One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Meeting Strangers at the Movies

I am not even kidding about this.

I haven't been to a movie theater in a while and wanted to see Crazy, Stupid, Love. It was a decent movie, a little slow at times, but well worth it seeing Ryan Gosling without clothes on. I went alone because my friends that are here either were working or went home. Sad face. I get to the theater about 10 minutes before the movie was supposed to start. I sit down in my own row. I figured not many people would show, and my figuring was correct. This older lady plops right down next to me. I mean in the seat right next to me. How crazy! There were maybe 15 other people in the theater given it was an early afternoon showing. She starts saying how cold it is in the theater and asking where I'm from. I didn't mind conversing with her while waiting for the movie to start. In 10 minutes I managed to hear about most of her life, whether its true or not is another story. She's been married and divorced 8 times and is married again (I met her husband after the movie.) Her sister killed herself a few years ago because she was upset that the Yankees didn't win the world series. She talked about her parents and how they are Jewish. Her grandson went to Israel to find relatives, but had no luck. He wound up staying to teach over there. Apparently he was in North Korea also. One of her sister's husbands was a handicap and apparently her husband was mean to him in some form or another. I tried to nicely ignore her babble on as the previews were going. But she just kept talking. The movie came on finally and she still was talking on and off for the first 15 minutes, but I managed to fully ignore her. Then she started asking me who the actors were in the film and at this point I was starting to get annoyed. She got up and disappeared for awhile and I thought about moving to another seat, but figured that would just disrupt other viewers. She came back and was quiet throughout the rest of the movie. I tried to wait as long as I could after the movie so she would leave first, but she wasn't having it. I walked out with her as she continued to chew my ear off. I met her husband who asked me if I was a movie star. Chuckling at the thought I quickly said no. They went on to discuss about some 90 year old Jewish woman they had met at the theater last week. I thought to myself she probably didn't want to come back and see these people again. I tried to be smooth and say I had to use the restroom and of course the lady followed me. She was asking me what I had planned for the night. I said I had to work and she was like where are you working. I said well I do some babysitting. She was like thats nice. This is going to be totally rude but she was still talking away in the stall as I was washing and drying my hands I figured it was my only escape or she'd ask me to spend the afternoon with her. I made it out and ran through the mall out to my car. Trying hard not to smile at the recent events.

I could only imagine her still sitting in the bathroom long after I was gone chatting away to someone who would listen. I felt sorry for her in some way because she probably gets no attention from her husband. She probably doesnt have friends except her husband. She probably has all of this bottled up inside and then spews when she meets whomever. Or she's on drugs and makes up a whole bunch of stories, but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Too bad this stranger wasn't a nice young gentleman.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Charleston, SC

As stated some time ago, I was going to visit Charleston. It was exactly how I pictured in my mind. Colorful homes and shops, palm trees, and history. I left Myrtle around 10am and got to Charleston around noon. I could have been there earlier, but I figured sleep was more important. Besides knowing it was a Sunday, most places wouldn't be open until noon anyways, thanks to it being the Bible belt down here. There were a decent amount of people already walking around, but yet some streets I was the only person on, which was nice. I found a parking garage to park in and only had to pay $3 for the day. (Decent deal I say.) My first stop was overlooking the Cooper River. I then just meandered around some streets with no place in mind. I had a map I printed from the website, but little good it did me since not all streets were marked. I was looking for the fashion district, but never got a chance to walk over that way. I mainly walked around in the more historic area, that had a few antique shops and art galleries, but mainly churches, graveyards and hotels. I walked down to the battery, which was absolutely gorgeous. It was pretty much a huge park, with a whole bunch of statues and canons and such. By this point it was nearly 2 o'clock and I was dying. It sat in the park for awhile under the shade of all the trees. I'm so glad I stopped and got a big bottle of water and a smoothie, but even that couldn't take the exhaustion away. I knew I still had a decent walk back to the car. I was slightly disappointed I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do and see while I was there. 2 friends of mine are coming in next week for their honeymoon and will be in Charleston, so my plan is to meet up with them and hopefully get to see the other places I didn't get to see. If it weren't so hot out, I probably would have done more. I also have a coupon to get free earings from a botique. I am not one to let something like that go to waste! I also have a coupon for a free appitizer. I didn't find the restaurant when I was there so hopefully next time I can. I left around 3 and luckily for me just outside of town a thunderstorm hit. In a nearby town it caused some stop and go lights to go out which caused everyone to freak out, as if they weren't already freaking out. I swear when it starts to drizzle everyone slows way down. I managed to make it back sort of frenzied. I'm beginning to notice a pattern though...I go away and do something and on my way back it manages to storm!

Here are some pictures from my mini trip!


So colorful

Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon



St. Philip's

Old roads

French Protestant Church

Friday, July 22, 2011

To Walk or Not to Walk

It's getting closer everyday to my very last day of college. For me it doesn't seem real. I lack direction in my life and right now I sort of don't want to graduate! That brings me to now: do I walk across that stage and actually graduate? Or do I accept my diploma without walking. This is essentially a once in a lifetime chance. I want to go to grad school, but that may not happen for awhile. For the past few months I've been debating do I walk or not. I should walk because I've worked hard for 5 years for a diploma, a piece of paper that says I've accomplished something. I know right now I don't really have any interest in walking across a stage to receive my diploma from a school that I could care less about. For all the crap they put me through. Maybe thats why I have to walk across the stage to say hey look I did it. Even after all of you thought I couldn't make it or succeed. All of you professors who said, I'm just not sure you'd be able to handle this class especially without the pre-req. Well not only did I pass the class I passed with an A! So take that! Part of me just wants to go up there and take that diploma and scream "I did it!" My parents and other family and friends strongly encourage me to do it, because I may regret it. They want me to be proud of my accomplishment. I might not ever walk across a stage again to get a diploma. Now is my chance. I know I should do it, but from the looks of it, I may have to wait until Dec. to do it and I just don't want to deal with it. Give me my damn diploma and I'll be on my way. Even though on the grad app my choices were May, Aug or Dec for graduation. I circled Aug, but apparently the school has no idea what even goes on and apparently there really isn't an August graduation! Ugh!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Motivation...or Lack There Of

Ever have one of those days where you don't feel like doing anything?? Today is one of those days for me. I feel so exhausted but yet have nothing to blame for that exhaustion. I want to work out today, but am lacking motivation to do said activity. The only thing I can muster up is a quick blog post and then maybe back to bed. It's not like I didn't sleep for 9 1/2 hrs last night or anything. HOw can I be this exhausted? How can I have no motivation to do anything? I should workout, no. I should apply for jobs some more, no. I should clean, no. I should at least do something productive, haha no. Maybe it's because I've been doing all of these things nearly day in and day out and I'm just sick of it. I've worn myself out. When you aren't seeing anything good come out of all of that stuff than maybe it is time to take a break and regather one's self. But when I lay around like a slob all day I feel guilty and unproductive and I hate that. So I feel as if I do this and read some more of my book, I can feel a little more productive. Oh motivation where are you??


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lines of Summer

What are the lines of summer you may ask? Those would be tanlines! I typically only get tanlines when I wear my swimsuit, but as I noticed yesterday after a day out with Liam I now had a tanktop tanline as well as flipflop tanlines. Now I have strange lines all over my body. But those lines all tell a story. Where were you and what were you doing to get those lines? Well, I went swimming, running, hiking, or just sat out and read a good book. Whatever the story the lines are there to remind you. Then as the heat of the summer fades into the crisp air of fall and we put on more clothes to hide the lines, the lines begin to fade. As the lines fade so do some of the memories associated with them. There is nothing you can do to prevent it from fading, but simply enjoy the moments as they are happening. Enjoy those crazy lines of summer, no matter how  the design looks!


Friday, July 15, 2011

All In a Day's Journey

I've decided never to plan ahead on things again. My random trips are just that, random. Spontaneous. I thought that today I could drive up to N.Carolina and take a ferry over to Bald Head Island, which I have been dying to go to. The island does not allow cars which is awesome. I was also looking forward to this thing called "Howl at the moon". Apparently all the people who are on the island on the day of the full moon, (which apparently on their events calendar is tonight) get together on the local beach, eat a potluck dinner, and when the moon begins to rise everyone howls at the moon. I added said activity to my bucket list a few days ago and was eager to participate in said event. However, when I arrived at the ferry station they said they only take reservations and that I needed to call at least 3 days in advance. Bummer!! I drove an hour and a half just to get there for nothing. My choice could be to explore the surrounding area and go to the beach. Luckily I had my swimsuit with me.

The area I was first at was called Southport. I had driven there once last summer on a whim. I walked around and admired the gorgeous houses on the beach that I could never afford. I walked down to the docks and watched the sailboats. (Very windy day today). After about 45 minutes of that I left and drove to a park called Carolina Beach State Park and was very disappointed. All they had were hiking trails and a boat launch, but no beach. So on I drove and landed in Kure Beach. Exactly the thing I was looking for. The town was primarily privately owned houses on the beach, no hotels or real touristy places. Lots of houses were bright beachy colors and were so awesome. I drove around trying to find a place to park and was fortunate to find a near vacant lot. I did however have to pay the meter. I was at the beach for almost 1 1/2 hours before the terrential rainfall. Everyone was scurrying about, to get to their homes and cars. I was starving and noticed when I drove in this little burger joint, called "Beach Burger Shack". There was no restaurant part, you just walked up to the window and ordered your food. Let me tell you it was one of the best burgers I have had in a long time. I also got a cherry Italian ice which was delish also. Then I figured the rain wasn't going to let up and decided to head back. Of course when I cross the border into S. Carolina it was no longer raining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky! All in all I'd say I made the most out of a trip that started off on a bad note.

Yes taking a picture while driving is bad!

Southport, NC

Some fancy historic house

My small, but delish Italian ice

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ranting and Raving

I feel like I complain about a lot these days. Maybe it's because I have nothing else to do but to complain. I'm bored and don't like being inside, but its waaaaay to hot be outside. Then I think why not just drive somwhere, well maybe if people knew how to drive I'd be ok with doing that, but they don't and it makes me more frustrated and therefore complain some more. I complain about stray animals. Now normally this wouldn't bother me, except when I have seen a group of at least 10 stray cats congregate outside my apartment. I'm not a fan. First of all I'm deathly allergic to them so having them anywhere in the vicinity creeps me out. Second, it annoys me that people buy a cat, or any animal, and then decide, because they no longer can take care of it, its just easiest to throw it outside. *rolls eyes*

I complain about stupid people. No joke I thought people were stupid when I lived in the midwest, but no, I am hugely mistaken. People down south are stupid. But then again, most of the people in this area came from the northeast...hmm...I'm trying not to judge. However, taking this positively the more I am around stupid people the smarter I feel.

Going back to my driving issues. I swear people have forgotten how to drive. I don't know if its because they are tourists and can't find their way or what. Well actually most of the time its a south carolina license plate so I can't imagine they are tourists. If I am not mistaken when the speed limit sign says 55, we can and should be going 55. I did not know that 55 meant 40 and everyone should go that speed. Annoying. Then when I ride their tail they get all pissy. Ok sure maybe I shouldn't be tailgating, but when you are going slower than a turtle we have problems. My other big issue is people who can't seem to find where their turn signal is. You can't all of a sudden decide to stop and then turn you will cause an accident that way. I'm ok with you not turning your turn signal on if you are in a turn only lane, but if you are not and you have to turn into a store lot or another street, let me know my turning your signal on. Thats what it's there for isn't it? Or have I been mistaken all of these years? I really do swear the next time someone decides to turn without indication I will follow them to their final destination get out of my car and harrass them. I will ask them if they have a turn signal or if their arm is just broke! It's my firm belief that every 10 years everyone should have to retake a driver's education test of some sort. If you are going to get your licensed renewed every 10 years they might as well test you to make sure you can drive. How difficult would that be?

I don't like complaining and ranting but sometimes you just have to let it out!

As always

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Expanding

Yesterday I sat down for hours thinking of exact places and things I want to see and do. My bucket list went from about 75 to well over 150 things. Oh jeez. Let's be realistic at least half of them are very doable especially because I don't have to leave American soil to do them. I'm so pumped about the ever expanding bucket list. :) In my sleep I think about more things to add. How can I control myself? Hey I've heard of people having 1000 things on their lists! Crazy! I also have separated the list into categories to make it a little bit more navigable. I will try to have an updated list soon. For now I invite you to look at the lyrics of a beautiful song by Shelly Fraley entitled, "Seize the Day" (we must carpe diem! It fits my mood if I should ever want to finish said bucket list.)

When you find your home is not your own
A bitter end took all you know
If along the way the wars we've raged
Take us down a little ways
Gotta let go. Gotta let go. Gotta let go and SEIZE THE DAY
When you find your back against the wall
Feeling broke and so damn small
When the fury's rising in your chest
From a bitter soul who took your best
Gotta let go. Gotta let go. Gotta let go and SEIZE THE DAY
When the doors are changing one by one
You can't hide, no you can't run
When the love you knew has gone away
You hold tight but still it fades
Gotta let go. Gotta let go. Gotta let go and SEIZE THE DAY!

Got to put all the past behind and let it all go. Make the most of every opportunity!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Next Step, Criminal Mastermind

Haha, ok so not really.

Let me at least tell the story that puts me at this next step!

Yesterday I was babysitting and Liam really wanted to go outside. I'm not one to say no to the great outdoors, but when it's only 9am and its 95 degrees already I really don't feel like it. I feel like I'm in a sauna. But anyways, I agreed and figured we'd spend a little time out in the morning come back in and then go out again in the early evening. About 15 minutes went by when it dawned on me that I don't think I unlocked the bottom handle. I had to unlock the top one since it was a padlock. I walked over towards the door with that feeling of dread...sure enough my worst thoughts had come true. I didn't have my phone out with me either, otherwise I would have just called his mom and it wouldn't have been a big deal. I was weighing my options walk with Liam to the gas station crossing 4 lanes of busy traffic, bad option. I could walk with him to the neighborhood pool and maintance area, but remembered how far away it was, especially in that heat with a 3 year old was not a good option either. I started wondering around the house checking the windows and backdoor. Nothing unlocked or able to be screwed off. I was beginning to think we would be spending the whole day outside. I walked back toward the garage and thought of going to a neighbor's place and asking for help, but all they could really offer was a phone, but I didn't know her number off the top of my head. So I knew this was a battle I had to fight alone. Luckily enough there were some tools in the garage I started digging through to find anything that would fit into the lock to pick it. I know you are all thinking no way, its impossible to pick a lock. Well after about an hour on and off of trying to pick a lock with a variety of weird things: safety pin, paper clips, some weird shaped thing that I have no idea what it was called, but it was the eventual tool that broke us in. Just in the nick of time too, since Liam was dying to go to the bathroom. I kept telling him he could pee outside, but he didn't want to.

This brings me to my point, I am now clearly able to pick a lock and break into someone's house, especially a house that clearly didn't want someone to break into. But, lets be honest, I don't think I'd have the patience to try picking a lock again and I don't fancy breaking into people's houses! I wish I had picking a lock on my bucket list, because I would be able to cross it off. Well I'm crossing it off in my mind anyways. To those who professional pick locks you are all crazy!


Friday, July 8, 2011

Space: The Last Frontier

I'm sitting watch CNN waiting for the last space shuttle launch in history. As a child I loved watching the shuttle's go off into space. I still love watching it, even though I'm only watching on tv. Just to think where we were 50 years ago in our attempts to send people to space and to the moon. How many successes and how many failures? What is the fascination for so many people? I believe it's the wonder of the unknown and what is out there beyond our galaxy. The desire to be in a place "out of this world". I wish I could have gone to space and seen earth from a different view. How amazing would that have been?

I remember almost 10 years ago when the space shuttle Columbia did not return from space. I remember it being a Saturday morning because I was not in school on that day. I had been watching cartoons and all of a sudden the news cut in and shows us the sight of firy debris falling from the sky. Only later to find out their worst fears the space shuttle fell apart entering earth's atomsphere. No doubt, there are risks when taking on a journey as extreme as this.

It is sad to see this era of space expolration disappear. It makes me wonder what they will do next. I have heard a variety of ideas, but who really knows. I can't think that our journey's into space are over, there is still so much more to explore and discover. I hope years from now they have trips into space and my children are able to watch a "launch" of something and have the same awe and wonder that I did.

Thanks NASA for all your hard work. Keep on working on the next best thing!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Backwoods 4th, Well 3rd

I was really looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend away in North Carolina at my aunt and uncle's cabin, however, it started off a little rough. I left Thursday afternoon after class which was about 330. I was driving for nearly 3 hours when I felt something wrong with the steering wheel. It was shaking like crazy. So to be safe I pulled over to a Wal-mart and the guy told me if I had kept driving the tire would have blown. I'm glad I didn't keep driving but it stunk that I had to wait for 2 hrs for them to fix it. I didn't leave Savannah, GA until 9! I decided to stay at my aunt and uncle's condo near Jacksonville, FL because I was so tired. So I got there about 11. I didn't sleep very well and maybe got about 3 hrs of sleep. I was up at 6 and was at least able to be awarded with a beautiful sunrise. I haven't been up early to watch a sunrise in a long time. I left the condo at about 8 and met my mom and brother about an hrs drive away. My brother and I then drove up to Murphy, NC. We drove pretty much all day on Friday. We hit lots of traffic and got to see a car on fire. We finally made it to Murphy at about 530 and sat around eating pizza and watching tv. My aunt and uncle had not arrived yet. They got there Saturday afternoon.

Sunrise on the Island
I spent most of the day on Saturday outside enjoying the nice cool mountain breeze. I also am allergic to dogs so being around 4 dogs all the time makes it difficult for me to breathe. For dinner that night we went to the local Mexican restaraunt. I had flautas and a Corona. Yum! We came back and played Farkle which is a rather pathetic game if you ask me, and maybe its because I lost both times.

On Sunday I dropped my car off at Wal-mart to get the final two tires on my car changed so I didn't have to worry about them blowing up on me. While they were working on that my brother and uncle and I went and bought some fireworks. That night we set them off. It wasn't the same thing as the big boom ones but hey I will take it. We also went swimming in the river near the cabin. The water was so cold, but also extremely refreshing.

Smoky Mountains
Our stash of fireworks
The newest addition: Seamus

A computer firework!
 Monday I hung around for breakfast and lunch, but knew my time had to be cut short. I left around 1 pm and returned to Myrtle Beach at 7. I was fortunate not to have traffic on the 4th! I guess I will always travel on the exact holiday to avoid traffic. I also got to find out that my brother went back to the hospital for another collapsed lung. It's sad he didn't get to celebrate the 4th and has to spend his week away in the hospital.