One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Monday, February 27, 2012

Busy, Busy

It feels like forever since I've written last and in fact it has been over a week. A lot has happened in that amount of time. Such as this boy I've mentioned to you in previous posts asked me to be his girlfriend last Sunday. Swoon!! I can't believe we've been together for only a week, it feels like I've known him forever. I think thats a good thing. I've done a lot with him since then, like meet both sides of his family. His parents are divorced and there were birthday celebrations on both sides so I got to meet everybody. Well most everybody who was important anyways. He bought me gorgeous flowers just because he felt bad for me having to drive out to his house when it was going to snow. He's a keeper no doubt about it.

Work has been dragging for weeks and last Friday I got news that I'd been waiting to hear for a long time, I'm getting a significant raise and I'm on the 6-230 shift. Score!

Ok so I'm sure other things have happened but nothing too important. I figured I had to pop by and post a little something about my life.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Dreaded Word


No one ever wants to hear that they have cancer. Now let me make this perfectly clear, I do not have cancer, at least not that I know of. However, I have found a few lumps/bumps on my neck that concern me. One used to be about pea-size and has massively grown to about the size of a dumpling in Campbell's Chicken and Dumpling Soup. I just discovered 2 more small ones. The bigger one didn't concern me when it was small but now it does. It doesn't hurt or anything, it's just annoying. I firmly believe that this is a cyst and have nothing to get worked up about. I am a hypochondriac and believe everything that happens to my body is going to be the worst thing. Another worry of mine is the fact that I've been basically sick since last October and can't seem to catch a break. Most people have told me, it is because you work in a daycare and still aren't immune to all of the germs. I typically would agree, but I've worked in daycares before and have never been like this. My brain then starts buzzing with the thoughts of leukemia, cancer of the blood. Being the person I am, I looked it up on WebMd and began to believe firmly I had all of the symptoms: always sick with an infection, night sweats, loss of appetite, bruising, bleeding from the gums and nose, and the list goes on. So now that I've worked myself up over this idea I can't shake it. My plan is to call and schedule a doctors appointment. Mainly for the bumps on my neck and get those taken care of and then maybe once we figure those out, I won't be as terrified of the other symptoms and just chalk them up to the meds I've been on.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

Normally I would be the one celebrating Single's Awareness Day, but this year I celebrated the actual holiday. I have mentioned to you this guy I've been seeing. We've done a lot together in the past 2 weeks and I like where it is going. I still think we are unsure of each other and don't always have the best conversations in the world and I hope that it gets better. I'm still afraid of making myself look like a complete idiot to said guy, but even if I do, he shouldn't care if he likes me right? Well, we both decided to keep this holiday sort of non-traditional so to speak. I'm not really into the whole mushiness of it and find it sort of ridiculous we have to have a day, only one special day to show that special someone how much you care. Shouldn't you be showing them love all of the time? Everyday? Anyways, we decided not to go to some super fancy restaurant and instead we went to Organ Piper Pizza, which I have never been to before and neither has he. Well, needless to say, neither of us will probably never go back. It was entertaining for sure and definately not a traditional Valentine's Day restaurant. We were in and out of the place in 30 minutes and he mentioned how this could have been one of the shortest dates he's ever been on. Haha! We decided to go downtown again, like we always seem to do and went to a cafe and he had some coffee, hoping it would sooth his sore throat, which in fact it did not. We did get a free beer and a rose out of the deal. Although Stella Artois is not my choice of beer, nor his, so it didn't get drank. We spent a little time there and I could tell he was progressively getting worse with his illness so we decided to head home. Being the hopeless romantic he claims to be, he got me some gifts even though he didn't have to.

Here they are:

My free rose

My cute little giraffe

Men give jewelry on V-Day so here's mine. ;)

A book he showed me once and I wanted to read so he bought it.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bucket List Update

It was brought to my attention that I hadn't updated my bucket list in sometime and I realized this to be true. I have 3 things to cross off my list. 1) Graduate college- although technically, I think about walking across a stage wearing a cap and gown as a graduation, I still have a degree and my diploma so really I guess I have graduated. 2) Lose 25 pounds- I didn't pay much attention to this, but after going to the doctor last Thursday and they weighed me, I thought to myself no way! I was expecting to have gained some weight since the holidays when in fact I actually lost more weight. Crazy! Since I started last August with watching my weight, eating right, and working out on a regular basis I have in fact lost over 25 pounds, I have lost 33!! I'm at 132 and my goal weight was always 130. I'd like now to get down to my highschool weight of 120, but I'm not going to push it, if it isn't healthy looking. 3)Participate in a powwow- it was at Indian Summer in Septemeber last year that I would have participated in said powwow. My friend Amber, is friends with a Native American and he grabbed me by the hand and took me out into the dance and said it's something I had to do. Well I did and it was fun. A little nerve wracking, with tons of people watching and all.

So there you go 3 things crossed off and I'm looking for some more to cross off for this year!


How do you contain it?

How do you contain what I am feeling right now? I dont think it is possible. Now people I don't want to get totally excited and happy about a guy, when we aren't even a couple. I obviously posted about him last post and we hung out again tonight. It was a little awkward at first since I was meeting some of his friends and after only meeting him for the first time last night, well you know. Anyways, the awkwardness went away and my sarcastic side kicked into high gear and everyone got a dose of it. I picked on this guy a little too much and he took a lot of heat, but he is smart enough to know its all in clean fun. He got a few jabs in also. It was just nice to see him again. I'm still afraid to read into it too much because the more I hang out with him the more I'm going to like him: fact. I know in a relationship you gotta go all in or there really isn't a point. I don't want to get hurt, but then again who does? But you have to take that risk, otherwise you will never know. He just makes me feel different than any other guy and thats got to mean something. I have never smiled so much in such a short time. Ahhh how do you contain this feeling? Haha. Just see where it goes and enjoy where you are at this moment. It's amazing how when you sort of stop looking for guys one just walks into your life that is sort of everything you were looking for. How amazing is that? Amazing!!


Saturday, February 4, 2012


After a rather unexciting, uneventful week I had nothing really to smile about. Yesterday there was more drama that I will not speak of since it might get me in trouble. Then today I was supposed to be going to Chicago with one of my cousins and her son to see another cousin of mine, but my cousin's son got sick and so she had to call and cancel and therefore I am not in Chicago or on my way there. I was feeling like I was going to have a crappy weekend, but there was one glimmer of hope and that was a date I had last night. New guy. Unbelievably nice and easy on the eyes. He is smart and very funny. Seriously, he has to have a flaw somewhere right? Ok so the night wasn't perfect. There were some lulls in the conversation, but that was to be expected. (I think.) He also let me in on a random fact that hippo milk is in fact pink. Haha! Crazy! I was all smiles all the way home and to think I almost decided not to go because I was in such a bad mood! We have no plans for another date and in some ways that terrifies me, but in the same sense if it is meant to be it will be. I want to have full faith this will work out and be happy. Anyways I will keep reliving last night and keep smiling.
