The past 3 days I've been working on my resume and cover letter and looking for jobs. Let me tell you its no easy task. The job descriptions say, "Must have 3-5 years or more experience" or "Master's degree required", or I meet 3 out of 4 requirements. But honestly does somebody meet all of the requirements all of the time? I was looking around at a site for tourism in Wisconsin and thought how fun would it be to work for this company, but no career option is listed anywhere. I figure if I send them an e-mail inquiring about jobs the worst they will tell me is there are no positions open. How do companies expect a college student to have years of experience anyways? At this point I'm just sort of applying for whatever and hoping to get something. I'm getting bored just sitting around all day, when I'm not looking for a job.
Although this may not be the best decision of my life, I have put in a few applications on for babysitting jobs. At least if I can babysit to be earning some sort of money, its better than just sitting around not earning money. Also that way I won't feel panicked about not having anything. I can be looking for more permanent jobs without feeling rushed into doing so, or just sitting around and waiting.
However arduous the process is, it has to be done for the sake of my future. Otherwise, I will be selling almost all of my possessions and becoming a gypsy.
Any suggestions for jobs in the Milwaukee area??
Thanks all!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
50 Questions
Just an FYI, I have put my 365 day photo on hiatus. I will pick up again on Sept. 1st and hopefully won't run into any troubles with downloads and such. I'm also sorry they probably won't be the most interesting since I won't be doing too much, now that I'm seriously buckled down in the job search.
I have for you 50 questions that I found on somewhere online that I thought were sort of interesting. I have the questions and answers for you. Hopefully they give you a little more insight into who I am.
Country- Greece, I’ve always wanted to go and it looks beautiful
Hope you enjoyed! Peace&Love ~L
I have for you 50 questions that I found on somewhere online that I thought were sort of interesting. I have the questions and answers for you. Hopefully they give you a little more insight into who I am.
1.How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
202.Which is worse, failing or never trying?
Never trying3.If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
We are told to act and behave a certain way, we must work to earn money to maybe do something we like, but we may run out of time in the process4.When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
Probably, unfortunately. I’m working on changing that5.What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
Get rid of hate and prejudice6.If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
Helping children in any way- teaching7.Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
Right now I’m settling, but as each day passes more of me is wanting to do what I believe in8.If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
Screw working at places I hate, don’t hold grudges, have no regrets and just do it9.To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
To some degree, but I’m letting God show me where to go10.Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
Doing things right11.You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?
Speak up for my friend and say she is not any of those horrible things. If they have a problem with that I walk away12.If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Follow your dreams13.Would you break the law to save a loved one?
Depends on what the law is and how much I loved them14.Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
I’m sure I have15.What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
Socialize16.How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
Because everyone is different and have different tastes. What I love and makes me happy is different from what someone else loves and makes them happy.17.What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
TRAVEL the WORLD~ money18.Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
The past19.If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
State- Washington because its simply amazingCountry- Greece, I’ve always wanted to go and it looks beautiful
20.Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?
I do sometimes because it’s fun, but I know it doesn’t make the elevator go any faster21.Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
A joyful simpleton, that’s what I believe I am right now22.Why are you, you?
God made me this way, I was born and grew up and was taught certain values and believed certain things23.Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
I would certainly hope so24.Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
Losing touch with a good friend who lives near you25.What are you most grateful for?
My friends26.Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
This is so tough, but I’d say lose all old ones. I’m only 23 and know I probably have much longer to live. I have so many great memories that I wouldn’t want to lose but at the same time given that I’m so young I can make tons of new ones. 27.Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
If it is enstilled in you at a young age but even then as you get older you begin to question everything because we are all curious28.Has your greatest fear ever come true?
No29.Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
No, other things upset me more30.What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
Going to the park w/my brother, sister and dad. Being outside and with family, having family bonding, laughing and giggling, without a care in the world made it special31.At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
Probably sometime last summer maybe even before then32.If not now, then when?
NOW33.If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
Nothing34.Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?
No35.Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?
Do they? Most of those religions preach war. War is a result of sin, the desire to have more power and control36.Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
Yes37.If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
Depends on what I’m doing38.Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
More work I enjoy doing39.Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?
Oh yeah40.When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?
I’m not sure I ever did41.If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
My friends in WI42.Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
Hell no43.What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
Being alive is having breath and have all brain activity, truly living is doing what you are meant to do, enjoying life, finding your purpose, 44.When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
When you feel there is no other option45.If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
We don’t want to be wrong all the time. We don’t want to continuously struggle. We want to be right the first time. Every mistake we make continues to bring us down. 46.What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
I’d do the same things I always do. If you judge me well that’s your own problem, you miss out on getting to know someone awesome47.When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?
At night48.What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?
I love working with children, listening to music, watching a sunrise/sunset, anything in nature49.In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?
I will remember certain special occasions but beyond that nothing50.Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?
For so long I let others make them, always wondering how my choice would effect someone else, now as an almost college grad, I realize how much it’s my life not theirs and I have to make my own choices. Sunday, August 28, 2011
Ren. Faire
A friend of mine bought me a ticket to the Renaissance Faire for my birthday. Yesterday her and I went as well as her sister and a guy friend. I have never been to the Faire so I didn't know what to expect. I expected something way different than I got. I didn't think that most of the Faire would consist of people dressed up in costumes acting out ridiculous skits, that seriously had nothing to do with that era. Most of the skits were raunchy, so I don't understand how this Faire is a family activity. No child understands what is going on. Most of the Faire was set up as a town from the middle ages in Europe. That was pretty neat. I didn't eat anything there, but had sassafras and fruit punch to drink. Both of which were pretty darn tasty. We spent most of the day there wandering the streets of old and critiquing the people who passed us by. Are they seriously wearing that right now? At moments I felt odd and that I didn't belong. Maybe I should have dressed up in a corset and long skirt. Well there is always next time!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Moving On
I hope soon that God will bless me with a job, one that I will willingly wake up to everyday and one that will put a smile on my face everyday. Basically the past week I've been avoiding redoing my resume and putting out applications for jobs because I hate the feeling of being rejected. I hate the feeling of not ever finding something, but without trying one will never know. I can't keep sitting around the house watching tv, reading and facebooking. It's getting old and I'm getting bored. My resume is nearly complete and now its just trying to figure out which direction I want to go as far as sending out applications.
Last night I attended the funeral of one of my grade school teachers/piano teacher/fellow inventory auditor. I caught up with a lot of people I haven't seen in years and they were all asking me what I am looking into doing and I'm not really sure. One of my mom's former employees and I got to talking and he asked me if I was interested in coming back to work for him. I said for now, sure. At least it will get me out of the house and get me some sort of income while I continue to put in applications for other places. So hopefully by the end of next week I will be working with the inventory crew again. (Granted waking up before the sun does and getting home late is not my cup of tea, and I don't like crawling around on the floor to count the bottom shelves, or counting merchandise in general, its a job that will pay me well.)
So for the time being, I won't be moving on, but staying put and daily putting in applications. I love being back in WI, but currently I'm open for work anywhere that isn't south of the Mason-Dixon line!
Last night I attended the funeral of one of my grade school teachers/piano teacher/fellow inventory auditor. I caught up with a lot of people I haven't seen in years and they were all asking me what I am looking into doing and I'm not really sure. One of my mom's former employees and I got to talking and he asked me if I was interested in coming back to work for him. I said for now, sure. At least it will get me out of the house and get me some sort of income while I continue to put in applications for other places. So hopefully by the end of next week I will be working with the inventory crew again. (Granted waking up before the sun does and getting home late is not my cup of tea, and I don't like crawling around on the floor to count the bottom shelves, or counting merchandise in general, its a job that will pay me well.)
So for the time being, I won't be moving on, but staying put and daily putting in applications. I love being back in WI, but currently I'm open for work anywhere that isn't south of the Mason-Dixon line!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Catching up to do
So I have about a weeks worth of pictures to upload and unfortunately I can't get them all uploaded because the computer is being a pain in the you know what. So here is a list of photos and what the photos are supposed to be:
Photo #17 is supposed to be a picture of the Brewers game. I have that on my phone and my phone has decided to not want to send the picture to my computer so imagine being at a Brewer's game with thousands of screaming fans, beer and hotdogs and some good looking players.
Photo #18 is of Pick'n'Save, yes crazy for those of you who know what it is. Those of you that don't know its a grocery store in Wisconsin that I never realized that I missed until I walked into one on Thursday.
Photo #19 is of our campsite with a little fire going. I haven't gone camping in nearly 2 years and was so glad to be able to do that when I got back. (My last post was about our trip).
Photo #20 is a picture from Whitefish Dunes State Park of the candlelight walk which was simply gorgeous.
Photo 21 is of my friend Amber and I and her friend Aaron.
Photo 22 is of my lazy day off.
Photo 23 is a picture of my friend Aimee and me celebrating my 23rd birthday.
Photo #17 is supposed to be a picture of the Brewers game. I have that on my phone and my phone has decided to not want to send the picture to my computer so imagine being at a Brewer's game with thousands of screaming fans, beer and hotdogs and some good looking players.
Photo #18 is of Pick'n'Save, yes crazy for those of you who know what it is. Those of you that don't know its a grocery store in Wisconsin that I never realized that I missed until I walked into one on Thursday.
Photo #19 is of our campsite with a little fire going. I haven't gone camping in nearly 2 years and was so glad to be able to do that when I got back. (My last post was about our trip).
Photo #20 is a picture from Whitefish Dunes State Park of the candlelight walk which was simply gorgeous.
Photo 21 is of my friend Amber and I and her friend Aaron.
Photo 22 is of my lazy day off.
Photo 23 is a picture of my friend Aimee and me celebrating my 23rd birthday.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Dear fellow bloggers,
I am so sorry I have not been keeping up to date on my daily posts and photos. I am falling behind, but I do have photos. If you have been reading you know that I have recently been in the process of moving and haven't had much internet access. Hopefully by tonight I will have Wi-fi officially. It's hard to imagine living without a computer for over a week, but somehow I've made due. Even though I've been back for a week I've been out of town on a camping trip to Door County, WI with a friend of mine from highschool. I got back late last night and have not gotten any pictures downloaded. As said before I hope I get those up by tonight, if not, by tomorrow.
The camping trip was a decent time. We went camping at Potawatomi State Park which was rather pathetic so we avoided the place at all times, except to sleep. On our drive up we went rummaging. We stopped at some interesting landmarks along the way, such as a gigantic cow and Alaska. We made it to our campsite and had an interesting time setting up the tent. (Pictures to come soon.) We spent the rest of the day just chilling at the site and walking around the area. The next day we toured the Door Peninsula and saw all the cute little towns. We also made it to the tip of the peninsula before getting yelled at by some man with a strong northern accent. We came back down and stopped at Whitefish Dunes State Park and went swimming there. My first feel of Lake Michigan after 2 years was worse than I expected. It was sooooo cold. But I took it like a champ and managed to make it all the way out to my shoulders. We met up with one Amber's (the girl I went with) friends from the park later that night for a candlelight beach walk. It was actually pretty neat.
On Sunday we came back to Whitefish Dunes and Amber and I and her friend hung out all day. We first attempted to go bouldering, but realized it wasn't going to work. We then did some cliff jumping. (Note I can halfway cross this off my bucket list. I just have to attempt this now in a tropical place.) After freezing in the water we decided to head back to the beach area to lay out and warm up. We were there for a few hours before we went to the shooting range. Yes you read correctly shooting range. I shot a gun and did so many times. I have a new found appreciation for guns. But don't expect me to go buy one now or anything. After about an hour of target practice we took out the mule and went to pick raspberries and blackberries. Both were delicious. Our last activity of the day was a nice dinner out to a Sturgeon Bay bar and grill. I had a chipotle chicken wrap, which was quite delicious. It was about 9:30 before Amber and I had to drive 3 hours back to Milwaukee. Overall, the trip was good and the pictures are amazing.
I am so sorry I have not been keeping up to date on my daily posts and photos. I am falling behind, but I do have photos. If you have been reading you know that I have recently been in the process of moving and haven't had much internet access. Hopefully by tonight I will have Wi-fi officially. It's hard to imagine living without a computer for over a week, but somehow I've made due. Even though I've been back for a week I've been out of town on a camping trip to Door County, WI with a friend of mine from highschool. I got back late last night and have not gotten any pictures downloaded. As said before I hope I get those up by tonight, if not, by tomorrow.
The camping trip was a decent time. We went camping at Potawatomi State Park which was rather pathetic so we avoided the place at all times, except to sleep. On our drive up we went rummaging. We stopped at some interesting landmarks along the way, such as a gigantic cow and Alaska. We made it to our campsite and had an interesting time setting up the tent. (Pictures to come soon.) We spent the rest of the day just chilling at the site and walking around the area. The next day we toured the Door Peninsula and saw all the cute little towns. We also made it to the tip of the peninsula before getting yelled at by some man with a strong northern accent. We came back down and stopped at Whitefish Dunes State Park and went swimming there. My first feel of Lake Michigan after 2 years was worse than I expected. It was sooooo cold. But I took it like a champ and managed to make it all the way out to my shoulders. We met up with one Amber's (the girl I went with) friends from the park later that night for a candlelight beach walk. It was actually pretty neat.
On Sunday we came back to Whitefish Dunes and Amber and I and her friend hung out all day. We first attempted to go bouldering, but realized it wasn't going to work. We then did some cliff jumping. (Note I can halfway cross this off my bucket list. I just have to attempt this now in a tropical place.) After freezing in the water we decided to head back to the beach area to lay out and warm up. We were there for a few hours before we went to the shooting range. Yes you read correctly shooting range. I shot a gun and did so many times. I have a new found appreciation for guns. But don't expect me to go buy one now or anything. After about an hour of target practice we took out the mule and went to pick raspberries and blackberries. Both were delicious. Our last activity of the day was a nice dinner out to a Sturgeon Bay bar and grill. I had a chipotle chicken wrap, which was quite delicious. It was about 9:30 before Amber and I had to drive 3 hours back to Milwaukee. Overall, the trip was good and the pictures are amazing.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Well here it is a post about nothing. I have nothing to say except that I had been driving for hours and hours. I am currently in a hotel somewhere in podunk Indiana about 30 miles away from Indianapolia. Boring! It's been a rather boring trip. I'm glad I left when I did (time and day) otherwise I'd probably have been stuck in traffic somewhere. But no doubt when I reach Chi-town tomorrow I will have plenty of that to make up for today. Basically driving is boring. I suppose I could have stopped at all the winery's and distillery's that were advertised in Kentucky. That would have kept it entertaining. Hahaha! Honestly I probably could have lasted a few more hours driving, but my whole body was in pain from sitting for forever and my ADHD was kicking in. I was laughing at the most random things on the road. I suppose thats a combo of getting up early, being tired and not much food in the system. Well photo 16 is of the Ohio sign. I took a picture or attempted to take a picture of each state I crossed. I would put up the one of Indiana but its not entirely in the picture, so I figured Ohio is close enough to where I am at.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Last Day at the Beach
I can't put into words what I am feeling right now at this moment. To be honest, I didn't think this day would ever come and it finally has and I have mixed emotions about it all. Tomorrow I leave for Wisconsin. I hope it brings me success in a career and happiness with friends and some family I haven't seen in a long time. I've been waiting all this time, 2 years, to go back. I complained enough about how much I hate the weather and the people who can't seem to drive right. I complained about school and how things were never going in my favor. Now I'm completely done. School done. Myrtle Beach done. A place I was so eager to leave is begging me to stay just a little longer. I think about how there is so much I didn't do while I was here and could have done. Like surfing for instance. I think I'm going to miss the easy access to the ocean. The chance to get away from it all anytime I want. Living in WI will not provide me with easy access. (Lake Michigan will have to do.) Even though I'm excited about WI, I'm certain things have changed. My friends. My family. The way I used to live. I'm lucky to have a great friend who is letting me live with her rent free for a little bit until I get situated and have a job. But then that terrifying word 'job' comes into the picture. What is it that I want to do? God knows I'm going to have ants in my pants and don't want to sit around an office all day. Heck those ants will probably dance me out of that state sooner or later! Wisconsin was my home for so many years and then living away from it for basically 4 years might change my view on calling it home. I may absolutely hate it when I return and will be wondering if I made the right decision. But I will never know if I don't take a risk. One day all the cards will fall into place and I know what I'll want and where I want to be. I'm just not ready to settle yet, it's that free spirit in me!
Photo 15 is a picture of my last day at the beach. Crazy to think that just a week ago the beaches were filled with people and today it was completely abandoned. Families are preparing their kids for back to school and the regular routines it brings. I for once am not preparing for school in approximately 18 years! Well I'm saying goodbye to being a student and goodbye to South Carolina and hello to life after school and hello to Wisconsin again!
(Just a side note, since I will be travelling all day tomorrow and most of the day on Wednesday I will more than likely not have any new blogposts until Thursday morning.)
Photo 15 is a picture of my last day at the beach. Crazy to think that just a week ago the beaches were filled with people and today it was completely abandoned. Families are preparing their kids for back to school and the regular routines it brings. I for once am not preparing for school in approximately 18 years! Well I'm saying goodbye to being a student and goodbye to South Carolina and hello to life after school and hello to Wisconsin again!
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Goodbye ocean!!! |
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Always an Adventure
Sorry I'm falling behind putting up the pictures everyday. I just find myself a little bit more busy than usual. This weekend I was visiting my parents and brother in FL. Mostly I did a lot of swimming in the pool and a lot of picking on my dad and brother. We watched some tv and played a variety of games. We also ate at ColdStone last night after we went to a local car show. All in all it was a nice relaxing weekend, but the drive back to Myrtle was not so fun. I spent about 3 straight hours driving in the most ridiculous rain I've ever seen. So instead of being able to go 70 I was driving between 45-55 for a good stretch of highway. Then as soon as I got to the exit to Myrtle the skies cleared and I witnessed one of God's amazing blessings, a rainbow, not just one, but 2! As I kept driving towards the beach I could tell there were more storms up ahead and I was right. The lightning has been spectacular and it just keeps on raining!
Photo 13 is a horrible picture of Jacksonville. I was trying to get a shot of downtown, but was very unsuccessful.
Photo 14 is my best attempt at the double rainbow while driving.
Hope you enjoy!
Photo 13 is a horrible picture of Jacksonville. I was trying to get a shot of downtown, but was very unsuccessful.
Photo 14 is my best attempt at the double rainbow while driving.
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the beginning of the first rainbow |
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You can kind of see the second one on top |
Friday, August 12, 2011
On the Road Again
Yesterday was my last ever day of college classes. Crazy! It hasn't even sunk in yet, maybe because I haven't technically graduated yet. After I finished I started my drive down to FL to drop some unneeded things off at my parents house, mainly dishes and small appliances. Of course my mom got all upset when she got home from wherever and was saying now they had more crap(in place of foul language) in the house. I was like well what would have happened if I would have lived here there would have been more than what I brought so chill.
The drive was not too bad. I'm a naturally born speeder and have to drive at least 10 miles over the speed limit and one day I knew that was going to come back to bite me in the butt big time and boy did it ever. I was leaving a construction zone outside of Jacksonville, FL and the construction area was 60 and just about a half mile down the road it was 70. I happened to be going 69. Of course I am going with the flow of traffic with others going faster than me, but who was the lucky one to get pulled over? Me! Anyways the cop then asked me why I had FL license plates and a WI drivers license I was like I don't live here. I just have never gotten one I guess. He was pretty nice about the whole deal but I still get to pay a hefty fine! Which should be all of my babysitting money I got last week. Lame! My car was also experiencing pain from the heat, as it began to overheat. No longer was the air conditioner working to its normal capabilities so for the last 20 miles I had to ride a/c less and windows down. Gross!
All of this is my reason for not getting photo #11 up. I also have photo 12 in this post as well.
Photo 11 is my way of being artsy in a boring car ride down to FL, it is after all known as the sunshine state. I love the sun but sometimes it can fry things like my skin or start to kill my car. I'm just thankful it did neither of those things yesterday, close to it though.
Photo 12 is my most beloved possession. I love playing the piano. I have waited a long time to reunite with it. I still wish I could take it with me when I drive to WI next week. To me there is nothing better than sitting down and playing piano to take away stress. I love struggling at the difficult pieces, but the struggle is all worth it once you are able to play it like crazy!
The drive was not too bad. I'm a naturally born speeder and have to drive at least 10 miles over the speed limit and one day I knew that was going to come back to bite me in the butt big time and boy did it ever. I was leaving a construction zone outside of Jacksonville, FL and the construction area was 60 and just about a half mile down the road it was 70. I happened to be going 69. Of course I am going with the flow of traffic with others going faster than me, but who was the lucky one to get pulled over? Me! Anyways the cop then asked me why I had FL license plates and a WI drivers license I was like I don't live here. I just have never gotten one I guess. He was pretty nice about the whole deal but I still get to pay a hefty fine! Which should be all of my babysitting money I got last week. Lame! My car was also experiencing pain from the heat, as it began to overheat. No longer was the air conditioner working to its normal capabilities so for the last 20 miles I had to ride a/c less and windows down. Gross!
All of this is my reason for not getting photo #11 up. I also have photo 12 in this post as well.
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sunshine :) |
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My most beloved |
Photo 12 is my most beloved possession. I love playing the piano. I have waited a long time to reunite with it. I still wish I could take it with me when I drive to WI next week. To me there is nothing better than sitting down and playing piano to take away stress. I love struggling at the difficult pieces, but the struggle is all worth it once you are able to play it like crazy!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Bam Check It Out! #10
So as promised earlier today, I would get up photo 10. I'm glad I have a story to tell about it. I have a nice big bruise right below my left knee. The picture doesn't do it justice however! It hurts so bad! You may be thinking oh she probably hurt it while moving boxes around, but no. I ran my knee smack into the edge of the table with obvious force. I apparently forgot there was a table in the middle of the living room and bam! I more or less laughed at my stupidity.
Here you go!
Here you go!
Bored and Busy
A contradiction? Yes. But I was busy all day yesterday so I didn't get a chance to put picture 9 up. I also have to give you picture 10 today as well. My photo 9 is a self photo that I took while packing some more yesterday. I was playing around with the camera on my phone and found this nifty trick. Nothing fancy, but I thought it was cool. I'm sure later today I will have another picture of myself or my packing! Thats all I've been doing the past few days, besides work and school. So here it is...
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It is blurry, sorry. |
I will post #10 later today after I find something of interest to take a photo of!
Monday, August 8, 2011
The Packing Begins
So it's more than 1 photo but I don't have a lot to say about it. I dread packing no matter the occasion. I hate packing to go on vacation. I hate packing to spend a night some where else. I hate packing for camping. I hate packing to move. I hate packing! I don't like unpacking either, but at least thats easier. Because usually you are moving to a permanent place so you can enjoy unpacking and know you won't have to pack it all up for a long while. I however am the exception to that rule. In the past year alone I have moved 3 times. Over the past 2 years I would have moved 4, 5 if you count helping my parents pack up for their move to FL. I was lucky to avoide the unpacking phase of that journey. I'm hoping to find something more permanent, but who am I kidding, I can't stay put in one place for too long. So here are some photos of my begining phases of packing. I honestly don't even want to think about carrying all of this stuff out in 110 degree weather!
So it's more than 1 photo but I don't have a lot to say about it. I dread packing no matter the occasion. I hate packing to go on vacation. I hate packing to spend a night some where else. I hate packing for camping. I hate packing to move. I hate packing! I don't like unpacking either, but at least thats easier. Because usually you are moving to a permanent place so you can enjoy unpacking and know you won't have to pack it all up for a long while. I however am the exception to that rule. In the past year alone I have moved 3 times. Over the past 2 years I would have moved 4, 5 if you count helping my parents pack up for their move to FL. I was lucky to avoide the unpacking phase of that journey. I'm hoping to find something more permanent, but who am I kidding, I can't stay put in one place for too long. So here are some photos of my begining phases of packing. I honestly don't even want to think about carrying all of this stuff out in 110 degree weather!
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Clothes, clothes, everywhere clothes |
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Imagine that more clothes and shoes |
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I was getting sick of packing and I found this hood in a box and decided to wear it. |
I guess the only really good thing about packing again, I am forced to look through all my stuff again and get rid of 2 more big bags of stuff. As if I hadn't gotten rid of 3 big bags of stuff back in May. Seriously I didn't buy anything else besides food between then and now, where does it all come from? Crazy!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Breakfast of Champions #7
Wow its hard to imagine I've completed a weeks worth of photos. I can't imagine finding 51 more weeks worth of photos, but I know I can do it. The next few days will be interesting to say the least. I'm done with school officially at the end of the week. Yeah! In your face doubters of Coastal! Sorry anyways, I'm headed back up to Wisconsin. I don't know how permanent of a move it will be since I have other plans I want to do, like move out west. Currently, I don't have enough money to live on my own, so my options were live with my parents in FL, which may have been ok since my brother can't go back to college for this semester, but definately not my ideal thing. Or I had a few friends in WI offer me to stay with them rent free until I saved enough money to move out on my own. So I decided to move in with a friend and hopefully that will be the right decision. I feel like I'd be choked living with my parents. So anyways I am moving some stuff I don't need down to my parents house on Thursday and spending a few days there before I come back here and pack the rest of my stuff up that I need for WI. The problem is I just don't know what I'm going to need for WI. Do I just pack clothes, shoes and basic neccesities or should I bring my scrapbook stuff along and my books? Do I bring my tv? Or will computer suffice for the time being? So don't be surprised if some pictures this week contain my insane packing and moving days!
So on to the picture of the day...
Donuts and apple explosion muffins. Most definately a breakfast of champions if I say so myself. I was quite disappointed that Kroger's didn't have any pick yourself donuts only pre-packaged stuff. But I figured it was my best bet. So I ate my donuts and watched my church service on the internet, which by the way is totally cool, if you feel too lazy (sounds horrible) to get yourself dressed in the morning you can watch church in your pj's. I thoroughly enjoyed the service today. The pastor was talking about stress in our lives and that it is a result of sin. But God and His Word can get rid of the stress in our lives.
Breakfast of champs plus God's Word=A decent Sunday morning
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The Open Road- #6
"Pursue some path however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence."-Henry David Thoreau
It ain't no joke that finding things to take pictures of everyday is a difficult task. Finding things to do everyday is a difficult task. My plans were to hit the beach, but as you might be able to tell its rather cloudy and shortly after this photo was taken it started to rain. Its been raining for the past 3 days and I'm getting rather sick of it. Today I just needed to get out and drive. I've been stuck inside for what seems like years, but in reality its only been a day!
This is the open road. No other cars in sight. Just you and the black top beneath you. The best part about the open road, is the unknown journey and destination. Sure my destination, was ultimately coming back home, but I'm not much of a planner, I'm a doer. If the urge arises in me to go some place on a whim, the thirst will be quenched.
Now this picture doesn't exactly go hand in hand with Thoreau's quote, but in some ways it does. Pursue some matter what that path is, or what it looks like, or how you manage to manuever down that path, but take it and let it guide you. Take the path that calls to you. The road you can walk down with love for what you are doing and love for the people who are walking that road with you. The open road is endless. The options are few. The journey is an adventure. Let it guide you. But turn off every now and then for a chance at something new and different. That right turn may be the answer you've been looking for or it might be all wrong. But how will you know if you don't take that risk? That turn might tell you to do a u-turn and get back on the right road for you. But no matter, listen to it and follow it, however difficult it may be and enjoy the journey!
It ain't no joke that finding things to take pictures of everyday is a difficult task. Finding things to do everyday is a difficult task. My plans were to hit the beach, but as you might be able to tell its rather cloudy and shortly after this photo was taken it started to rain. Its been raining for the past 3 days and I'm getting rather sick of it. Today I just needed to get out and drive. I've been stuck inside for what seems like years, but in reality its only been a day!
This is the open road. No other cars in sight. Just you and the black top beneath you. The best part about the open road, is the unknown journey and destination. Sure my destination, was ultimately coming back home, but I'm not much of a planner, I'm a doer. If the urge arises in me to go some place on a whim, the thirst will be quenched.
Now this picture doesn't exactly go hand in hand with Thoreau's quote, but in some ways it does. Pursue some matter what that path is, or what it looks like, or how you manage to manuever down that path, but take it and let it guide you. Take the path that calls to you. The road you can walk down with love for what you are doing and love for the people who are walking that road with you. The open road is endless. The options are few. The journey is an adventure. Let it guide you. But turn off every now and then for a chance at something new and different. That right turn may be the answer you've been looking for or it might be all wrong. But how will you know if you don't take that risk? That turn might tell you to do a u-turn and get back on the right road for you. But no matter, listen to it and follow it, however difficult it may be and enjoy the journey!
Friday, August 5, 2011
A Rainy Day
Photo #5
A picture of the crazy rain. It's been so nice to have the rain come through, it's cooled things off significantly. It's funny to think that 85 degrees is cool, but trust me after days of near 100 degrees it is nice. Today is a lazy day for me. Since it's been raining all day, its been a nice day to stay in and read and watch tv. Another thing about the rain is that people do not know how to drive down here when it does rain. It's a little ridiculous if you ask me. Especially when a majority of the people driving are from the northeast and should be used to driving in snow. Rain should have nothing on them, but alas it does. Thank God for rain to water the dying grasses and trees and for cooling things off!
A picture of the crazy rain. It's been so nice to have the rain come through, it's cooled things off significantly. It's funny to think that 85 degrees is cool, but trust me after days of near 100 degrees it is nice. Today is a lazy day for me. Since it's been raining all day, its been a nice day to stay in and read and watch tv. Another thing about the rain is that people do not know how to drive down here when it does rain. It's a little ridiculous if you ask me. Especially when a majority of the people driving are from the northeast and should be used to driving in snow. Rain should have nothing on them, but alas it does. Thank God for rain to water the dying grasses and trees and for cooling things off!
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Let it rain! |
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Yummy yummy get in my tummy
Photo #4~
I haven't had a dessert in a long time. I used to be a pretty big dessert lover but over the past few years dessert has lost interest to me. Every once in a while I enjoy having a cookie or a piece of cake or ice cream. I'm not much of a sweet tooth and I'm okay with that. Plus I don't have to worry about the calories and sugar associated with them. So today I went to Cold Stone Creamery. Hands down one of the best ice cream places I've been to. I love the variety of flavors and the choose your own mixes. I got the chocolate devotion. Which has chocolate ice cream, chocolate chips, fudge and chocolate brownies. Basically chocolate overload, but oh so delicious. It's always so hard for me to decide what I want, but I wanted to have something different, I've had the mint mint chocolate chocolate chip and birthday cake remix, both of which are amazing. I don't think you can make a wrong decision.
Speaking of greatest ice cream places...the best place I've ever been was Jeni's in Columbus OH. My sister took me there when she was still living in the area. It has the most unique flavors ever. My kind of ice cream for sure. There is the link to Jeni's if you are at all interested in what flavors they have. If you are ever in that area I recommend it hands down.
I haven't had a dessert in a long time. I used to be a pretty big dessert lover but over the past few years dessert has lost interest to me. Every once in a while I enjoy having a cookie or a piece of cake or ice cream. I'm not much of a sweet tooth and I'm okay with that. Plus I don't have to worry about the calories and sugar associated with them. So today I went to Cold Stone Creamery. Hands down one of the best ice cream places I've been to. I love the variety of flavors and the choose your own mixes. I got the chocolate devotion. Which has chocolate ice cream, chocolate chips, fudge and chocolate brownies. Basically chocolate overload, but oh so delicious. It's always so hard for me to decide what I want, but I wanted to have something different, I've had the mint mint chocolate chocolate chip and birthday cake remix, both of which are amazing. I don't think you can make a wrong decision.
Speaking of greatest ice cream places...the best place I've ever been was Jeni's in Columbus OH. My sister took me there when she was still living in the area. It has the most unique flavors ever. My kind of ice cream for sure. There is the link to Jeni's if you are at all interested in what flavors they have. If you are ever in that area I recommend it hands down.
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Get in my belly :) |
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Inspiration Board=Photo 3
A few months ago I started creating an inspiration board. It is a board that has inspirational words and phrases as well as pictures of things I want to do or accomplish. As you may tell from the picture it is not close to being finished, but I want to make sure it has the right things on it. Eventually I will like to have it hanging on a wall in my own place, so that whenever I look at it I can be reminded to keep going, even when I'm having a bad day. I created this board as a way to find more out about myself.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
"I'll make you an offer you can't refuse"
If you have been reading previous blog posts of mine, you know that I am interested in compeleting IMDB 250 top movies. All this week on AMC is mob movies. On the list there happens to be 4 of these mob movies which will be shown on AMC. Since I don't see myself finding any other way to watch these movies, now is better than ever. Last night Godfather aired. I have seen bits and pieces of it and of course know the quotes, the title of this post as well as "on this the day of my daughters wedding". I have heard many people say it is the greatest movie ever. Now I don't necessarily agree with that, but the movie overall was interesting. I love the stories about mobs/mafias and this gave the viewer an understanding of mob families. I am also not one to sit through an almost 3 hour long movie, especially when at times it can be very slow. Tonight Godfather Part 2 is on and apparently thats almost 4 hours long. I'm not sure I will be able to make it through all the way.
My second photo is of flipflops. Anyone who knows me, knows my love affair with flipflops. When I lived in Wisconsin and Minnesota, summer was the only time you could wear them. I've been spoiled to be able to wear them practically year round here. There is nothing like slipping on a pair of flipflops and instantly being reminded of summer or the beach. I do however know the bad effects it can have on your feet as well as I'm sure other parts of the body and I do try to mix it up by wearing sneakers at least twice a week. But what can I say? I can't resist having those nice tanlines, because once fall rolls around I won't be wearing them as much!
Monday, August 1, 2011
I decided I am starting my journey to complete #155 on my bucket list. It is a 365 day photo challenge. I did a little research to see if there was any rules, but there were none. I can take any type of picture as long as I take a picture everyday. I hope to post a new picture everyday or at least upload a few of them on one post.
You may ask why even bother doing something like this? Isn't time consuming? Won't you get bored taking photos everyday? Yes I probably will, but I want to do this to be able to excel at my weak photography skills, see the world from a different perspective and be able to say I accomplished something that at times probably wasn't easy to do. I know as the days go by coming up with pictures will get difficult, but that will force me to search and discover new things.
My picture for the day is of myself starting out on this grand adventure. I decided to start with a picture of myself and my last photo on day 365 will be of myself. To show how much I've changed/grown in a year!
Wish me luck!
You may ask why even bother doing something like this? Isn't time consuming? Won't you get bored taking photos everyday? Yes I probably will, but I want to do this to be able to excel at my weak photography skills, see the world from a different perspective and be able to say I accomplished something that at times probably wasn't easy to do. I know as the days go by coming up with pictures will get difficult, but that will force me to search and discover new things.
My picture for the day is of myself starting out on this grand adventure. I decided to start with a picture of myself and my last photo on day 365 will be of myself. To show how much I've changed/grown in a year!
Wish me luck!
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