One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Saturday, April 28, 2012

#15- Animal

If I could be any animal what would I be and why?


I don't usually think about what animal I would like to be. I don't really have a favorite animal, so I can't even go with that one. I guess I'd want to be a giraffe. I have always wanted to be tall. Don't get me wrong, I love being short, it has its advantages. But if I were tall, I'd be able to see a lot more things, like at a concert for example. I also think giraffes are very quiet and graceful, gentle creatures. I'm already somewhat quiet and wouldn't mind living an existence where my family was quiet too. I don't want to be vicious or deadly, I'd rather be calm and peaceful.

So tall and majestic aren't they? Besides, who doesn't want a purple tongue?


Thursday, April 26, 2012

5 Strengths

The strengths were a little easier to come up with than my weaknesses. So here we go:

1. Patience. I've always been told I have an abundance of patience. For most things in life I do. There are things like stupid drivers, I don't have patience for. But when you choose the career I have, working with children, you need to have loads of patience. If you don't, you won't make it very far, and you will burn out quickly.

2. Good listener/advice giver. I figured they were along the same lines so they could be combined. I don't generally like to lay out all of my problems and would rather listen to someone else tell me about their day or problems. I like being able to give my 2 cents when I'm asked to give it. If you want to talk I'm always here for you!

3. Work well with children. It's always been my passion. Ever since I can remember I've wanted to work with kids in some way. I'm not sure I want to keep teaching the rest of my life, but who knows where the road will lead. There is no greater feeling when the youngin's accomplish something they've worked hard on for a long time. They still have their innocence and you want them to stay that way forever. As an adult you realize how fast you wanted to grow up and you want to go back to being a kid. Here's to staying young!

4. Independent. I hate relying on other people for anything. Even if I'm struggling with money and have a hard time making ends meet, I don't want my parents to have to pay for anything. I feel like they've paid for enough in my life. I don't want people to have to always buy me dinner or anything else. I like being independent and an adult who can take care of herself. I appreciate the gift every now and then, but not all the time. I feel like I owe more that way.

5. Positive thinker. I haven't always been this way. I used to always look at the negative side of things. But as I have posted in many previous posts my way of thinking has changed. Life is too short to look at the negatives. Plus I feel better looking at the postives in my life.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

5 Weaknesses

Let me start off by saying this week has be insanely crazy. I can't say very much since it has to do with work and I already got scolded for putting a picture of the incident up on facebook. Let's just say it involved the cops and a person who shouldn't have been near a daycare. Today we had the licenser show up and yell at us some more, it makes me wonder if she has a soul. This week has sucked majorly and I can only imagine what tomorrow will bring.

On other news and notes #13 is explaining my 5 weaknesses.

1. Budgeting. I suck at it. Everyone and their mother has a nice, neat organized budget chart and here I am keeping it all upstairs in my head. I really do need to examine how much I'm throwing away each month, most of it going to student loans. I buy about $70 worth of groceries a month. Surprised I'm not starving yet, but hey you do what you can with the little money you have. Makes me wonder how people on minimum wage survive.

2. Unorganized. This very much ties into my budgeting issue. I have bills and papers laying all around. I'm sort of a contradiciton. I really like having a clean space, which my room is, but there are bills and magazines and notebooks in a stack and that drives me crazy. I do have a solution for this though, but it requires a little bit of money.

3. Procrastinator. Who isn't one of these? This was worse when I was in school, especially my last 2 years of college. I waited until basically the day before to start working on epically long papers. I still procrastinate. I wait until practically the last minute to buy gas or to pay bills. As if it really makes a difference when I take care of it, as long as it is not late.

4. Shy. I'm not sure that this classifies as a weakness, but I'm saying it does. I don't think there is anything wrong with being shy, a lot of people are. It is a personality trait. I just wish I wasn't as shy and more social. I have tried being more social and it doesn't work. I can't force myself to be something I'm not. It takes a while for me to open up to people and this directly relates to my last weakness. I wish I wasn't as shy and not worried about what people think about me.

5. Don't trust easily. I don't just give my trust away. I've had a lot of bad experiences where I trusted someone from the get go and they managed to stab me in the back. I know you are supposed to trust someone you don't know, but it doesn't come easily for me, it takes time. I think part of my shyness plays into that. I want people to put their trust in me and I want to trust in them, but don't expect it to get it that easily.

Next time it's my strengths.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

#12 Typical Day

Next up is describing a typical day in my life, so here it goes:

I get up around 5am and get ready for work. I leave around 530 and arrive at work around 6. I then help open the daycare and wait for the children to start arriving. I work with children until 230. I can't say the same thing happens everyday because when you work in child care it doesn't. Something new always happens. 230 I punch out and begin my drive home. On most days I don't have to worry about traffic starting to pick up, I usually get home around 3. I have an afternoon snack and then do a workout, whether that is an Insanity workout or for a run outside. I then proceed to take a shower and by about 5/530 I make dinner. I then settle down for the night watching something useless on tv, or catching up on old shows. At around 9 I get ready for bed and am in bed by about 930. Yes, I know it is rather pathetic that I'm 23 and in bed at that time. I'm old what can I say. Then I start my day over again.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sorry for my absence

Sorry I have been gone for too long. I can honestly say I have had no inspiration to blog anything for the past two weeks. Time and again I would open my computer and pull up my blog and hope for any words to come out. I lacked inspiration for my 30 things list. I didn't want to stop doing it, I just wanted to think more about the next set of questions and objectives. Other than lack of inspiration, I've also been extremely busy. With the days getting nicer and longer, I just don't feel like being inside on a computer. Anyways back to my list, where were we?? On to #11 Top 10 Pet Peeves. For me this was rather easy. I have a lot of pet peeves more than 10. I tried to put them in order from least annoying to most annoying, but they are all equally annoying I can't decide.

1. Drivers who don't signal. I generally don't like a lot of people who drive these days. It seems as if many people don't remember how to drive. This is my biggest issue with drivers. If you want to come into my lane use your signal, don't just move over and expect me to slow down because you aren't going as fast as me. If you are turning into Walgreens, use your signal instead of just stopping abruptly.

2. Being late. I hate, hate, hate being late. I've always hated being late. I always want to be some place at least 10 minutes early. The only exception to this rule is a party. No one shows up early to a party, it's just not ok.

3. Long nails. I know most women have long nails and don't mind them and that is fantastic. I, however, cannot stand them. I especially hate it when people have long nails and can't keep them clean underneath. If you are going to have long nails at least have the common courtesy to keep them clean!

4. Using the phrase 'just saying' at the end of a sentence. I have fallen victim of this a few times, but then I realized how annoying it sounds when other people use it. You really don't have to add it to the end of whatever you are talking about. We know what you are saying, you just said it.

5. Dirty keyboards. If you don't know me, I typically like clean, neat and orderly. It bothers me if something is out of place or if it is really dirty. I'm not saying my future house will be spotless, but I clean at least once a week so it will be darn near close. I think dirty keyboards are disgusting. What are you doing to the keyboard that they get that dirty?

6. Not whole numbers. This is so strange, I know. I hate when I ask people what time it is and they say 7:24. Really? You couldn't say 7:25 or almost 7:30? I also don't like it when people wager odd numbers on Jeopardy. Instead of wagering $1000, they wager $750. Really? What nonsense is that?

7. People who confuse its/it's, there/they're/their, your/you're. I know for a fact at one point everyone took some English class. It's really not that hard to figure out the proper for use for the above words. If you can't figure it out you probably should not have graduated. Fact.

8. People who leave carts in the parking lot, instead of returning them to the cart carousel. I know it really is difficult to push the cart 15 feet away from your car to the cart carousel, but I don't like pulling into an empty spot only to see a cart occupying half of the spot, so I have to find another spot.

9. Know it alls. You don't know it all I can promise you that. Stop acting like you do. It does not help you, it actually hurts you.

10. Pants sagging low. I have no desire or interest to see your undies. If I wanted to see them I would just ask. Do us all a favor and pull them up please. You look ridiculous like that!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Embarrassing Moment

To tell you the truth I can't think of the most embarrassing moment of my life, and heck maybe it is yet to come. I've done enough minor embarrassing things, such as saying the way wrong thing at the way wrong time. Or just speaking to fill an awkward silence making it that much more awkward. I've tripped more than my share of times in front of people, sometimes tripping over nothing. My parents love to tell stories about me to others that can be pretty embarrassing sometimes. One of those stories is short and sweet, but definately embarrassing:

I must have been about 7 or so and was getting ready for school. I had brought my socks into the bathroom for some reason. (I was already dressed at this point, I'm really not sure why my socks weren't on my feet.) Anyways I had just gotten finished using the bathroom and must have hit my roll of socks into the toilet and flushed them down. I'm not sure if I clogged the toilet or sent the water rushing over and out, but I do remember crying because I just flushed my favorite pair of socks down the toilet. I say this is quite embarrassing, but not as bad as it could be.
