One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Starting Over

A long time ago, well not that long ago, I started a 365 day photo challenge that fell well short of the mark. Life sort of just got in the way and I just stopped uploading pictures. I also think my mind happened to stop trying to find creative things to take pictures of or unique ways of showing pictures. Well I'm attempting this challenge for the 2nd time and I think I have more momentum. I have an urge to be more creative, mainly because my creative outlets need to be used more often. I began thinking that maybe I ought to find themes for each week or a specific photo theme for each day so its less difficult with coming up with a photo, but I think coming up with 365 days of themes will be a chore. Some say the best way to go is to let the inspiration come to you each day so you aren't planning ahead or looking for something specific, but I feel more challenged if a rule is set before me. So here it goes back to the beginning. Day 1: Although this copies my first time through this challenge I think its still fitting, a photo of the photographer. This picture is a representation of my silly self and the "I can't believe I am going to try this again" look. Here goes nothing!

Working on themes now


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