them, while I have to sit over here everyday work my ass off, come home fill out 10-15 applications a day and hoping that someone, somewhere will give me a chance. I've gotten enough rejection notices via email from enough companies that my ego is bruised and my determination to keep on trying is nearly gone. Everybody keeps saying, you have to keep trying and eventually something will come up and it will be the best thing for you. Will it be?

Maybe it is time to go back to school after all and get my Master's.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sarah's Birthday Bash

It has been awhile since I've gone out with a group of girls. It is my roommate/coworker Sarah's 25th birthday this weekend so we decided to go out last night. She wanted a drama free and drunken night and for the most part that's what she got. We did have a little drama with another coworker who was supposed to come with us but she decided she was going to freak out about going out since she never has. We basically told her to stay home and she did.

We did a little pre-gaming I had a few sips of vodka and coke, but wasn't really digging it. We didn't actually leave our place until 1030 and got downtown Milwaukee around 1100. Honestly, I was quite disappointed in the city of MKE. It was really dead. The bars were barely packed if there were any people in them at all. Which I actually didn't mind as the night went on. We started out at Red Rock Saloon which is a country bar. We lasted there for about 45 minutes before we decided to hit up Coyote Ugly. Which yes if you have seen the movie its exactly what you think...women can dance on the bar. Which is exactly what we did. Sarah's other friends needed some more coaxing. After being there for about an hour we moved on to Trinity. Now that place was packed, but we didn't last there very long. Sarah was so far gone at this point. So her fiancé and I took her back home. We stopped a few times so she could puke, most of which landed in the car. We made it home and we were up for about another hour trying to feed her, dress her and get her into bed.

All in all, I think she had a great night.

Happy Birthday Sarah!


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Stress Free Week

Haha if only that were true.

This week has been anything but stress free and I'm not even done with it yet. First of all my car has been leaking some sort of fluid and most likely its coolant so something related to the radiator. The guy told me today that it could cost me around $400 to get whatever is wrong with it fixed. So I have an appointment on Friday to get my car looked at, nothing fixed yet. Luckily, living so close to people from work and the boy I'm not too worried being without my car. I can still get places. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of money just laying around, especially with my hours being drastically cut at work. I thought living where I am now would allow me to be saving more money, but I feel as if I'm losing more than I'm gaining.

That has been another stressor: work. My hours are being cut really bad, that I'm barely still full time. I keep getting yelled at or criticized of the way I do things. Never EVER in all my years of working have I dealt with so much bullshit than I do here. It really sucks. I'm ready for a 40 hour work week and a car that works well. And possibly a new job. I've applied to quite a few and I'm ready for just about anything.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Holiday Weekend Recap

Thursday through yesterday was spent over at boy's house. That was a real test of our relationship. Needless to say we had more than our fair share of petty arguments, but I knew I was having an off time and that really wasn't fair to him. If I could go back and rewind time I would. Anyways overall it was a good weekend.

On the 4th of July we went to the beach for a few hours to get some sun. Everyone else had the same idea. Early afternoon we headed to his mom's for an early dinner which was delicious. After her place we went to boy's dad's side of the family's get together. We only stayed for about 20 minutes because according to boy I had an attitude. Which I guess I sort of did. We talked it out though. And that was that.

On Friday we both had to work. I only worked 3 hours before I came back and feel asleep for 3 hours. I watched about 3 hours of Sons of Anarchy before boy came home. He wasn't feeling so great so I let him rest a little. He had a special date planned to go to the Rosebud Theater to see the Lone Ranger. The movie itself sucked horribly, but the theater was a nice little romantic spot. The only seating inside are loveseats. We got a collectors glass with the name on it to take home.

On Saturday boy had to work for awhile in the morning, but I mainly just slept. I then when to the beach by myself for a few hours, but it was really hot and sticky out and I was just not feeling it by about 1 so I left. Boy was home and we went downtown Waukesha and just walked around. We went into and old 60's diner and boy ordered a shake. I just got water. We headed back home and hung out for a few hours before we went to dinner at Il Mito. A great Italian place. I highly recommend it. We would never usually go to a place like this but since boy lost a bet to me...I chose to go here. And we were not disappointed. After our dinner we headed over to one of his friends places for a bonfire before he headed back to Minnesota. That was pretty fun to hear stories from boy's high school days.

On Sunday...well it didn't start off that great. We butted heads and things were said that probably shouldn't have been said. But we apologized for them and we realized that we are going to have bad days together and we will fight and we will get through it. We met up with another friend of his later that day to go to a trampoline park called Helium which was a lot of fun, but I'm definitely sore today. After that we went to the grocery store for some dinner items and headed home and caught up on some more tv.

It was quite a busy weekend, and it had its ups and downs, but it was all worth it. I love boy with all my heart no matter what. He is coming over tomorrow for dinner and to check out what I've done with the new place. (Nothing. That's what.)


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Just A little Catchin Up

Well I'm moved in, but it didn't come without its problems. Those stories for another time. I still am not all the way unpacked, because the walk-in closet isn't cleared yet. But I don't want to be a pesky roommate with a lot of demands. So I can wait a few more days. A part of me doesn't even want to unpack, because I feel like in a few months I will have to repack it all. But for the most part things are looking good.

Work has sucked a bunch this past week...and its only Tuesday. That should tell you something. My hours have been drastically cut and that's not a good thing at all. I was almost going to go home at 10 but luckily the AD found some things for me to do and I was at least able to work til 1230. Not my scheduled time of 2, but its better than only getting 4 hours in. Needless, to say the job search is on in full force again. Need to get a better paying job, or these bills are never going to get paid and finding my own place to live is never going to happen.

Last night I caught up with a dear friend of mine, Aimee. We had drinks and dinner at La Fuentes which is a great Mexican place. I had my fill of chips and salsa and then burrito's. So delicious. It was good catching up with her.

Since I will most likely not be posting until after the 4th have a great holiday!
