One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Saturday, March 31, 2012

10 Influences

I'm supposed to figure out 10 people who have influenced me in my life somehow. I would like to think I could come up with 10 people, but I can't. I do believe that everyone you ever come in contact with has influenced you in some way. Most people in your life are just people you have little contact with and are insignificant after a certain point. There are other people who you consider friends or they were at one point and for some reason you aren't friends anymore. You realize you are different and have nothing in common. Then of course you have a permanent group of people, your family, who you had no choice in getting to know. Some people push us to be the people we are today others show us exactly who we don't want to be. You can thanks both sides equally. There have been many people in my life that I realized were only meant to be in my life for a short amount of time, but had an impact on my life in some capacity and so no matter whether the person was good or bad, I thank you. I thank you for being in my life to show me who I am and make me a better person.

As I've said, I can't think of 10 specific people who have influenced me, but I have thought of 5.

1. Rebecca Tabat. I figured she deserved the top spot. She is my cousin who was taken from this world way to early. At age 19, she succumbed to cancer. But even after death she continues to change the world. She started a fund called Cure With Hope and it's been doing very well. She was such a positive girl through all of the treatments and severe pain. She never blamed anyone for her disease. I believe she had the biggest influence on me in recent years. I was not always the most positive person and I lived too much in the past, focusing on mistakes or regrets. I realized I wasn't living. I saw my cousin have her life robbed by a horrible disease, yet she took it so lightly and she was generally always happy. I took that attitude and ran with it. I can say because of her I have changed my view and outlook on life. I live for the here and now. I don't look back. I am enjoying each and everyday. I only get this one life and I want to enjoy it while I'm here, because none of us will make it out alive.

2. Todd Russ. He was my teacher and principal for many years while I was in grade school. He was the one that pushed me to try MLC and he was the biggest reason why I never wanted to leave. I thought if I left I would be letting him down and would disappoint him. It took me a long time to realize that it should never have been about him. It was my decision to leave, not his. No matter how much I know he was excited for me to be there. I do know that he would have been happy with any decision I made. He prepped me for life and taught me a lot and could never thank him enough for ultimately making me realize where I needed to be.

3. Rachelle Berry. Yes, it's rather sad I have to choose my sister as an influence in my life, considering in our early years, she didn't have much of an influence over me, other than that I wanted to be just like her. But seriously, I pick her as an influence for her more recent achievements and those are her marathons and triatholons. It takes an unbelievable amount of stamina and energy and strength to do those. I give props to anyone who does them you all honestly have a gift. I have finally wanted to start pushing my body the way she pushes hers. She has influenced me to take better care of my body and workout more. I am looking forward to start training for my first 1/2 marathon all thanks to her.

4. My parents. Again, it's probably cheating to have my parents listed as an influence, but I don't care what you think. It took me until college to realize how much my parents had to sacrifice for me and my siblings to have a good life. I realize how hard it is to be an independent, responsible adult. I give them all the credit in the world for where I'm at. If they wouldn't have pushed me in sports or in school, I may not be where I am today. On the other hand, there were things my parents did that I would never do, or do things differently than they did.

5. A friend from grade school who shall not be named who influenced me to not be like her. For the longest time I thought we'd be friends forever, but as I got older, I realized how two-faced she was. She always put on one persona for the world to see, but then behind closed doors with our small group of friends she acted completely different. People rarely saw that side of her, they saw the good Christian girl. After I was not invited to her wedding last year, I finally came to the conclusion we are no longer friends. I had known her since kindergarten but apparently that didn't matter. I realized everything we ever had was just a show or fake. She never really cared for me. It was more of an obligation, like she had to be my friend. But I look at her now and wish her nothing but the best for her life, because I'm much better off without her. My life is much happier than dealing with her drama. So I thank you for showing me how not to be a friend and how to be a real person.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

8. Passions

What are my top 5 passions?

1. God. Even though over the past year my church attendance has basically been non-existent, doesn't mean I don't believe in God. I know worshipping with others only strengthens your faith. I try to keep God at the forefront of everything I do. I want him to guide me and lead me to where he wants me. Fully trusting in him you can never go wrong in life.

2. Children. As if I haven't said in enough posts before this, I love working with children. I love their innocence. I once read somewhere that a child's laugh is the purest sound and it is so true. Children also have the craziest things to say. There is never a dull moment when working with the young ones. There is nothing I love more than seeing them accomplish something on their own that they've worked so hard to achieve.

3. Travel. Although I haven't done much international travel, I'm itching to get out of America and explore what lies beyond these shores. I have done quite a bit of travel in the states and I'm still bound and determined to visit all 50 states. I feel that even the states I've been to, I haven't explored to the limit. I'm eager to learn and discover things about myself and other cultures.

4. Exercise. As a child I never really thought about the sports I played as exercise, but they were. Then when I got to highschool, I never participated in sports. When I got to college, I didn't play sports, but I did intramurals and started working out in the weight room. Eventually, I got back on track and enjoyed working out. I've been doing the Insanity program because it's fun and it works. I'm also trying to find a good program to help me train for my first half-marathon. There is no greater feeling than having all those endorphines coursing through my body after I workout. I feel more alive and energized!

5. Health. I realize that this ties in with exercise as well. I have a health promotion minor and have never really put it to use and would certainly like to sometime. Recently, I've been watching a lot of health documentaries about foods that we eat and how they are processed and what the people don't see. How we can change our health and reverse chronic diseases by eating the right foods and spend less time at the doctors. This is what I want to do, be able to help people understand they can change their lives and their health. I want them to understand that eating less processed foods will do wonders for their lives. It's amazing how simple and easy that is, yet none of us do it. Why? I could go on and on because I love this topic a lot!


Monday, March 26, 2012

7. Dream Job

What is my dream job and why?

I can't say I have a specific job in mind. Anything that would allow me to travel as much as I please to where I please, helping children first, but others as well. I want to make a difference as much as I can. If anyone knows of a job that fits both of those descriptions I would love to hear it.

Why would this be my dream job? It ties both of my super passions into one. I want to travel and make a difference. If I could do this for the rest of my life, I would be the happiest person on the planet.

Yes, this was short and sweet and to the point.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hardest Experience

I can't say there has been something that has been the hardest experience of my life. I've had a lot of difficult times, and when they were happening, I thought it was the hardest thing ever, but looking back on it, it really wasn't. I've lost some family members and those were hard times, but I've gotten over it. I've learned to fight through the pain. I still miss them, but know they are in a much better place. I'm just lucky I haven't lost anyone in my immediate family and then maybe I could say thats the hardest. I thought changing schools and not knowing what I want to do with my life and being screwed over multiple times was the hardest thing I've gone through, and although it was hard, especially at the time, it made me a better and stronger person for it. I also could say my parents divorce was hard, but in reality I saw it coming months earlier, it was just a matter of it happening and being real. It still wasn't easy to hear that my parents of close to 30 years of marriage decided to call it quits, but I got through that pain also. This topic is hard for me because I can't say anything in my life has been the hardest to go through. Every difficult thing I have gone through has made me better. I have learned more about life and myself through trial and error and these situations. I am very fortunate to say that I didn't have to grow up with only 1 parent, or have a horrible disease, had a parent or sibling die, get in a horrible car accident, or do drugs that in turn left me in a worse situation. I have been blessed and I really do my best to look at the postives in life, rather than the negatives.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

5 Things Making Me Happy

The 5 things that are making me happy right now at this time in my life, hmmmm.

1. My boyfriend, Alex, who has done nothing but treat me in ways I don't deserve. I guess that right there is a sign of a good man. He is always surprising me. He makes me laugh and smile. He says I'm beautiful even when I don't feel like I am. The best is when he says that when I have no make-up on and I'm in sweats. He gets me things I didn't even ask for and for no reason. For example, he is going to be super busy the next 2 weeks or so and he made me this box of goodies to use for when I get lonely and need to remember him. I'm blessed to have him in my life and I'm so excited to see where this goes.

2. The weather. The warm weather. The I can't believe its the middle/end of March and its 80 degrees in Wisconsin kind of weather. The weather where you can be outside and soaking in the sun without a coat and you can sport your daisy dukes. It's been gorgeous and sunny and winter is over as far as I'm concerned and that makes me very happy!

3. The children I work with continue to amaze and surprise me. A little boy at work told me today, out of the blue that he loved me. I smiled and said, well I love you too. He responded by saying, well only just a little I love you. It's those little things that are said that get me through the day and remind me why I love working with kids. There is no greater joy than knowing you have their trust.

4. Getting to spend time tomorrow night with one of my best friends, Aimee. I haven't seen her since the end of January and we are well overdue for a date night. I feel like she has missed out on so much of my life and she has. When I'm with her there is nothing I can't talk to her about. I've only known her for about 3 years, but I trust her completely. Hanging out with her is always a great time, we eat, we drink, we laugh and act crazy. This hangout tomorrow night is making me super excited for another great night in the chapter of us.

5. Working out always makes my mood better. I've been running more and I try to run a little farther everyday. I want to be able to do a half marathon come the end of June. I'm going to need some training with that, but it's definately doable. Working out and eating right make me feel good about myself and that in turn makes me happy.

Basically, I have nothing to complain about in my life right now. I'm blessed with so much right now that not even the negatives can bring me down. I'm dancing on a cloud people and I'm not afraid to let you know it!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

10 Things

Number 4 tells me I need to come up with 10 things I would tell my 16 year old self if I could. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be. It was only 7 years ago I was 16, but I barely remember what I was like or what I was doing, other than being your typical highschooler. So here it goes:

1. Enjoy the here and now while you can. Enjoy your friends and your freedom of still being a child. Stop and smell the roses once in awhile, because you can't ever get these days back.

2. Save your money!!!

3. Be more respectful to your parents. You don't realize the sacrifices they made for you, so you could have a better life than they did.

4. Take the opportunities you are given and run far with them. Those opportunities come along once in a blue moon. You will never know what they will teach you. Either it opens new doors or it makes you realize that it wasn't right for you.

5. Say I love you as much as you can to those you love.

6. Never take what you have for granted. You are blessed with many things and talents. Use them wisely.

7. You will take many chances in your college career, so be prepared for that. Understand, though, that the choices you make are making you stronger, even though it may not seem like it at the time.

8. Keep physically fit and active. It only gets harder as you get older.

9. Love yourself. Know who you are. Respect that and be okay with that. Don't let others' opinions of you make you change. Be yourself.

10. You are going to be a strong, independent, hard-working, loving, kind, smart, beautiful, loved woman. You just have to get there first. The road isn't easy, but it's so worth it.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sorry I have not been on top of things recently. I've been pretty busy enjoying the crazy warm weather here. It's more summer, than spring. Anyways my next topic out of my list of 30 is to describe my relationship with my parents. For the most part I'd have to say I've gotten along with both my mom and dad. Of course, we also have had our differences and voiced them accordingly. Up until a few months ago, my parents were married, but having trouble and I saw the divorce coming. I didn't know what kind of strain, if any, it would put on either of my relationships with my parents. It was hard, because I heard different sides to the situation and I wanted to believe both of them, but I decided to take out that whole element and focus on the fact that my parents are living and well.

Individually, my relationship with my dad has generally always been good. We fought til the bitter end about stupid stuff, with me always succumbing to my dad and his authority. But I will always be a daddy's girl. I looked up to him for a lot of advice. He was a gentle soul and was always kind. He always looked for the best in people and really worked hard for the family. I never really appreciated the sacrifices he made, as well as my mom, until the past year. I will always remember the times he spent playing with us kids, or reading books, or simply being there. My dad still calls me his favorite little girl. That is something that only him and I share, that he doesn't with my other siblings.

My relationship with my mother has been more strained in the past few years. I think our personalities are too similar and that causes us to butt heads a lot. I also think that working with her for many years put more strain on the relationship. I was a little rebel child and I don't think my mom was deserving of the way I treated her. I was always afraid to talk to her or ask her personal questions, because she wasn't that type of person to me. I was more afraid of her telling someone else about it. She and I have had our fights for sure and I thought for the longest time nothing would ever fix our relationship. I'm still unsure of where we stand with each other, but I think the distance and space has helped. I guess time will tell where we end up. But I know I want to have a relationship with her that isn't awkward.

Tune in next time.


Friday, March 16, 2012

3 Fears

Sorry I did not post yesterday I was preoccupied with a certain boy.

Anyways, fears. Legitmate fears. There are many things I would say I'm fearful of: spiders, heights, having cancer, small spaces, elevators getting stuck with me inside, you know the stuff everyone is afraid of, but I didn't want to focus on those fears. I couldn't even tell you how I got those fears, just born with them I suppose.

1. The unknown. Duh. This covers basically everything in my life. I'm afraid of the future and the things that lie ahead for me. Am I going to get married? Have a family? Be financially stable? Will I be able to travel the world like I've always wanted to? I see myself with this amazing guy right now and my mind and perspective on life has changed to us, not me. I'm not sure what I did to get this fear. I think everyone is afraid of the unknown. It's just how you handle that fear that makes you different. I don't live in the future. I live in the here and now. If I was always constantly worrying about the unknown I wouldn't be living my life.

2. Not fitting in/being accepted in society. It's everyone's goal to be an accepted member of society and viewed as an amazing human being. We all wanted to be the popular kid in highschool. But our personalities are so different it doesn't allow us to be. I've generally been a shy kid. Once I got to know someone I was able to open up to them, but because I didn't open up right away I felt that sometimes people thought I was weird. But I've grown used to being shy and quiet, but I'm always willing to meet other people and talk to them, regardless of what they think. If they don't like me for who I am they don't deserve to be in my life.

3. Public speaking is my final fear. For someone who majored in Communication, you would think that this should be something that comes naturally. I've been told that I am a good public speaker, but let me tell you just because I'm good at it, doesn't mean I like it or not fearful of it. The process leading up to a speech sucks. The nervousness, sweats, butterflies in your stomach and not being able to eat or take your mind off of it is the worst. If you read number 2 above you understand my problem here, I'm not super outgoing and I'm shy, so putting me in front of other people is not exactly my cup of tea.

Fears, we all have them. Sometimes the only way to conquer your fear is to face them.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

20 Random Facts

As promised I am sharing 20 random facts about me. (Side note: awkward moment today I was sitting on the toilet and was reaching for the toilet paper when I realized there was no toilet paper there I looked beneath the cabinet and there was none left. So what does one do? Run downstairs really fast to the bathroom and wipe down there. Thank God no one was home.)

1. After doing laundry today and pulling out the lint trap I've decided I don't like touching lint. It creeps me out.

2. Relating somewhat to number 1 I am sort of a neat freak. I'm not terribly organized, but I'm clean and everything has its place. If something is out of place it drives me crazy.

3. My lucky number is 3. I have no idea why. Maybe it's the 3rd times a charm saying.

4. I'm anemic. I have been since I was a freshman in highschool. I'm an asthmatic. I have been since birth. The first few years of life it was pretty bad, but as I got older it got better. Now it comes and goes. Some days its worse than others. I'm also allergic to anything and everything under the sun.

5. I have done the Insanity workout in its entirety twice and have lost 30 pounds from just the workout, not even following the food plan. I have actually restarted it today. Gosh I love that program.

6. I have a shoe fetish. What can I say? If I could own every adorable shoe in the world, you better believe I would. I used to have at least 20 pairs of flip flops in different colors and styles, but have wittled that down to about 7.

7. I went to 3 different colleges. One in Minnesota, one in Wisconsin and one in South Carolina. Yes one of those states is not like the other and that was a blessing in disguise.

8. My parents recently got divorced and thats a topic I will touch on in a later post. It was not easy to take at first, but I knew it was coming. I also was glad to be thousands of miles away from where they are, so I wouldn't have to deal with it first hand.

9. Music is food to my soul. Without it, I don't think I could live. I love almost every genre of music, except really old country twangy stuff. Everyday I'm in the mood to listen to something different. I grew up playing piano and singing in choir so I have an appreciation for all types of music.

10. I grew up in the Lutheran faith and I was very strong in it up until about a year ago. It's not that I have a problem with the church, I just sort of stopped going. I always think oh I should go to church this Sunday, but then never do. I very much believe in God and Jesus. I just don't show it as much as  I should.

11. I have a bucket list, feel free to check it out, in which I plan on completing it all!

12. I love nail polish. It's much like my love of shoes. I always need to have my toes painted and almost always need to have my fingers done. I love finding unique shades, but unfortunately they don't usually match any of my clothes.

13. I have an older sister who is married and currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and puppy Stanley. I have a younger brother who is currently attending the University of Kansas and studying to become a storm chaser.

14. My least favorite activity to do is laundry. I will do any other household chore but that. It's such a pain to carry the load down 2 flights of stairs and then separate everything. It's just way to time consuming.

15. My favorite season is fall. I love the feeling I get walking in the cooler weather and the leaves are falling and changing color. The smells of the season, whether it is indoors or outdoors, it is the best. The feeling of warmth I get when spending time with loved ones during the holidays.

16. I do not have a sweet tooth. I'm not sure I ever had when I was growing up. Don't get me wrong, I crave something sweet every once in awhile, but I'm so much more interested in salty snacks.

17. I have become more and more of a health nut. I don't buy junk food or soda. I figure if its not in the house, I won't be tempted to eat it.

18. I am a super deep sleeper. I'm pretty sure if fire alarms went off I would die because I wouldn't hear them. I always have the most bizzare dreams because of how deeply I sleep.

19. The only 2 jobs I've really ever had were working with children in some capacity and doing inventory for my mom's business.

20. Finally, we've made it to the last one. I've decided that I can't think of random facts about me. Thats another random fact. I actually do have one last one and its that I have a crazy good memory for random stuff. I remember random facts, days/dates, etc. I'm not really sure how I got that, but it's definately pretty cool.

I hope you all enjoyed reading random facts about me. I hope this post gets you thinking about your own randomness!


First things first

Don't worry everyone, I will get to doing my list of 30 questions/topics later on tonight. I didn't think coming up with 20 random facts about me and explanations would be so hard, but they are. I will get back to you on those, I promise. But first things first, I could not ask for a more beautiful spring day in Wisconsin. I can't even really say spring because it was nearly 80 today! I got a nice run/walk in and chased children around all day. How amazing is that?! I continually get to make people smile and my coworkers fight over me because of how amazing I am. Me feels a change in the wind says I! Haha. Right now I'm off to hang out with one of my coworkers, who I never get to see because of my shift change. Ahhh I'm loving life!

20 facts coming your way in approx 3 hours!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Trying Something New

I stumbled upon this idea while perusing pinterest. I then looked further into the idea on the original blog. I decided I am going to give it a try. There are 30 questions to answer. The idea is to share your answers honestly and give reasons why. Here is the list that I shall begin tomorrow:

1. List 20 random facts about yourself
2. Describe 3 legitmate fears you have and explain how they became fears
3. Describe your relationship with your parents
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year old self, if you could
5. What are the 5 things that make you the most happy right now
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced
7. What is your dream job and why
8. What are 5 passions you have
9. List 10 people who influenced you and describe how
10. Describe your most embarassing moment
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have
12. Describe a typical day in your current life
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have
14. Describe 5 strengths you have
15. If you were an animal what would you be and why
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments
17. What is the one things you wish you were most great at
18. What has been the most difficult thing you had to forgive
19. If you could live anywhere where would it be and why
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10? 15?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs family dynamic now
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history who would it be and what would you eat
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why
28. What is your love language
29. What do you think people misunderstand most about you
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for

I can't wait to start this task. I'm glad I found this.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Why, Hello Winter!

Apparently winter got the message a tad bit late. Here we are March 2nd and we are getting a nice huge snowstorm. Sure we've had a few this winter, but nothing like this. This is going to be the big one. You can argue that I live in Wisconsin so winter isn't ever really over. You will always have that slim chance of snow, even during the summer months. Weather here is crazy! One day its 55 the next day its 30 and snowing like no one's business. I don't see the amount of snow that we get to last very long. Next weeks forecast looks like 50's. Must get my sledding in this weekend! If you are in the beautiful state of Wisconsin hope you are enjoying this great weather!
