One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Saturday, August 23, 2014

On Turning 26

Today is my birthday and to me it doesn't feel like it is. I remember as child getting excited for the parties I would have with my current grade school buddies. The pizza eating. The slumber parties. The gossip and boy talk. There was always a family party too that was usually combined with everyone else's because we all were born in this month. As the years have gone on the celebrating has become less and less and the excitement for a birthday is all but gone. I'm not afraid of getting older. Age doesn't scare me. What scares me is not living life and enjoying the time I'm given. I like having a more relaxing laid back birthday as opposed to a big celebration. I've never been one to be the center of attention in fact I shy away from the spotlight. When I'm complimented or receive credit and praise I say thank you it wasn't a big deal seriously. As much as I'd like to celebrate big and lavishly, it's just fine with me to keep things low key.

So here is to another year. 26 I hope you are good to me and bring me adventures beyond what I could ever imagine.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

My Wandering Thoughts

I know it's been awhile and needless to say that life wasn't terribly exciting during that absence. I need go to the state fair which is a big deal around these parts. You get to spend a hot day with thousands of strangers eating expensively strange things on a stick. It's never a dull atmosphere that's for sure. When the fair is over you can pretty much say summer is done too.

Last Thursday we had an end of summer work party at a local bar and said goodbye to our summer staff. As we once again prepare for the work overload of having no staff but somehow we always make it through.

I've picked up running again. I'm running on average 17-20 miles a week. Which for most people may seem like nothing. But I've got to rebuild the stamina. And I'm picking up more hours again from job 2 so I'm back to 12 hour days. But the running has been good and it's been great to see my slight improvements as the days go on.

Final thought today, I hate spiders! They creep me out beyond words but the place I live in seems to be infested with big, nasty ones. I'm not sure why they like it here so much as I keep it very clean and bright. But I've come faced to face a few times with some about the size of a quarter or slightly larger that I've had to get rid of on my own. Maybe that's a good thing. I'm finally learning to face my fears.
