One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fall Fun

I can't begin to describe how much fall makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. It brings back days as a child getting excited for the major holidays ahead. This is the time of year where everything seems nearly perfect. The weather. The colors. The food. It almost seems calm. Life is supposed to slow down during the summer but for me fall does that. It's essentially the calm before the storm of winter. I am taking every opportunity to relax and enjoy my favorite season. Whether that has been hiking or reading a book outside. I think we've been blessed with a pretty wonderful September thus far. The leaves are changing but the sun and mid 70s have stuck around for most of the month. Yesterday a friend of mine from work and I went to our local farmers market which was amazing. There were so many local artists and lots of food. We headed to a local restaurant that has the best outdoor seating on the roof which unfortunately was closed yesterday so we sat out on the sidewalk patio instead. We had a couple beers and soaked up the sun and great conversation. After our relaxing morning we headed to the Fox River and rented some kayaks. I've decided I love it and hope to do more of it soon. We spent a few hour taking in the beautiful scenery and the last days of sunshine. After that we headed to her place for some light snacking and more talking. All in all I had a tremendous day enjoying my favorite season.


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Time To Get Real

I've always been very honest and open with all of you here on the blog. I've written about my parents and the divorce and my relationships with each of them. I've written about my bad times like all my car troubles. I've gone in depth about ex boy and how much it hurt not to have him in my life. On the flip side I do write about good things and opportunities. I've thought long and hard about this decision in sharing something about me. A personal demon. I don't talk about it because I don't see it as a huge problem...right now. But I know exactly what it can do and I know it is a very real struggle for so many people. Alcoholism. The very word denotes a negative connotation. There is automatic judgment cast on those who deal with it. I've dealt firsthand with people who have addictions. To drugs. To alcohol. To work. And really the list could be comprised of anything we spend time obsessing over. Yes obsession is the key word.

You may think what does a 26 year old know about being an alcoholic. How could you possibly be that way so young? Well I'm not an alcoholic to make it all clear. But I can tell you the thoughts of having alcohol seem to be more prevelant to me than ever before. I can't say that my life is horrible or beyond stressful but at times it is and it's easier to take the edge off by drinking a glass of wine or a bottle of beer, than it is to destress with exercise or healthy eating. So where exactly do these thoughts come from? Why do I feel the need to just have a drink when I know it's not going to solve the problems. I think if I look deep down inside is my happiness. I'm not the same person I was last year. 2 years ago or even 5 years ago. There is nothing wrong with change. We all go through times or things that change us. I can't remember the last time I did something for me. Yes ME! I'm not selfish person and you can ask anyone that. I've always looked out for others and their well being before my own. But I'm slowly beginning to realize I'm the only one who can dictate what I do in life.  If I'm not happy with some aspect of it I can change it. Although sometimes it's not that easy. I used to be more social and really enjoyed doing things. I hate sitting at home alone doing nothing every weekend. However I do like being alone from time to time to recharge. What I've learned as an adult making friends is a lot harder and so is maintaining those relationships. There are some ladies from work I get along with but most are married or have children or live too far away. So that make sit that much harder to do things. I want to go and do all these fun events but I don't want to do them alone. There in lies my pathetic reason to not be happy. I could just as easily join different groups that are interesting to me, like rock climbing and meet friends that way. Or volunteer. You get the picture. But it's not just my happiness with life in general it's my heart and soul is missing something. Something more like someone that I gave so much of my time and life to and to have my best friend just not be there anymore is still very hard to get over. If you haven't guessed it by now ex boy is who I'm referring too. I'm not saying that he had led me to drink like I do but I know me not getting over him is pouring into all other areas of my life. It becomes a domino effect of I don't want to do this because I was going to do it with him or it reminds me of him. Or the simple fact what if he magically shows up on my doorstep and I'm not there. So yes I'm being pathetic in wasting my life waiting for him. I'm also making the choice to start an addiction because I can't seem to find any other way to make things a little less painful or stressful.

I'm not saying I'm an alcoholic but I am saying I do have issues and this big demon to face. If I don't find alternative ways to make life better I may be setting myself up for failure and a life that I know I'm better than.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fall Food

If you don't know I'm a huge fan of fall. It's by far my favorite season. I like the cooler, crisp air. Where it's still warm enough to wear jeans and a sweater without being too hot. It's a great transitional season for fashion. I love the leaves changing colors and the smells of the season. From the burning leaves outside to the pumpkin or apple spiced candles. I'm also a huge football fan Green Bay Packers of course. With football season being in full swing it gets me excited for football parties and the delicious food and beers associated with the game and the season.

Now that I'm living on my own and have my own kitchen appliances to put to use I'm even more excited to start cooking more hearty foods, especially in my crockpot. It's been unusually cool around here for this time of year so today I'm making chili. I've made a few in the past and have tried different receipes, still looking for the right one. I found this on Pinterest from It was really simple to make which I love and somewhat healthy. I used ground turkey instead and a variety of canned veggies to make this chili. It took me about 15 mins to prep and now it's on low and will simmer for the next 6 hrs.


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Everyone knows that old adage. But sometimes you wait and wait and nothing happens. I also think that if you wait nothing will ever get done. You can't sit around and wait for someone else to do something for you or wait for life to do something for you. You have to make the choices in life to receive anything good. I don't like to complain about my life. I haven't had the easiest year thus far. It has been a lot about learning and finding myself. I had a car accident. I had to move again, alone. I lost some friends, which was more of a weight lifted off my shoulders than anything else. Boy and I were together than not and together than not. You know that general gist of that story and I'm not opening that can of worms up. I've struggle to find my place at work and where I fit. I've struggled with the idea of finding something else completely. I've put consideration in going back to school, if things didn't start turning around. There is still a lot of confusion going on in my life and I need some time to figure everything out. I had a few interviews for a higher up position at work and I'm not sure where I stand yet in that process. I can say all things considered, things went well, but I haven't heard anything yet. I'd like to move on with it and either have it or not, so I know what to start focusing on. The decisions haven't been easy because of where boy and I stand. Going back to my car accident...I had kind of forgotten I started a lawsuit. And my lawyer called and said I'd be getting a substantial amount of money back, which was unexpected, but I'm grateful for it. That's all that's been going on in my life as of late. I'm planning a mini trip for just myself soon. Details later.
