One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Playing a Little Catch Up

I'm a little disappointed in myself for the lack of posts as of late. Unfortunately, life is getting the best of me these days. I work 12 hours and come home and workout and the last thing I want to do is type some pointless blog post. I wish I could say something interesting has happened recently and it simply hasn't. Halloween was today and it was great to see the kiddos at school so crazy excited for trick-or-treating, although the weather was absolutely miserable. It's crazy to think in a month we will be celebrating my second favorite holiday of the year, my first being the 4th of July. I love Thanksgiving...but that will be a post for that day. I can't believe in just over 2 months the year will be complete and I will be sitting here reflecting on another year which has had more downs than ups.

But enough looking into the future, lets focus on the past and the here and now. Here's a few photos to help me recap a little of the past few weeks. I promise to blog a little more often than I have.

My twinnies and I on Packer day

Holy Hill

Holy Hill

My own take on Holy Hill

Here's to the end of one month and a beginning to another.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Photo Dump

Because I haven't been around lately pictures will tell my story of what has been going on.

From top to bottom:

My fall walk/run from yesterday after I got out of job #1 early. It has been amazingly gorgeous these past few weeks and I'm not ready to give up the upper 60s low 70s and sunshiney weather yet.

Moonshine at the local grocery store? I didn't realize it became legal to sell.

An early fall drive a few weeks ago. The leaves were just beginning to turn and the weather was epically beautiful.

You have already seen the Chicago post and pictures but I did a collage to highlight all the places.

And then there is the ringworm on my leg, which I have now had for over 3 weeks and has diminished in color but grown in size.

It is not much and I know I've been slacking. I've just been busy and lacking motivation these days. And that is in every aspect of my life not just blogging.
