One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Quote I Try to Live By

I believe I wrote a post about this very quote a year or so ago. I think actually its been more like 2 years, but hey, who is counting anyways. It is from the Curious Case of Benjamin Button and I love it just love it.

I can't even begin to describe what I feel whenever I read this, but it always makes me feel good and positive about my life. Its basically your life. Live how you want. Don't be afraid to take risks and chances. Life is about learning. If you aren't happy with the path you are on don't be afraid to try something new and do it again and again if need be. Life is just amazing. Full of the unexpected. You can never be prepared for anything that comes your way, so just enjoy it. Every bit of it. I love how encouraging this quote is. It really makes me pause and reflect on my life and my journey. I hope it does the same for you!


Thursday, March 28, 2013


I need to find some wood to knock on really quick...folks, I think spring in the upper Midwest is finally here. The past few days have been nothing short of gorgeous. If you can call 45 degrees that. But the sun has been out everyday and the birds are chirping and you just get that feeling. Not to mention the forecast for the weekend is 55! Ok lets move on from my super excitement of spring to some other news and notes.

First of all, ex-boy and I have been talking a lot lately. We met up again earlier this week and talked about EVERYTHING. We both still have feelings for each other and love and miss each other, but for right now, we both agreed to just be friends. We realized that during our time apart, the thing we missed most was the friendship we had.

This week at work has been super crazy. I worked my normal shift 715-415 on Monday and Tuesday Then the rest of the week I've been opening. Now normally openers work from 6-2 and don't have to take a break. Yesterday, I was lucky enough to be able to leave that early. Today I worked til 345 and wanted to poke my eyes out. I'm exhausted to say the least.

Last night I got to meet up with my friend Tiff from the old daycare. I got to take a tour of her new house and meet her boyfriend and talk for hours on end about everything. Love how you can just pick up where you left off.

I hate negative people. Trust me, I have my fair share of negative moments, but I really try not to complain about them to other people. There is only so much of it that I can take from everyone. You can sit here and complain about your job and how it sucks and your bills and your lack of purpose for your future and how you do everything around the house. I'm sorry you feel that way. If you hate your job get a new one. Bills that can't really be fixed. Look for things that have some interest to you and maybe you would find your purpose. I hate being dragged down into the pit of negativity. I have tried and tried to help and be a positive light for this person, but I just get talked back at. Annoyed.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Likes and Dislikes About Myself

I like to believe that I respect myself enough not to have too many dislikes. I have great self-confidence and self-esteem. I do however, get down on myself when I eat like a slob or don't get a workout in. So in short here are my likes and dislikes:

*Patience beyond belief. I work with toddlers, its sort of part of the job description
*Self-confidence. I've never really cared what others thought of me. If you like me great, if not fine. I'm still going to be confident in all I do.
*Strong. I've been through a lot of shit in my life and I keep on keeping on. Every bad thing has made me stronger.
*Kindness- sometimes I think I'm too kind. I easily forgive, especially when people probably don't deserve it. I guess I'd rather move on and be happy than hold a grudge.
*Hard worker- my parents instilled in me a good work ethic at a young age and that has carried on through adulthood.
*My body- generally, I'm in good health. I have areas of my body I'm not a fan of, but I highlight other areas that I do love.

*Shyness. I am very shy and that is a turn off to people. I'm just not comfortable just putting myself out there like that if I don't know you, but give me the chance.
*My body- the parts of my body I don't cellulite thighs and my not so flat tummy
*Negativity- I can be quite negative but I more or less do that as a way to get attention. I know I don't have that horrible of a life, but I do tend to complain about it.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Sick or Something Like That

Last night is a night I want to never repeat. I can't really say that I've been under the weather at all this week, but yesterday afternoon I was just feeling blah. I chalked it up to the fact I've worked a lot this week and the weather has been exceptionally chilly for this time of year. I also know I've got the special woman thing approaching soon and that always makes me exhausted. Yesterday I ate less than I normally do, just wasn't feeling hungry. Last night for dinner I had a burrito and realized that may have been a bad choice. My stomach started to hurt, but more in the sense that it was too full. I went to bed at 830, which nowadays seems normal for me. I woke up around 130am and went potty. I crawled back into bed, hoping to pass out in no time. However, as soon as I laid down my insides were hurting severely. I haven't felt this bad of pain possibly ever. I decided to head downstairs to get some water and some fruit to help pass whatever it was. I decided I needed to go well you know number 2 (sorry so graphic), and literally within seconds of standing up and flushing I turned around and vomited. I can't say that my body felt any better after getting rid of all of that stuff. I went back to bed still in severe pain and finally tiredness won over. I woke up not as in severe pain, more or less just came in waves. I haven't eaten much today. Drank mostly Sprite. The pain isn't really existent anymore but I have no appetite. I'm not really sure what this is, but I'm already ready for it to be done. I've got big plans for tomorrow night and prefer not to be sick.

Again...sorry for oversharing.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Something I'm Currently Worried About

I tend not to be a worry wart. I don't like to worry. It's useless to me. Most of our worries tend to be things out of our control anyways, so what is the point in worrying? But lets be honest here, it's hard as humans NOT to worry. I still worry about things from time to time, but I mostly try to aim for living in the moment and not what is down the road. I worry about my finances and hate having to struggle to make ends meet. I'm worried about my current state of health. I mean I'm healthy for the most part, but over the past year or two my asthma has gotten severely worse. I'm a typical exerciser and usually workout 4-6 days a week. Most doctors would say that is good and should be helping my lungs but it doesn't seem to be the case. I had asthma really bad when I was younger and grew out of it when I became more active. I haven't ever really stopped being active therefore it does concern me that it gets so bad. I also don't want to be on steroids to control my asthma for the rest of my life. I typically like to be free of meds if I can. Not to mention the fact that your body becomes immune to that medication over time and it actually does nothing for you. Anyways, it worries me that there could be something else wrong with me, or that I'm going to just have to be one of those people who have to stay on medication for the rest of their lives.

Anyways, I tend to live by this popular motto: Don't worry be happy!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

5 Words/Phrase That Make Me Laugh

Needless to say, I'm not sure I can come up with 5 specific words or phrases that typically make me laugh. I'm just not one of those people who has phrases and words that if you say them I will bust out in pure giggleness. I tend to find random things funny and random comments funny more over than any same word or phrase. So I guess I'm going to cheat on this one and say I honestly can't come up with anything. And lets move on...

To other news and notes:

*A parent at work today, who has a child not in my room, he's an infant, asked me if I was a lead toddler teacher. I said yeah. She was like so do you get to be specially requested in the infant room at all? I said well not really. I go in there from time to time, but its not my room. She said well I just love it when you are in there. The kids really seem to love you and you really know how to take care of the kids. I replied with a big thank you. Always a great feeling.

*It's the first day of spring and its 12 degrees outside. You rock WI!

*On that topic, I have come to terms with that fact it will never get warm here again

*I'm getting that nasty scratchy feeling in the back of my throat. You know the kind you get right before you are getting sick? Yay...

*Still talking with ex-boy from time to time and almost a daily basis, but yet, still haven't figured out what this is. And he won't answer me either. Boys...

*Going to Myrtle Beach in May now begins the finding cheap hotels and deals. Any thoughts?


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Boy Talk

Lets just say if I thought I was doing good masking my emotions and getting over ex-boy, well all of that has just resurfaced. As you know I met up with him on Friday night. Things were awkward at first, well the whole night actually. We basically talked about what we had been up to and if we were seeing anybody and what we had going for us in the near future. Not once did we ever talk about what happened between us and why he chose to meet up at that place and time. I know we both wanted to talk about it, but I think we both were unsure how to bring it up and not make an unserious time, serious. So then yesterday morning I decided to text him and ask him why now? What made you decide to have dinner with me then? What exactly are we doing here? He responded with this is not the venue for this conversation but long story short I was no longer self loathing and in that darkness, but we can talk about this some other time. Ok fine. But I can't help but wonder if that some other time exists. We texted periodically throughout the day yesterday, just about random things. But I need to know some answers. As much as hurts to see him doing so well and apparently he has gotten over me relatively easy, while I apparently put on a good front, because he thinks I'm doing so well also. Deep down, none of this has been easy and the fact it hasn't even been 2 months yet I don't know where my head is at. It is all sorts of lost and confused. Everyone keeps telling me to be careful and not get my hopes up for something more to happen. And yes I was the one who asked him to promise to contact me when he was ready, but honestly, I didn't think he would, let alone that soon. And maybe that proves something there. I don't want to read into it though. My hopes aren't up for us ever getting back together. As friends, I might be ok with that, but even that for me would still take time. But I need to know what he wants. I don't want to be strung along either way. I feel like he is still not done partying, and drinking, and whatever else he tends to do. I have no problem with him doing those things if he so chooses. But I'm not sure he will ever grow up and stop doing those things.

I had a good conversation with my cousin Kate last night about all of this. She said her husband did the same sort of thing. They had been dating about a year and he just up and left and she was all up in arms about it, much like I was with boy. Then about 3 months later she got a call from him crying saying he was so sorry and how much he messed up and how he only wanted to be with her. Kate said that maybe boy is doing the same thing. That he may be reaching out, but doesn't know how to vocalize what he is feeling. And maybe he does miss me and want me back, but I deserve to know an answer, none of this beating around the bush crap.

I never wanted to get back to here. The pain I felt the first time through was horrible, but seeing him again, made all of those feelings come back. Then listening to him speak about his past month and a half, I couldn't help but think he really only cared about himself and got himself in crazy drunk situations. He was putting himself out there in a matter of speaking, but according to him not hooking up with anyone. And maybe the pain is harder for me, because I was so eager and willing to give him another chance which he turned down. And the potential of him moving on with his life and possibly finding someone else would probably send me to a point of pure anger and something in me just very well might die. Don't get me wrong, I do want him to be happy in his life and he needs to do what is best for him, but the whole situation has never been fair to me. The reason why we broke up in the first place was on him, and not accepting another chance is on him. But I did nothing wrong to deserve any of that. I wanted him then even through the pain and the heartbreak. After seeing him again, I miss us. I miss how we used to be. I had a life with him. And that just makes me want him all over again, but maybe I'm not meant to have him again. And I know at some point I just have to be willing to give it all up and stop being so desperate for something that will never happen or be good for me. I don't want to spend my days wasting away pining for him, but I thought I could handle this and maybe I can't. Maybe we can't just be friends, because I want something so much more. I wish he would just talk to me about this. I wish this was easier. I never wanted to be this girl that keeps crawling back to that boy. I miss him so much it sucks because I feel I'm walking a one way street here. None of this makes sense and I wish I had all of the answers but I don't.

Wow this got really long and deep really fast!


Friday, March 15, 2013

Nervous Doesn't Even Describe It

I told you all in yesterdays post that I am meeting up with ex boy tonight in just over an hour. My mind is going crazy. My heart is beating so incredibly fast. I'm literally shaking. I honestly feel like how I did the first time I ever met him. I'm not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe I'm just nervous because I have no idea what this is. I have no idea what it is going to be like. I'm not sure what to think when I see him again for the first time in nearly 2 months. It is really hard to think its only been 2 months. Sometimes it feels much longer other times I feel it just happened yesterday. In reality it hasn't been that long and I was surprised he contacted me so quickly. Just knowing how it seemed when we were texting the other day, he is at least ready to be friends. Honestly, thats all I'd want right now anyway. I know so many of my friends are like this is a bad idea you shouldn't go. If you do go be cautious, don't give away that you were missing him all the time, don't be vulnerable. I understand that what he did to me was not ok in any sort of way, but I was the one who originally wanted to give him another chance in this whole thing. I'm just afraid of what he will say. I don't want it to be awkward between us, I doubt it will once we get past the beginning jitters. My expectations are not high for whatever this will be. I don't need to get my hopes up for something that might never happen. I've finally accepted that and comes to terms with it. But that doesn't change how I feel right now. I just want to be down there and get this over with.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Something That You Miss and One Other Story

I miss a lot of family members who have passed, my childhood, my friends and simply being able to hang out whenever, vacations(haha). The thing that I miss the most my family. I miss so much of just being able to sit down and talk at the dinner table with my family. It sucks we are all spread about the country and rarely get to see each other and when we do, its great, but short and bittersweet when its time to say goodbye. My sister lives in upstate New York and I wish we lived closer, its hard as sisters to be so distant. I just hope when we both settle down a little more and start families we can be at least a little closer. My brother and mom live in Florida. My dad lives in Georgia. People who have their family within driving distance are so lucky and should cherish every moment they get with them and not take it for granted. Trust me, I wasn't so in love with my family as a teen and would do anything to get away from them, I kind of wish I could go back to that time when things were a little easier and our family was whole.

The other story: I debated sharing this with all of you but I figured you have followed me thus far and know what happened in the situation. So here it is: last night I was just laying in bed watching Sons of Anarchy when all of a sudden I hear my phone ding to let me know I had a text. I glanced down at my phone and it said the ex-boys name. I had to double take and triple take. I literally stopped everything! I had no idea what to thing or feel, but everything that I managed to tuck away came swirling back to the surface and every emotion came out. My heart was beating so fast, I started to cry a little and then smile and shake my head in utter confusion. The text was simple, are you? I responded and before I knew it we were having a conversation about wrestling and trading cards, as if nothing ever happened between us. Then at the very end of that conversation he asks if I wanted to grab dinner Friday night. I agreed and so we are meeting tomorrow at 730. I have had all sorts of thoughts roll through my head. Is this a good thing? Do I really want to see him? What does he want to talk about? Does he have something important to say he feels he owes it to tell me in person? Or does he just want to catch up? Are we just remaining friends? Are we going to try this thing again? Do I want to try this thing again? For the past 2 months I was waiting for this very moment and now I'm more nervous than I've ever been. I'm more cautious and have more of a guard up, but he knows me too well already. What will other people think of me? Will people support me? Will people disown me? I don't even know what this is yet! But I do know this, I miss him the same everyday. The pain is so much less than it was the first few days and weeks. I still love him. But I don't know if I want to be with him, my heart says yes but my mind says I would be stupid to get back with him. But I guess we will see how it plays out and take everything slow. I will keep you posted.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I guess this is a wide open subject area. My academics are not happening at the moment. I have mastered all levels up to the bachelor degree level. I'm seeking to get my master's degree. If not next year probably the year after. I just can't wrap my brain around how expensive it is. But I'd rather have another degree in something that I love and would love to work in. I want to get my masters in nutrition and public health. Unfortunately they are two separate categories and I'm not sure I could combine them. I'd have to look into that. What I want to do is be able to use my current degree: communication and health promotion to go around in public places especially urban and rural areas where health isn't as talked about. I want people to know how important and easy it is to eat healthy and exercise. I know me saying one thing and them doing it are completely different. But sometimes all it takes is someone to strike a chord in you and you change a life. I love learning and could go to school forever if I had the opportunity, with little breaks in between each degree earned of course. Here's to higher learning and more education!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How I Hope My Future Will Be Like

I hate thinking about the future. I mean I like to know that things are going to be fine and plan ahead for stuff, but I don't want to sit and plan this whole life out and have nothing turn out the way I want it. I also feel that I'd lose the spontaneity of life if I think to hard about the future. What do I want? I want to be happy. I want to find someone else who loves me and shares my dreams and passions. I want someone who loves me at my worst, not just my best. I want to marry that person. I want to have babies with that person. I want to live in a house. I want to be working at a place I love and have all my heart in. But before all of that, I want to travel and soak in the world around me, before I become too old and too tied down and I can no longer do that. But I also need to be real, I may never get married, heck I might just stay single forever. I may never find my dream job. I may never have babies of my own or own a house. Life is amazing and it surprises us when we least expect it. Keeps us on our toes and when we get too comfortable in it, it throws us a curveball and asks us how we would take that situation. I want my future to be what it is going to be. No matter how planned or unplanned it is. I leave that up to God to guide my steps.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

When Boredom Strikes

I feel like this has been the longest day on planet earth. It is daylight savings so we sprung forward, which means we lost an hour, but I feel like we gained 10. I woke up at 830, so it wasn't like I woke up at 6. Besides the fact that its been pouring rain all day so I'm severely limited to indoor activities. I did my laundry that has been screaming at me to do for nearly 2 weeks now. I went to Office Max to get some construction paper for art projects for work, and that was a pain in the tush. And since when did paper become so expensive? I watched some Sons of Anarchy and that gets a little boring after awhile. I looked for jobs overseas and in the states as well. Just testing the waters I suppose. I cleaned up my room a little. I went through my closet and dresser and tried clothes on and decided that I have too many clothes I never wear anymore or things that are way too big. I tried on a pair of shorts that were just a tad too big last summer, and by a tad I mean maybe a centimeter too big. Well, I tried those puppies on today thinking they would fit the same. Ha so not the case. I could fit my fist in between my hip and the shorts. A little big? I say so! Not that I'm complaining. My closet is drastically reduced. Which just means I have more room to get more clothes! :) I can't wait to get some spring shopping in. (I suppose I could have went to the mall today. But I'm sure everyone else would of had that idea too.) So now I have 2 big garbage bags full of clothes to give away. I took a shower and tried to take a really long hot one, but there is only so much interest I have standing in the shower. I also painted my nails a nice shade of green in preparation for St. Patty's day. I'm looking forward to the next few weekends. Next weekend I have a birthday party for my aunt, a birthday shindig for my boss and then on Sunday morning drinking with the rooms before she has to work and then I'm hoping to get out for a few drinks with another friend. Then on Monday I get to work the early 6-2 shift that will be sweet. The following weekend, I might be going to Chicago with the rooms and getting into all the participating bars for a grand total of $8. Score if you ask me! Then I have a coworkers engagement party to attend. So I'm looking to end this boredom strike and get some fun adventures rolling.


My Fears

Fears. Everyone has them. I don't typically like to talk about my fears, especially the big ones. (No, I don't mean like spiders and centipedes and heights.) I'm talking about the fears that shake you to your core because it directly effects you and your life. I like to make people believe that I'm fearless. I push the limits sometimes because I'm not afraid to get hurt or get caught. I don't want people to see me weak or not brave enough. I want everyone to see me as being strong and capable of anything I set my mind to. Honestly, though, I'm not that way. I'm terribly afraid of my future and the unknown. I'm afraid I will be stuck here in this limbo land of my life. The same sick cycle over and over again. I know I have control over my own life and I can change my life at any moment. I'm not afraid to take that risk. I actually welcome the unknown in that regard. I'm ready for anything that would change my life while I can change someone else's life. I'm fearful of failing or not being happy in whatever I would choose and hate that feeling of being stuck, but again, I know I can change my own life if I want. I'm afraid I'm never going to find exactly what I love in my life, that perfect job, that perfect man, whatever it is. Sometimes I would just like to know the future and know everything turns out good, but I suppose what fun would that be if I knew what my entire life would be like? I just don't want to see my life as a failure. I'm not afraid to take risks and push limits, but I'm afraid of never getting that opportunity. I'm afraid I'm going to come to my last day on earth, alone, unhappy. I guess sometimes you just have to trust in yourself and your journey. It is all how you make it.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Taking A Break

I'm taking a break today from my list. I feel like I've been so caught up in that I haven't really kept you posted on my life as of late. I can't say much new has happened. So here are a few things in a nutshell-

  • We have gotten lots of big dumpings of snow in the past 3 weeks, but finally the past 2 days have been in the 40's. Yesterday I could feel spring.
  • Work has been crazy, but surprisingly good. I got to work at a different center 5 mintues away from home this past Monday and Tuesday...hated it there.
  • Speaking of work I get a 25 cent raise. Not a lot by any means, but I will take any extra money. I also get a raise in fall, which is based on performance.
  • I've been looking into grad schools...did I mention they were expensive?
  • Working out has finally made its appearance on a more frequent basis
  • Last weekend I went to a charity bowling event and got my arse kicked big time. After plenty of booze, I lost my competitive nature and really didn't care
  • Plans for this weekend: haircut, laundry, grocery shopping, clearing out clothes that no longer fit or I don't wear, workouts inside and outside, who knows beyond that


Thursday, March 7, 2013

5 Items I Lust Over

So this is going to be simple, short and sweet. No elaborations, because this woman got no more than 4 hours of sleep last night and worked for 9 hours today. My brain feels like mush, my body wants nothing to do with anything, not even working out. Here are my lusting over items:

1. Shoes- pumps, flats, tennis, you name it
2. Purses a good high quality purse
3. Flat abs...I'm working on it, and I see a four pack
4. A previous list containing hot men
5. Can you lust over travel?


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Problem That I've Had

I'm usually all about moving on and not having regrets and being spontaneous and making life a grand adventure. I typically don't care what people think of me, either you like me or you don't. If you don't I'm sorry you feel that way. Anyways, lets be real, I have lots of problems. Some minor. Some major. And lots of problems in between. But anything that isn't major I don't typically worry about or deal with, since it tends to keep my stress level way too high. Even the major ones I typically don't deal with because I don't find the point in getting stressed about it. So enough on that, to my main problem...I can't seem to let go of a certain part of my past. Granted, this is a more recent part of my past and they say it takes about half the time you were in a relationship to get over that person and I'm not anywhere near that. I've been out to bars a lot recently and have met a few decent fellas. One happened to be my friends step cousin, whom I met this past weekend. We hit it off really well and he asked me out on a date, but all I could think of was even though I kind of want to do this, I don't and can't. I still have old boy in my every waking thought. Although the pain has subsided drastically, I still hurt from time to time. I want with all of my heart to move on from him, but I can't yet. I also don't think it is fair of me to string another guy along, when I'm still thinking of old boy. So I had to tell this guy I'm sorry, I just got out of a serious relationship and I'm not ready to put myself out there yet. I need time to work on me and being single. I realize there is nothing wrong with just going out to meet someone and hang out, but I'd be lying to myself. One day I hope this won't be a problem and I can take all of this as fuel and a lesson to move on.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Something I'm Proud Of

I have not been too proud of myself recently. Then again I haven't set out to do much of anything that would make me proud. I know its old, but the only thing that makes me proud is graduating college. Those of you who have followed me on my blog and those who know me outside of it, know the struggle it took me to actually get that diploma. Unfortunately, I never walked across the stage on graduation day, but I can't say I regret that decision. Recently, since I'm not happy with work and what I'm doing, I've been looking into grad schools. That would be the next big thing I'd be proud of. If grad school doesn't pan out for another year or two, I've been looking into doing some half-marathons...well lets just start with a 5k for now. And I think that would be a great accomplishment and something I could be proud of.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Something I Always Think 'What If' About

Well folks there are a lot of things I think what if about. My life is filled with what ifs. But if I had done the what ifs would I be where I am today or the person that I am? I like to think the what ifs are the choices we decided were wrong for our lives at the moment and now we look back on them and think what if I were more popular in highschool? What if I had given it one more chance? What if I went to a different school? What if I graduated with a different degree? What if I had more money? And the list goes on. But we can't look back on our lives as a series of regrets, we made choices that we thought were right for us at that moment. As we got older we realized maybe some of those things were not the greatest choices, but we can't revel in that. We have to accept the fact that we can't go back and correct the what ifs.

I sometimes think about my college chioces and think what if I had stayed at MLC and finished out being a teacher...would I be happy with that career choice? Would I be happy with where I would have ended up? I do know that I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now, having met the people I have, wouldn't have had the opportunities I did, I wouldn't have experienced a wonderful year with a wonderful guy last year, and I wouldn't have experienced the heartbreak that came with it. But I think, it was all part of the greater plan God has for me.

There are a lot of times I think about my choice to try online dating. I wouldn't have met the boy and had the best times with him and wonderful memories, even though we aren't together anymore. I feel sometimes that if I hadn't met him I wouldn't of had this terrible, suffocating, pain, but at the same time, it has made me stronger. I feel that because of knowing him, I learned a lot. I became more confident in myself and I did become more happy. I didn't know that level of happiness could exist, but it does. And I'm sure at some point down the road I will exceed that level of happiness again. Even though I wish things between us weren't over, being apart has allowed me to work on me again. I realized I'm no longer tethered to anything. It is simply me. As much as I would love to get back together with him and will wait for him, I can't hold on forever and leave my life in limbo. I have to move on from it and take it as a lesson, not as a what if anymore. He made a choice that I have to live with. And if somewhere down the road our paths meet again, I hope we can sit as friends and talk about our lives.


Friday, March 1, 2013

My Zodiac Sign and If it Fits Me

I'm one of those lucky few whose day of birth happens to fall on the cusp of the zodiac signs. 99% of the time I'm considered a Virgo and about 1% considered a Leo. So I'm going to go with Virgo for this. I don't know much about horoscopes and astrology, so I did a little research. Apparently, we are respectable, hard-working individuals with a love for knowledge. Virgos tend to be more shy and don't like to be in the limelight. Once they get to know the situation they break out of their shell. Most are often perfectionists and want to do the very best in everything. We want to feel useful and enjoy doing everyday common things like running errands and making sure bills are paid. People turn to Virgos for advice. They prefer a more quiet existence and to live life simply. I'd say all of this fits me to a t! I am a hardworker and don't like to stop once I get started. I'm not a super perfectionist, but I like my work to be done my way and done the right way. I do like making sure my bills are paid and living that independent life so to speak. I am shy at first, but once you get to know me I get very comfortable around you. I'm so so on the living a quiet existance. I'm not wanting to be a celeb and having my name plastered on every tabloid, but I'm not exactly a hermit either. I want to explore and have adventures. I do want to live life simply, without complications and drama. Drama is not really my thing. I want to have a simple life with simple pleasures, the less I tend to have the more I tend to enjoy.
