One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Moving On

I hope soon that God will bless me with a job, one that I will willingly wake up to everyday and one that will put a smile on my face everyday. Basically the past week I've been avoiding redoing my resume and putting out applications for jobs because I hate the feeling of being rejected. I hate the feeling of not ever finding something, but without trying one will never know. I can't keep sitting around the house watching tv, reading and facebooking. It's getting old and I'm getting bored. My resume is nearly complete and now its just trying to figure out which direction I want to go as far as sending out applications.

Last night I attended the funeral of one of my grade school teachers/piano teacher/fellow inventory auditor. I caught up with a lot of people I haven't seen in years and they were all asking me what I am looking into doing and I'm not really sure. One of my mom's former employees and I got to talking and he asked me if I was interested in coming back to work for him. I said for now, sure. At least it will get me out of the house and get me some sort of income while I continue to put in applications for other places. So hopefully by the end of next week I will be working with the inventory crew again. (Granted waking up before the sun does and getting home late is not my cup of tea, and I don't like crawling around on the floor to count the bottom shelves, or counting merchandise in general, its a job that will pay me well.)

So for the time being, I won't be moving on, but staying put and daily putting in applications. I love being back in WI, but currently I'm open for work anywhere that isn't south of the Mason-Dixon line!


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