One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick Or Treat

Happy Halloween!! Crazy to think we've made it here. It actually doesn't even feel like it. I have not done any of the normal preparations for Halloween like I've done in years past. I've been too busy with work and the boy. He doesn't believe in carving pumpkins because it's too messy. I will eventually have to convince him we have to do it.

Anyways, I will not be doing any trick or treating today. Mainly, because no place is doing it today, they've already done it on the weekend. Lame, if you ask me. I however, have come down with a mild cold of sorts. I started feeling blah on Monday and was sneezing like crazy. At first I thought it was just allergies, but it progressed in to more of a head cold. It's not as bad as it could be. It's just hard to go work with kids all day when you feel blah. And then we have to go outside where it's cold and I'm already cold and nothing really warms me up. I feel like I'll be getting more tricks than treats this year. I will be happy to get through the day.

Any plans for you on Halloween?


Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend Recap

Another weekend has come and gone and needless to say it was rather boring. The boy and I only spent half of Saturday and all day Sunday together. He went out on Friday night and lets just say had one to many. We had a minor argument when I got to his place. I was irritated that he was still drunk at that point and was so drunk he didn't remember what happened on Friday night. I told him that I wasn't here to just do nothing and that I had wanted to do something with him. We eventually sorted through the situation and I apologized for being a biotch. With the week he had, he deserved a chance to let go a little. After that we went to Mequon for a change of pace. We ate lunch and walked around some shops, but nothing interesting. We then went to Bayshore mall to waste more time. We headed back to his place and watched the rest of Homeland season 1. Now we are going to catch up on season 2. He passed out about 830 and I around 10. Sunday we watched some of the Packer game before we both decided we were bored. We then went to Target and wandered around for over an hour. We spent a bulk of time looking at things we need to purchase for when we move in together. We got some items from the store for dinner. We got home and watched more tv. Then I had to leave again. Worst part of my weekends. All in all it was a relaxing weekend, just went by way too fast. Can't wait to have some days off in November.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Fashion Friday

It has been a long time since I've posted about fashion and I feel like I've lost a step or two in the fashion world. I wear the same polo shirt everyday for work and I'm so ready for that to be over, but got to keep going before that happens.

I just find this outfit really cute and really easy to do. Even though we are fastly approaching the winter season and should be wearing cuter jackets and boots, etc, we aren't there yet. This is still a cute outfit to wear to work on perhaps a casual Friday or just a Saturday afternoon out with the ladies. I love the dark wash jeans and the dark blue shirt which is worn over a long white shirt. I love love love the blazer style and color and makes the whole outfit in my opinion. Only if I could pull this off today instead of my red polo.


Thursday, October 25, 2012


Passion. Do you have it? Do you have the drive and desire to achieve whatever you love the most? Have you found what you are most passionate about? I'm not sure that I have yet, but I do know that I love working with kids and hope that I'm leaving some impact on them. There is no greater feeling in the world than having a child so happy to see you each and every day. Or when you have been a different room all day and you see them again they come running to you and almost tackle you to the ground with their hugs. Or the times they know you are having a bad or off day they just simply want to cuddle with you and make sure you are ok. Or seeing them achieve something they've worked so hard to get.

Julia said it well. Anything you have a passion for work hard at it. Learn everything you can about it. Show an interest in it at all times. Seek to get better at it. Understand the in's and outs of it. Most of all pour all of you energy and love into it...that is what passion is after all.


Monday, October 22, 2012

"Tu me manques"

Over the past few weeks I've become closer with the boy. I mean I've always liked him. We have a good friendship and we laugh and are goofy, but know how to have a serious conversation. I love him with every fiber of my being and I know he loves me back just the same. This weekend, I felt that nothing else could have made it more perfect. The perfect thing would have been being able to stay with and never leave, but alas work calls and we don't live together and that is what sucks. Let me tell you it gets harder and harder every weekend come Sunday night around 8. Last night poor boy was all snuggled up in bed with me and I told him I should get going and he gave me the sad puppy dog face and said I don't want you to leave. This whole thing with you leaving gets harder and harder every week. Trust me I know. Throughout the week we rarely get together, just because I work til 6 most days and usually he's half asleep by then. So we miss each other terribly through the week until Friday rolls around. I stumbled upon this quote a few weeks ago and think it is fitting for right now and how I feel:

In French you don't really say, "I miss you" you say "Tu me manques" which means you are missing from me.

I like this a lot better. I do miss him, but he is not with me and I'm not with him therefore we are missing from each other, basically separate from each other and not together. I'm sick of being missing from him and him missing from me.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I think I've finally turned the page and am going to workout whenever I can. Last night after work I worked out and man did it ever feel good. Today I plan to workout after work again. It doesn't give me a lot of time for me but I guess if you think about it, it really is for me. It's me making a healthy choice for my body.

Also I'm annoyed by the debates and our upcoming election. As a 24 year old I am legally and have every right to vote. I know in my heart who I want and am going to vote for and nothing is going to really change that. At this point, it's more or less come down to who I think is less annoying and says the things I feel are going to help this country. I just can't stand how intense people are about this election. And maybe because I never spent a lot of time caring previously about elections, this one seems to be worse. I can't wait for this all to be over and we can finally move on with our lives.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to do this?

Over the past month I've worked out few and far between. One reason for this is that I was sick for about 2 weeks and had no energy to workout. Recently, I've tried getting up earlier to workout but when that time comes I'm either too tired or freezing cold to get out of bed. I don't get done with work until 530/6 and dont get home until 6/630 depending on the day. I'm trying to figure out how to balance work and exercise. I've done it before. It is more or less getting into the habit of doing it again. I don't have a gym membership, so I don't have incentive to really workout, other than I want to keep the weight I'm at and have more energy and be healthy. I think if I joined a gym, I'd go straight there after work instead of home and I would actually get it done. But then its a matter of where and how much I'm willing to spend? I know if I wasn't so cold in the morning I could get up and workout. I'm usually up at 630 anyways. That usually gives me about 30 minutes to workout and 10 mins for a shower and time to get ready. But I know I've been feeling sluggish because I'm not getting the workouts in and I'm not eating properly either. Oh the struggles of working the hours I now work. I will figure this thing out soon. Don't want to go back to the heavier me.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Good Feeling

Today I did not have to work which was glorious, but we did have a conference of sorts all day. We basically sat and listened to ideas to better our classrooms and management techniques. It was a long day, but definitely a lot learned and digested. My director gave a presentation and called me out as being a good teacher and I handled a stressful, unpredictable situation really well. Too long of a story to type out. But regardless, that made me feel really good and I actually got a little teary eyed. I know ridiculous. But every once in awhile you need to hear positives from your boss.

After 'work' I went to stop by the boys place since he is sick. I brought him vanilla custard and that made him feel at least a tad better for the time being. Get better soon hun!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weekend Recap

It has been one chilly fall weekend around these here parts, 45 degrees...brrrrr! But I suppose we are getting to that time of year. Boy and I had plans to celebrate International Bond Day on Friday, but then he cancelled them for a family fish fry to celebrate the birth of his cousin's first child. However at 530 on Friday boy found out that it got cancelled. We didn't do the majority of the stuff he had planned since it was back on last minute. We did however go back to the Safehouse for dinner. I took him there on our 1 month anniversary. On Saturday boy had breakfast with his dad and brother and I had to take my car to get emissions tested. I passed with flying colors. After boy got home we pondered what we were going to do. I found some potential things to do, but most of them were outside and it was just too cold to do anything. So we settled on checking out halloween costumes and shopping at the mall. Boy bought a sweater jacket thing and I bought some body wash since Bath and Body always has fantastic deals. We then when to the grocery store to buy ingredients for spaghetti, not to be confused with sghetti from Honey Boo Boo. We watched a little tv and then he made me watch The Avengers since I still haven't seen it. I was fairly confused since I didn't see all the movies prior to seeing it, so I didn't know a lot of the backstories. Boy was apologetic for making me watch it. But I didn't mind it. It was a decent movie. I just had lots of questions to ask. Today boy had last day of bathfitters. He was at a bridal show today. I basically have been sitting watching pointless tv and now the Packer game. Which the game has been boring since they are winning by a lot. Hope your weekends have all been fun and/or relaxing!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Domino Effect

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like everything is out to get you? I mean the ones where you feel like you are doing everything right, but nothing is going right and the world just seems like a worse off place? Yeah I'm having one of those days, one of those weeks actually. I'm irritated with my coteacher at work and try as I might to be a good sport about it and try to understand that everyone learns and works at a different pace, my pace is fast and I have a wayof doing things and if those things are messed with or I have to slow down I get very frustrated. I don't like being frustrated. I want a great work atmosphere and I know my OCD sort of shines through at work, but it is hard when day in and day out I feel like I'm trying to teach her and get her to do the things she is supposed to do more than I'm focusing on my children. This then carries over into being exhausted when I get home and not wanting to do anything but watch some tv. Therefore I choose not to do my lesson plans for the week or work on projects because I'm just too tired. Which ultimately leads me into pushing it off until the morning of. And somewhere in there I really want to workout, but getting up at 6 has been extremely difficult, even when I'm in bed by 930. I've had some rough nights due to my breathing and its getting old really fast. I'm just hoping that this is just a bad week and I can eventually get my head back on straight.


Monday, October 1, 2012

It's October!

It is probably my favorite month of the year. I love the cooler weather, football season is well underway, the leaves are changing and are at their peak, and we are entering into the holiday season. It's October people and I love it. I can't believe how fast the year has flown by already. And yet we still have 3 full months until the year is out! I'd like to say I want to slow it down and make sure I'm enjoying every minute of these last few months, but I know that won't happen. Work keeps me insanely busy, more than I thought. My weeks fly by fast, but my weekends fly by faster. Unfortunately weekends are the time I get to spend with boy and I really only get 2 days and 2 nights with him. But I'm very excited I get to see him after work today. He got me hooked on this BBC show called Sherlock. So I spent most of the weekend watching that. Tonight we are having dinner and discussing this show. Later on this week, on Friday to be exact, it is International James Bond day and he has something planned, so I need to dress like a Bond girl. I've got a little research to do with that, because I'm not painting myself gold or wearing any funky tight gold outfit or tight black suit, or a swimsuit. I figure a nice evening gown with a slit up the side and a toy gun in a holster on my thigh would work well. Thats it I suppose. Hope your October is off to a great start!
