Passion. Do you have it? Do you have the drive and desire to achieve whatever you love the most? Have you found what you are most passionate about? I'm not sure that I have yet, but I do know that I love working with kids and hope that I'm leaving some impact on them. There is no greater feeling in the world than having a child so happy to see you each and every day. Or when you have been a different room all day and you see them again they come running to you and almost tackle you to the ground with their hugs. Or the times they know you are having a bad or off day they just simply want to cuddle with you and make sure you are ok. Or seeing them achieve something they've worked so hard to get.
Julia said it well. Anything you have a passion for work hard at it. Learn everything you can about it. Show an interest in it at all times. Seek to get better at it. Understand the in's and outs of it. Most of all pour all of you energy and love into it...that is what passion is after all.
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