One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Just a Few Thoughts In this Big Brain

-On December 1st I will start a 30 day inspiration series on my blog. My basic premise will be to showcase things or people that inspire me daily. In turn I want to be able to inspire others. I'm doing this to dig a little deeper into myself. I chose to do this at this time mainly because when else can you be the best inspired? The holidays seem like the best place to do it.

-I've fallen madly in love with a song called 'Run' by Matt Nathanson. This song is a deep love song. This is the kind of love I want to have. Deep and passionate. I also wouldn't mind having a guy write a song about me and then sing it to me.

-I'm back to the semi-early shift at work, 8-530. I'm really not ready to go back to work tomorrow.

-I'm still not 100% over being sick, but fortunately I have a wonderful boyfriend who helped take care of me over the long weekend.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Running the Gauntlet

Yesterday I ran the gauntlet. I don't mean this literally. Actually, I didn't do any running. I went to 3 different Thanksgivings. Yes you read that correctly, 3! First was my boyfriends moms where I actually ate food and where we stayed the longest. Next was my grandparents place where the food from place 1 caught up with me and I didn't feel so good. Needless to say, I didn't have anything to eat for the rest of the day. I guess that is a good thing. After about 2 hours there we went to the boy's dads get together and lasted about an hour before we were both ready to pass out. I started feeling sick yesterday with  a head cold. Then as the day went on it got worse and worse. We picked up some NyQuil on the way home, took some and before you knew it I was passed out. I slept from about 8 til 7 this morning. Man am I ever glad someone invented this drug. Feeling sick is not how I wanted to spend my 4 day vacation, but I guess it beats being sick at work.

Now lets talk about the weather. Only in Wisconsin can it be 65 degrees on Thanksgiving and 18 degrees the next day and snow flurrying. It's way too cold out to do anything outside, which is a good thing because I don't think I'd feel to good doing it. I'm also not a black Friday shopper so I'm avoiding all shopping centers as much as possible. The boy is currently playing video games and I've been "working" at Starbucks. I did a little bit of lesson planning, but mainly I've been job searching and wasting time on pinterest. I'm about to head back, but I figured I would write you all with my brief story of yesterday.

What did you all do on turkey day?


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Since I most likely won't be on here until next week sometime, I figured I would wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Eat lots of delish foods! Enjoy lots of time with family and friends, and by that I mean quality time. I say this because I don't get to share holidays with my immediate family due to distance, so don't take that stuff for granted. For those of you going crazy for a day and being a part of Black Friday...good luck and don't get trampled on. I will let you know soon about my long weekend and running the gauntlet of 3 Thanksgivings in a day!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012


For those of you that don't know what that means, that means overtime and lots of it. Basically since I've started at the daycare I've been getting at least 2 hrs of ot each week. That starts to add up over time. (No pun intended.) Recently, it's been taking a toll on my body. I haven't been eating the best and working out has more or less become a thing of the past. I'm trying to get back on the working out thing, but I'm so exhausted when I get home I don't do it and in the morning I have no motivation since I'm freezing cold. But this post is not about that. This post is about what happened last night.

On a typical day my hours start at 830 and end at 6. I'm usually out the door at about 6 give or take a few minutes. Well last night, my coteacher and I were the last 2 stuck with 3 boys. 2 of which were brothers. We got a call from one boys father and he said he would be there about 630, so I knew right then and there this was going to be a long night. There was still no sign of the brothers mother so I called her at 605 and she apparently fell asleep and was on her way and would be there soon. It was now 635 and the one boy was long gone and we were still waiting on her. So my coteacher called her this time and she said she was 2 mintues away, when in fact, she was 10 minutes away. So I was at work until 645!!! I was quite angry. I guess I don't understand how you forget your child, or how you fall asleep and don't set an alarm to make sure you get them. I don't understand how parents think it's ok to leave your child there, do you think that we just stay overnight and don't have our own lives? Thats what irks me! Hopefully today won't be as bad...we have picture day. Should be loads of fun!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Short Week

I'm very happy that this week is a short week. 3 days of work and 4 days to eat and drink and sleep and relax to prepare for another long stretch of work. As much as I should put more effort into caring about these last 3 days for a little while I really could care less. I also have quite a bit planned for the weekend so I won't be relaxing all that much. Here's to hoping this week goes by fast and the weekend goes by slow.

Some highlights from this past weekend:

-Went shopping on Friday night and bought to pairs of jeans, now down to a size 6! Got a black lace dress for the boys company Christmas party for $25 from H&M and a few plain tees from H&M as well.

-Caught up on lots of White Collar while the boy was at work.

-Went to my friend, Britt's birthday party on Saturday night. We went to see a comedy show called, Bye Bye Liver, basically lots of drinking involved. After, we headed out to some bars and the boy met me down there after his family party.

-Watched the Packer game, too close for the fans to handle

-Went to the mall with the boy just for something else to do.

-Went to the grocery store to pick up some massively oversized meatballs for our pasta.

-Watched Big Bang Theory and a little bit of nothing and came home


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Tales from an Asthmatic

I've had asthma all of my life. It was worse during my very young years and it progressively got better as I got older and more under control. As an adult it is under control but to a certain extent. I'm on a daily steriod inhaler that I'm not a fan of. I would love to get rid of it over time, but I think my body has become so dependent on it, that if I should ever stop using it, my body would have a hard time adjusting to breathing without it. However, I'm not here to tell you about me, I'm here ot share with you how I feel about parents of my daycare children who basically expect us to care for their ill child.

We have a 2 year old boy who is just like any other kid his age. He loves to play and run around and get into trouble. So, when you see this boy laying around on the ground, moaning, you know something is not right. He has struggled with breathing in the past and has had to take treatments. I mentioned to his mom once that I had asthma so I know what he is feeling. She said oh no he doesn't have asthma, its what happens when he gets sick. Ok that may be very well and true, but I still know the sound of asthma when I hear it. I know how hard it is to breath when you are having an attack and he clearly was at this moment. I felt so bad for him. We notified our director who said she would call his mom, but told us not to expect much. The feeling for him had to have been much worse than I deal with, being so little. And the worst part? His parents both smoke like chimneys. And you wonder why he is having difficulty breathing! That is one thing that just makes me cringe. How as a parent can you allow yourself to smoke in the presence of your child? I respect the fact that people want to smoke, but don't do it in front of a person who has no choice of moving away from you smoking. Don't smoke in front of children. Period. I have come close so many times to tell mom that she needs to stop doing that, you are killing him slowly.

I hope that for his sake his parents start to see what damage they are doing to him, or pretty soon he won't be telling tales of asthmatic, but as someone with cancer.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thirsty Thursday...

...or is it Wasted Wednesday? Yesterday was quite a long and painful day at work. 8 children who all were crabby and crying and throwing tantrums and hitting me and my co-teacher. Made for a burned out me. And yes as you are all aware I'm looking for other jobs. I do believe that my bosses are on to me. They asked me yesterday if I was putting in my 2 weeks and of course I said no. I have no other job prospect yet. But all of this craziness lead me to drink last night. Normally I would deal with the stress by working out, but since I didn't get home until almost 7, I just had no energy left to do that. So drinking was the best alternative. I wouldn't say I was anywhere close to wasted, a little tipsy and that might even be a stretch. I had a slight buzz that wore off at about 10. No hangover today, which is good, because work could have been extra long then. For future reference, I'm not going to drink midweek anymore, especially when I have work the next day.


Monday, November 12, 2012

The First Snowfall

Alright so I admit I'm not usually one who enjoys the snow or cold but yet I till live in Wisconsin, where snow is inevitable about half of the year and so is the cold. And even though I've been witness to two decades worth of the first snowfall of the season, it never ceases to amaze me how much I love it. I don't know what it is, but the world seems to just stop and take a deep breath and enjoy the wonder of the moment. It makes everything seem peaceful and calm. It is as if I'm a little kid again waiting for it to pile up higher and higher and the anticipation of going out to throw the first snowball of the season. It takes me back to some sort of innocence. Granted today was just some giant flakes falling from the sky that managed to accumulate a little on my car, but that was the extent of it. Still beautiful no less.


Weekend Recap

I don't even know where to begin. Friday ended with a bang. I worked til 6 but the computer was taking an eternity for us to clock out so I didn't actually leave until 615 or shortly there after. I had a horrible headache all day and nothing was working for me. As usual, I went over to the boys house. He was taking a shower when I got there and was kind of upset about having to wait til his aunt's company left, but he got over that really quick. Friday we just hung out and watched some tv and ate burgers and fries. I barely remember what happened but I do know my stomach was in serious pain. I kept getting up to use the bathroom and then eventually I decided to sleep on the couch to not disturb the boy. He let me take the comforter and I eventually fell asleep sometime after midnight. I woke up again around 2 and let it all out. (sorry tmi). Boy woke up and came out on to the couch and told me to go back and lay in his bed and he went out and got me some white soda. What a guy!! :) Eventually we both fell back to sleep and slept til about 7. I wish I could have slept longer, but it wasn't happening. Boy went out for breakfast with the guys in his family like he does once a month and I just relaxed at home. He got back around noon and then we went to the local antique shop to look for a gift for a friend of his, which we never found. We went to his cousin's highschool playoff football game to see if they would make it to state. I'm positive they won, but we only stayed until the end of the 3rd and they were winning 28-7. After football we came home and watched some more tv and decided to have a light dinner of salads at a local restaurant we both love. We were both diappointed that it took about 45 mins just to get our salads and when we did they looked like crap. We were going to go to his friends house for a housewarming party afterwards but he decided against it. We went back to his place and attempted to watch the new Spiderman before I passed out and he followed closely behind. Sunday was just about as chaotic as Saturday. We got up, boy went to gym I stayed home and watched tv. After getting ready for our day we went out to the hardware store for some new screws to FINALLY put on my new liscence plates. Let me tell you thats been a long time coming. So now I'm officially a resident of WI...again! We went down to the mall to kill a little time before we went to the Wave game. Which we got free tickets for from the coach himself, otherwise I doubt we ever would have gone. We stayed for the first half and decided to leave because we were both bored. It wasn't like it used to be as kids. We went to our fav Chinese restaurant on the East Side, where we order the same thing every time, but its so delicious. And if you know me, I'm not a huge Chinese food fan, so for me to say it is delicious, you better believe that it is. We came home and watched Spiderman, which was a pretty decent movie. After that I was out the door. And here we begin another long work week.


Monday, November 5, 2012


I know it is not close to New Year's when I share with you things I have planned for next year and what I would like to accomplish. I am starting a list and have quite a few things that I plan to get done. One major one is what I've shared before about getting a new job. One that I love and doesn't stress me out and makes me happy to wake up everyday and go to that place. I will not reveal anymore items on that list until New Years. Sorry for the teaser!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Operation Rearrange Room

So I realize this is my second post of the day, but who cares? Get over it! Last night I came to the conclusion I wanted a little change in my bedroom. I had contemplated this for a long time but never actually got around to doing it. It's a small room so moving things around wasn't easy and I had only so many options of where to put things. Then after work today I worked out and did laundry and decided to finally move things around. Truthfully, the only reason why I rearranged the room was because whenever I get super stressed I need a project to do that is completely unrelated to whatever I'm stressed out about. And cleaning and organizing generally do it for me. I wish I would have taken a before and after photo of the room but its not terribly exciting anyways. Clearly I needed a change in my current room situation and hopefully soon I will make a change in my life as far as a new career.


Why Not You?

I stumbled across this today on good ol Pinterest.

I've been having a rough few days at work and I know we all have them. On my last paycheck I got 5 hours of overtime! Now most people would say thats great. You should be happy to get that kind of money. Trust me, I am. But at the same time in the past 2 months I have gotten at least 2-3 hours of overtime on each check, which means I'm getting lots of ot. I'm driving myself to an early death. I work 9 sometimes 10 hour days and have a half hour commute both ways. Which just adds to the stress. On top of all of that I have to keep preparing for projects at school, which eat into more of me time when I get home. I haven't worked out like I normally do since I'm just too tired. When I get home at night I'm exhausted and just want to spend the remaining 2 hours I have to watch tv. I try to get up earlier in the morning, but I choose sleep over it. I haven't been eating healthy either. I'm getting burned out and stressed out. I like working with children, but is it worth my health and sanity? I think Jillian said it well, why not you to deserve something better in any area of your life? And maybe now more than ever its time to let go of working in daycares and start something completely new.
I talked to the boy last night about it and he suggests looking into a degree related field. Or at least finding something that is not working with kids. And maybe then I can be happy working a normal 8-5 job without the extra stuff. So the new job search begins and I will keep you posted.
So why not you?