One womans journey to find herself and make the most out of life

Sunday, July 15, 2012

What to do on a Sunday and #26

Let me start with #26 What popular notion does the world have wrong?

Let me preface this by saying this is not meant to be a controversial post or meant to offend anyone it is simply what I believe.

I think the notion we have wrong is the general topic of homosexuality.

I grew up in a Lutheran home believing that homosexuals were disgusting people and were out there for the rest of the world to mock them for their behavior. I believe firmly, even now, that God established marriage to be one man and one woman. As I got older, the idea of homosexuality wasn't so hush hush. I've met and became friends with lesbians and gays. By meeting and becoming friends with these people I've realized they are people too and have feelings just like me. Even though I don't support what they choose to do in living the lifestyle they choose, I support them as a friend and person. People think we are born with something that makes a person homosexual and that its not a choice. But just like someone who is a thief or a liar or murderer, we aren't born with a chip in us that says oh you are a murderer. No, it's a choice that we make. We all have a free will and can make any choice we choose. And yes I believe that homosexuality is a sin as it says in the Bible, but I believe all of the things I listed are also sins, but I'm not the one to judge.

On to other things, what do I do with a lazy Sunday? Typically I'm with my boyfriend doing stuff but he had to work all weekend so I haven't seen him much. :( Now normally we would have breakfast and probably headed downtown to find something to do. Today it is all on me. I'm thinking of hitting the beach. Get a little outdoor time and of course a tan. I've got quite the nice swimsuit tan line going on. Oh Sunday, what will you bring? Here's to a little adventure!!


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