One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Sunday, June 30, 2013

MOVING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell I'm excited?! I've been up since 530 this morning...ok so not that long ago, but my excitement didn't allow me to fall back to sleep. Needless to say I'm just a tad bit stressed about it all. I think that goes without saying. I want to make sure I have everything. I also want to make sure everything is in order and set to go before we take off. I'm also afraid of falling down the stairs with my shit and breaking some body part because I'm carrying too heavy of a load. Thankfully, boy will be here soon to help me load everything up. Then when we arrive we have more hands to help us move the stuff up!

Catch you after the move!


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Good Things Coming

I can't believe in less than 24 hours I will be all moved in to my temporary new place. I can't wait to be with my friend Sarah and her fiancé. I think we are going to have a kick-ass time. Another co-worker of ours lives right across the street and apparently she frequents their place. So its going to get crazy from time to time. (Side note on all of this...not to make a rather happy post turn sour...but, I was told I needed to be moved out by July 1st. I know I don't have that much shit to move compared to the other 2 living here, but they are by no means making any effort to get themselves out by then. I just don't understand how they can sit around doing nothing and expect it to be done by then...or I was just lied to about everything. But honestly, it works best this way. Best of luck to them. I will be happy with my life.)

Back to the good things. Thursday night boy and I hit up Summerfest and watched one of our favorite bands, Atlas Genius, tear up the stage. Since it was late, boy stayed over that night and both of us were not looking forward to getting up at 5 in the morning. But thank goodness it was Friday. We went our separate ways to work. It was a rather odd morning weather wise. On my side of town the sun was just starting to get up and as I drove closer to work it became a little cloudy. On one side of me I could just see the sun rising, passing its light through the rain and on the other side the rainbow. I saw the whole thing form and then dissipate. I even saw a second rainbow begin to form. It was one of those you had to be there moments to really appreciate it. We've had a lot of rain and storms around here lately and it was nice to finally see something cool come out of one them. And to top it all off, last night I witnessed another rainbow. I couldn't help but smile.

They say that rainbows are good luck. I'm not one for all that superstitious stuff, but there is something about seeing a rainbow, and the rarity of it, that for seeing a near double rainbow and a third one later all in the same day...makes you wonder. I do believe from the Bible God made a promise with a rainbow. Everytime I see a rainbow I'm reminded of his promises. I believe that good things are coming down the road for me, and soon. I'm excited about this next phase of my journey and can't wait to see what new adventures await.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013


It's so crazy to think that in less than a week I will be moving out. I'm so fortunate enough that I have friends from work who are willing to house me until I find my own place. I just hope I don't get too comfortable that I stay like I did here.

Changes for me bring about time to reflect on the past and allow you to think about the upcoming adventures in the future. In the past 5 years I have moved just about that many times. To Minnesota, back to Wisconsin to South Carolina where I moved 3 times and back to Wisconsin stayed at one place for a month and then moved into where I am now. Crazy to think that in the past 5 years this is the place I've lived the longest (just under 2 years). Being the free spirit that I am, I don't mind the moves. It gives me a chance to learn and adjust to a new situation. But it makes me start thinking that someday I would love to just be settled. To be able to live somewhere for more than 5 years. To make a home to build a life. Right now, I have the luxury of being able to pick up and move whenever I please. I have nothing tying me down.

As I begin to look at the empty boxes and the contemplation of things that must go inside, I begin to remember the memories. I think about the random knick knacks on my shelf and who each of them connects to. Most of them are connected to boy. I begin to think about when I first moved in here, and how excited I was to be living with a friend from highschool/college. As I begin to pack up, I realize how much people can change in such a short time. The excitement I once had to live with a good friend is now the excitement I have to leave here. The past few months have been agony here, specifically the last month or so. The fact I don't even feel comfortable in my own place of residence means its time for a change. I begin to recall the times I've had with my friend and maybe parts of it are my fault for not giving her more time and attention. Since being with boy for most of the past year and a half has not allowed me much time with her. Don't get me wrong, we did hang out quite a bit, but things changed and we grew apart. I don't think we saw eye to eye on certain things, but managed to work our way around them and now I think they have just come to a head. We are both growing and working towards different goals and running down different paths in life. But she is very much a part of my learning experiences.

I think about the jobs I've held. Not too exciting. Finally, I will be closer to work (at least for the time being.) I think about the future I have in some other company down the road. I'm very excited for the potential to move up and out of daycare/teaching.

It's crazy to think how fast the years have flown by. Here I sit and smile and laugh and cry a little about the past 2 years. So much of my life changed while I lived here. I believe in the new place more of the same will happen. Many people think moving sucks or is a bad thing, but I tend to love it. It's sort of a new start, a fresh page. A chance to learn and grow all over again.

To changes and growth!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Don't Stop Believin'

Yes I was a little inspired by Journey. I heard that song today and its been stuck ever since. The past couple weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least. Situations occurred between my current roommate and I and we will no longer be living together as of July 1st. We initially had planned on living together, but due to what I call lack of communication, things never came together. She wound up finding her own place, which apparently she can afford. I wish I could say the same thing. I can really only afford about 450/month do to my student loans. And the fact I get paid a horrible amount of money for what I do. Regardless, I've been searching high and low to find a place. I was finding lots of studio apartments in my price range and every time I'd call it would be oh we just filled our last spot or nope sorry nothing is available at the moment. I called this one studio which would have been perfect. Everything included for $400/month. The only down side was it was an additional 10 minutes away from work and I'm already quite far. I drove down there today to check the space out (turns out it was in the ghetto) they just signed a new person for the place. I had called yesterday afternoon to see if they had any available and they did. Crazy how quickly things fill up. I've been really down on myself, because I really do want to live on my own. No roommates at all. But honestly, I can't do it. Boy and I aren't ready to live together yet. I don't want to rush anything there. I've had people from work offer me to stay with them, but I feel like I'm intruding on their families. But I don't have much option. So I contacted a girl from work and she said it should be good. I will have my own bed and bath which will be nice. At least this gives me a little bit more time to search for a place of my own and hope that something pops up in my price range. I will keep looking, but there is less of a panic to get into a place by July 1st. Even though things are really tough in every aspect of my life I've got 'don't stop believing' playing in my head. I trust that things will work out how they should. And after all of this stuff settles, I will be a stronger person for it.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Spending the Day With Grandparents

Yesterday I was bored and really needed to get out of the house. I decided since I haven't seen my grandparents in awhile and won't be seeing them for the next couple of months it was time for a visit. I headed over there around 1 and they were watching the Brewer's game. My grandma is a HUGE fan. She doesn't miss one game if she has anything to say about it. Lucky for me, they won big time. We did lots of chit chatting about our lives and family who are coming in to town for a visit in the near future. She also informed me that one of my aunts and uncles might be moving back to the area soon and they are coming to visit at the end of the month and most likely will be looking at houses. That would be awesome to have the family slowly start trickling back home.

My grandma was also talking to be about our ancestry and how she doesn't know what her mother was. I've always been interested in learning about our past. Especially with our family we can only trace back so far. Our name isn't a very popular name and is rarely ever found in telephone books or any genealogy books. They do believe it got shortened somewhere down the line so we could be a variety of things. We do know we are German because my grandma's dad was born there and moved to this country when he was 5. He apparently told my grandma that the city he was from was bombed and no longer existed so we'd never be able to find it. There have been some distant relatives that have been doing research on the family. Apparently, one of the cousins put a whole book together on his research. Which I would love to get my hands on, but no one knows where he is exactly. My grandpa has German on his side also but he only knows up to where his grandparents are in the family line. He knows they were born in the United States, but doesn't know further back than that. He has been told that his family came from a border region around Germany and France. So I suppose we could also be French. Anyways, someday I would love to find out exactly what my family is other than German.

Catching up with the grandparents is great. I feel like I learn so much from them one on one instead of when the whole family gets together. I think the next time I go for a visit I hope I can look through old photos of people. That would be so incredibly fun.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ho Hum Sunday

Last night I was boy's chauffeur around town. He had to work at Pride Fest here in MKE and I had to go pick him up after he was done which was around 11pm. We drove down to Ian's Pizza. Which has some crazy varieties of pizza. I had the mac and cheese pizza. The slices are about 1/4 the size of the pizza...which is huge! Boy had some bbq and fries pizza. Yeah I told you unique! But oh so delish!

We got back to my place around 1230am. He stayed the night. First time for him staying over here. We woke up around 6! Way too early if you ask me! He had to leave relatively early since he has another shift at Pride today. My tasks of the day are pretty much the same as they've been all weekend. Looking for a new job. Looking for a place to live. Looking for a possible new roommate since my current situation is not looking so well. I'm getting sick of doing this over and over again. The weather looks like it will be a relatively good day. What I plan on doing with that? I'm not exactly sure yet. I don't really want to spend all day inside being completely and utterly lazy. But I don't really feel like driving far away just to do something outdoors. I guess I will see where this day takes me.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Farmers Market Bust

I was so excited to go to a Farmer's Market today. I was looking forward to tasting lots of great food and buying some fresh produce. Unfortunately my excitement turned to disappointment. I even attempted going to 2 of them and they were both horrible. The first one had a little more variety of things to look at, but no fresh produce. I did however get a churro, which I haven't had since high school. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed by that also. The second market I stopped at was even worse than the first. There were about half the stands and this place was mainly selling flowers and jewelry. Next week I plan on hitting up another one hoping to find a good one. I really want some fresh corn on the cob and a nice juicy apple.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Weekly Check In

As promised, I will fill you in on how POORLY I did in my miles ran this week. I'm definitely going to have to make this all up. Let's just say this week hasn't been the greatest one on record. From the weather feeling like its fall and not summer to work feeling longer than it normally should and feeling completely and utterly exhausted by the time I get home and not wanting to do a damn thing. Now to having my best friend of the month pay me a visit which makes me feel more tired, but I feel fat which makes me want to workout, but my workouts suck because I don't have any push in me. Yeah...its been that kind of week. Sometimes, though your body does know what is best and sometimes it does need a rest. However, I feel like I've eaten so much this week, mostly crap food, that I want to exercise to make sure I don't gain weight. To top everything off, this morning, I began to feel the sniffles come and I know that's a bad sign. I had a feeble attempt at running this afternoon. It was anything but glorious. The weather was a perfect 65 degrees. Excellent outdoor workout weather. I did my normal pre-run walking warm-up, then began my run. Things seemed fine and in order, but I only ran .35 of a mile before my lungs decided they wanted to die. I decided walking it was probably better than trying to run. I was only getting worse. It was to the point where even just stopping wasn't helping me. I decided to turn around and head home for my inhaler. I was beat. My body was beat. My high flying self was beat. All because I have the sniffles. My body said NO! Crazy lady we need sleep and rest and recovery. So needless to say the run wasn't so much a run. It was more of a crawl. So I'm crossing this week off as bad. I should probably not force myself tomorrow to run, but who are we kidding?

Also on tomorrows agenda...Farmers Market!! I'm so looking forward to this!


Saturday, June 1, 2013

300 Miles of Summer

It occurred to me today as I was running that I want to set a goal for myself. I do at some point in the next year want to run a race of some sorts. Whether it is a marathon or half marathon or just a 5k. But that's not really setting much of a goal. I have decided since today is the first day of June and there are 92 days of summer...well not technically but the next 3 months, that I want to run a set of miles by the time 92 days are over. I was thinking of a number that is achievable but not so unrealistic. As you might guess, I'm a newer runner. I started picking it up about 2 summers ago and ran whenever I felt like it. Now I'm a little more serious about running and training for the above said races. But I don't want to become too serious about it either where its not fun to run. So I decided why not make a game of this training thing and set a good number of miles to run. Since I've been averaging about 3.2-3.5 miles each run I figured 300 miles would be a good solid number. If you do the math it comes out to roughly 3.2 miles each day. And yes that would be EACH day. Now I know that I most likely will not run everyday and I won't always run 3 plus miles, but that's what makes the goal harder to reach, but yet within my grasp if I work hard at it. I figure the more I run the better I'm going to get at it. It takes time. No one runs a marathon the first day they start running. So I determined that although some days I may not run and some days I may only run 1 mile on other days I can make up for it by running 5, 6 or 7 miles. So today was my first day of running and I ran 3.06 miles. Not quite the average that I need, but it's pretty damn close. Each week I will catch you up on my current amount of miles and tell you how I'm advancing, if at all. Here's to running!
