One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Little Break

I know I haven't been writing much recently and I'm sorry for that. I've gotten caught up in a lot of random stuff and haven't really had time. I also realize I'm sort of running out of steam on this here blog and have decided to take a little hiatus. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone. I need time to get back to me and my life outside of this. I need to get back to creativity and awesome thoughts. I need to get my blogging juices flowing again. I may not be able to promise a time of my return, but I can promise new things are coming down the chute. I can promise more of the same old me, my sarcasm and wit along with life lessons. But for now I need to take a break from it all.

Be back when the time is right!


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thoughts on Turning 25

Folks, I'm nowhere near turning the big quarter of a century old yet...I've got about 5 months to go, but last night I celebrated one of my good friends 25th birthday. It was a very chill night, compared to our usual nights together, where we get very drunk and do some pretty crazy things. Last night it was really just her and I until about 1am, when another friend of hers came. We had a few drinks, reminisced about the old times we've drank together in our younger days, and performed a few karaoke songs (actually she did that, I don't sing in front of others.) At about midnight I began to realize something I'm old. No, I'm not 90 old, just 24.5 old. I could barely keep my eyes open and the bar was darn near dead at this point. I realized the days of staying out til bar close are darn near impossible at this age. I suppose I could be saying last night was more or less just a fluke and I didn't drink nearly enough to compete with previous years of celebrations. And maybe that's what I'm hoping for...a fluke. I've got grand ideas for what I want to do with my 25th birthday since it happens to fall on a Friday this year and I'm so taking off for it. I mean 25 is a big milestone in my book. At that point I only have 75 more years to go to be 100. How cool would that be? It means that I can do everything...finally. I'm actually considered an adult now because at this age I can rent a car. There is nothing else in my way.

25 years is not really that old in the grand scheme of things and its crazy to think I've lived that long. As I look back though, time has really flown by. Anyways, when I turn 25 there will be a post about reflections so I'm not going to do that here. Cheers to 25!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Catching Up

This has been a crazy week. I've been easily irritated for whatever reason. I've been trying not to let it get to me, but every once in awhile you can't really help it. I feel much better after working out, the nice hot shower and the 55 degree weather.

Let me catch you up on a little bit of what has happened this week. I've been talking a lot more with ex-boy and hanging out with him more. We went out to dinner on Saturday at El Beso. On Tuesday we went to the Brewers game and had dinner. We had seats about 3 rows up from the field by third base. It was good company and I'm glad we got to spend time together. We've been a little distant communicating the past couple of days but that's ok.

Today at work since it was so gorgeous out I left my sunroof open only to find it stuffed full of toys from work. Well played boss, well played. But watch your back...paybacks a bitch!

Look how close we were!

Panoramic view

Never leave it open

Yup the toys


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Somewhere I'd Like to Move to Or Visit

As you all may have guessed I want to go EVERYWHERE!!! It is hard for me to figure out one place I'd like to visit right at this moment. Let alone move to. But...if I could pick a place to move to right now...I've been feeling this itch to move to Costa Rica. Don't ask me why. I can't speak Spanish to save my life, but I just want to be out of this country, but not too far and in a place that is warm and tropical. So if anyone has a job there or can buy me a ticket to visit I would be eternally grateful!
